Alright board,theres totally no free this country..

Theres a difference between criticism,and destroying him.
im out to out and destroy him by his associations and crimes.
he scammed the nation,now its time he goes down,hard and quick.

Congratulations on being placed on yet another federal watch list, you fucking idiot. Make some tea now for the men who will be knocking on your door shortly.

I thought the same thing when I read that. Thing is, I would doubt that would get anyone attention but he has said threatening things about the president before.

And, last I knew, that is illegal.
Ok, vampire, you have the evidence? Then post it here. Right here.You should be able to set up something and put a link to it for USMB members to view. Let's see it.

Don't hold your breath. He promised to email me his 143 page pdf of some nonsense he had made up. I gave him an email address and all of a sudden, he was under orders from the government not to share it.

Wanna bet he'll come up with a similar story for this?

Yeah, I don't really expect the nutjob to produce anything. He makes the guys in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest look like MENSA members. Actually, that's not fair to the characters in that book. Sorry, Ken Kesey, I meant no offense.
I dont want to be made a fool of.
i have some serious damning evidence that validates obamas communist party affiliation.
fat thread posted in conspiracy theories section.
my question is....
who the fuck runs youtube???
the taliban can post american killings there.
i got my audio,converted,uploaded,etc.
however,after i had done so,with a neat bio on the audio tracks...
not only was the evidence removed....
but,my youtube account was cancelled,and my email account with google wiped
off the map...
what happened to free speech???
we are living in scary times.
bush never did this to his critics
i still have the evidence,though

You don't want to be made a fool of but you act the fool. Okay.
I didnt threaten physical harm,what i said isnt illegal.
i will destroy him politically and legally.
I am not afraid to use the constitution vs.a communist.
if joe mccarthy was still alive,these nutjobs like fag neddite and unkotare wouldnt have actions vs.our nation.and obama would be an illegal immigrant waiting for visa status.
Seriously, libs, what the fuck is y'alls problem?

Why haven't you proven the evidence that hasn't been presented wrong yet?
GMY,they know im rigjt...remeber the saying thou protesteth too much????
"protesteth" is not a real word even in Elizabethan english.
Why dont you liberal wastes of sperm prove me wrong?

Why don't you fucking prove yourself right like you have the responsibility burden of god damn proof.

How the fuck did you ever become a city council person(although I know it's just a lie), if you don't even fucking know how the burden of proof works?
Bush cherry picked intelligence and used a questionable link between Hussein and Al Qeada in order to invade Iraq, which the neocons started pushing for in the 90s. When people tried to oppose his policy, he bullied them as traitors. American's were intimidated from questioning government.

Son, here is what I'm saying: your party used the War on Terrorism to shut down free speech.

And it's not over. After the next homeland attack, your party will completely shut down our right to protest government. They have already laid the foundation for it. Anyone who questions foreign policy will be silenced.

How do you think the Bush administration got the NYT to roll over on the Iraq War? - or to suppress the domestic wiretapping program on the eve of the 2004 election. If the Republicans can shut down the NTY, the game is over. There is no opposition to GOP Government. (post: you ain't seen nothing yet. Watch what they do after the next attack, just watch)

Talk - Naomi Wolf - The End of America - YouTube

That is an EXCELLENT video!!
Come on, Vampy, you have free speech hear on USMB. Let's hear this 'evidence'. :eusa_whistle:

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