Almost Overnight, Standards of Color-Blind Merit Tumble Across American Society

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Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Racist Democrats have paved the way for skin color to be used for determining who gets what. MLK is rolling over in his grave.

Racist Democrats have paved the way for skin color to be used for determining who gets what. MLK is rolling over in his grave.

How dare you, as a white dude, speak for MLK? You are white. You can't understand MLK's words. No white man can.

Several of our black residents will be here shortly to blacksplain what MLK really meant to say.
Racist Democrats have paved the way for skin color to be used for determining who gets what. MLK is rolling over in his grave.

Seriously? In all honestly, it's been going on for the last 40 years.
Racist Democrats have paved the way for skin color to be used for determining who gets what. MLK is rolling over in his grave.

How dare you, as a white dude, speak for MLK? You are white. You can't understand MLK's words. No white man can.

Several of our black residents will be here shortly to blacksplain what MLK really meant to say.

Indeed. I laugh out loud when a white person (fascist) exclaims that "Blacks can NOT be racist!!"

Good lord..........
It is called "Equality of outcome".
It is the most racist policy in America since slavery ended.
Basically, it's premise and foundation is the outcome of a persons reward for whatever, be it grades, wages etc. - should be the same regardless of how well a person does.

So if you have 50 positions to hire that requires some form of achievement or successful completion of study - there should be 25 minorities hired regardless if they lack achievements.
The outcome is white people will be passed over because they are white.
Racist Democrats have paved the way for skin color to be used for determining who gets what. MLK is rolling over in his grave.

Sucks when you don't get to light the fuse...And society leaves you behind. Have you ever thought of being an independent man and running your own business?
This is DEMOCRAT RACISM on STERIODS. They figure being race pimps has served them well for many decades, but have seen signs they might be losing their iron grip on their black slaves, so it's time to kick the race pimping into overdrive and really stir up the shit. Can't be allowing blacks to think for themselves and possibly leave the plantation. The dems are counting on those votes.
Racist Democrats have paved the way for skin color to be used for determining who gets what. MLK is rolling over in his grave.

How dare you, as a white dude, speak for MLK? You are white. You can't understand MLK's words. No white man can.

Several of our black residents will be here shortly to blacksplain what MLK really meant to say.
MLK would have said the same thing he always said. "Someone get me a drink and where be dat white pussy?"
More and more people, including those anywhere near the center-left, are starting to see the need to pump the breaks on all this extremism. The left quickly became besotted with perceived power and went too far. They convinced themselves that far left ideology had come to represent America. They were wrong, and the pendulum has begun to swing.
Racist Democrats have paved the way for skin color to be used for determining who gets what. MLK is rolling over in his grave.

How dare you, as a white dude, speak for MLK? You are white. You can't understand MLK's words. No white man can.

Several of our black residents will be here shortly to blacksplain what MLK really meant to say.
Thank you for the blatant example of racism.
As a non Christian, you’ll never grasp the words of the Reverend.
More and more people, including those anywhere near the center-left, are starting to see the need to pump the breaks on all this extremism. The left quickly became besotted with perceived power and went too far. They convinced themselves that far left ideology had come to represent America. They were wrong, and the pendulum has begun to swing.
Absolutely, 100%, spot on correct. They know their time is short. They know that next year they're going to lose everything but the white house... and there's even an outside chance they could lose that... depending on how audits turn out.

On top of the election cheating, they've gone too far. They know they've gone too far, but that was their plan. To press ahead with their highly unpopular agenda as far as they could go before an end is put to it. They're never smart enough to just take it easy either, but that works in our favor. Now they've made themselves even more unpopular than they ever were before. To be a leftist in America right now, you are in a HATED MINORITY.
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More and more people, including those anywhere near the center-left, are starting to see the need to pump the breaks on all this extremism. The left quickly became besotted with perceived power and went too far. They convinced themselves that far left ideology had come to represent America. They were wrong, and the pendulum has begun to swing.
I believe that is true. They seem to believe that Biden winning means the country agrees with them.
Racist Democrats have paved the way for skin color to be used for determining who gets what. MLK is rolling over in his grave.

There never were such standards. Race and sex have always been key factors in the selection process.
Racist Democrats have paved the way for skin color to be used for determining who gets what. MLK is rolling over in his grave.

How dare you, as a white dude, speak for MLK? You are white. You can't understand MLK's words. No white man can.

Several of our black residents will be here shortly to blacksplain what MLK really meant to say.
Thank you for the blatant example of racism.
As a non Christian, you’ll never grasp the words of the Reverend.
And as someone who is reading text, you probably didn't get the dripping sarcasm.
More and more people, including those anywhere near the center-left, are starting to see the need to pump the breaks on all this extremism. The left quickly became besotted with perceived power and went too far. They convinced themselves that far left ideology had come to represent America. They were wrong, and the pendulum has begun to swing.
I believe that is true. They seem to believe that Biden winning means the country agrees with them.
Problem is Sniff didn't win. The vast majority of Americans know the election was stolen. Stolen for Sniff, and stolen for God only knows how many other congressional and senate races, and that just makes everything the dems are ramming down America's throat ten times worse. There's a dem blood bath coming.
Racist Democrats have paved the way for skin color to be used for determining who gets what. MLK is rolling over in his grave.

Sucks when you don't get to light the fuse...And society leaves you behind. Have you ever thought of being an independent man and running your own business?
Are you that simple?
You think owning a business stops this kind of racism?
It doesn't.
There are PLENTY of tax benefits I cannot get because I am white, and a male.
There are low interest loans and grants I am not eligible for - because I am white, and I am a male.
There are an increasing number of businesses that won't do business with us - because I am white and I am male.
They are called MOB's and WOB's.
Racist Democrats have paved the way for skin color to be used for determining who gets what. MLK is rolling over in his grave.

Zuckerberg, Dorsey, the Google faggots, Bezos and media are playing a sick game that isn’t sustainable...They wanted to show America how powerful they actually are, they wanted to show that they have complete control of the minds of ignorant Americans, they wanted to show that they can make anything cool for a period...Shit, they took America’s greatest liability (blacks) and turned them into America’s greatest asset almost overnight.
I bet they’re all laughing behind closed doors in total disbelief at the foolish ignorance of Americans.
Racist Democrats have paved the way for skin color to be used for determining who gets what. MLK is rolling over in his grave.

America is completely awash in racist hate and it not dependent on political party preferences.

Trump revived the racism of particularly the US south as his method of gaining popularity with the white majority.

It was and is the same fascist tactic used by Hitler against the Jews.

Blame minorities for a country's failure to provide a decent lifestyle for working class people.

Is Trump, corporate psychopath, going to turn it all around and make it better?

It's already become obvious that Biden can't now, even if he had the will to try.

America is fkd by it's own making.
Trump revived the racism of particularly the US south as his method of gaining popularity with the white majority.
Yet, none of your tards can show us how Trump "revived racism".
Making a promise to protect Americans from the filthy subhumans to our south is what a POTUS is suppose to do Gustavo.
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More and more people, including those anywhere near the center-left, are starting to see the need to pump the breaks on all this extremism. The left quickly became besotted with perceived power and went too far. They convinced themselves that far left ideology had come to represent America. They were wrong, and the pendulum has begun to swing.
Absolutely, 100%, spot on correct. They know their time is short. They know that next year they're going to lose everything but the white house... and there's even an outside chance they could lose that... depending on how audits turn out.

On top of the election cheating, they've gone too far. They know they've gone too far, but that was their plan. To press ahead with their highly unpopular agenda as far as they could go before an end is put to it. They're never smart enough to just take it easy either, but that works in our favor. Now they've made themselves even more unpopular than they ever were before. To be a leftist in America right now, you are in a HATED MINORITY.
Actually, they don't know. They honestly BELIEVE that everyone thinks like they do, and will be SHOCKED, when it all comes tumbling down. They will rail against a 'racist America' that simply can't see what they see. That is why radical leftist fail over and over again, they simply cannot stop themselves from self-destruction. Yet somehow idiots still vote for them every now and then.
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