Alright islamophobes, take a shot of truth serum then answer this question

hate is too strong of a word to use in this context.. think of it this way......
Ok fair enough.

This one morning, back in 2001, I woke up to about a dozen phone calls in one half hour. It was my dad in a huge panic. My mother was in New York on business, and 9-11 just happened. He couldn't get her on the phone. It took 4 hours to get in touch with her. Both of us spent 4 hours of hell wondering if she was ok. Luckily, she was, and she was nowhere close to the towers. She had put her phone on silent the night before because she worked late and didn't wanna be woken up while sleeping in the next day.

But, I then realized: Had she been in or near those towers, those fucking Muslim pigs would've happily killed her along with the others.

Then I watched the news and saw the Palestinians celebrating the slaughter of a family of 5 a few weeks ago, including the stabbing and slitting of the throats of CHILDREN. The Muslim pigs danced in the streets and handed out candy to celebrate.

I then realized: I've never been attacked by a bear. I've never been close to a bear. But I've seen and heard enough stories about bears attacking people to know it's wise to stay away from bears.

Must I or someone I love become a direct victim of Islam to have the right to fear it?????

So, all Muslims are bears to you?

Nice try dyke, but you're gonna have to have more substance in your argument than that.

So I ask I or someone I love have to become the direct victim of something to fear it? How many people do any of us know that have been bitten by a shark? How many of us would sprint out of the water if we heard "SHARK" while in the ocean at the beach?

Or, are you going to take a stance that radical Islam has not shown itself as a consistent threat to human safety over the last 10 years?

Did you hear about those Israeli "movers" and "art students" who were photographing the twin towers from a rooftop and dancing when the planes hit? They said they were "documenting" the attacks. Wonder how they knew they were going to happen? Hmmm? And the white van full of Israeli "art students" who were stopped on a bridge into the city and possessed box-knives and other suspicious paraphernalia? Or what about the 200-odd Israeli spies who were released to go home to Israel just after the WTC tragedy? Why weren't these facts played up in the news more than they were? Hmmm?
I want you to tell me about a personal experience with an american muslim or if possible multiple experiences you've had that contribute to you hating muslims.

This is the biggest troll post I've seen so far on this site, and that's a pretty high standard. Well done
Why not answer a basic question?

I'm trying to get my mind around the mentality of the shit you post. It is my sincerest hope that you are just young and naive and not as dumb as you appear.

Good point, I can only imagine how much higher your IQ is than mine..........................

You probably don't even need to put up wallpaper, I imagine all your degrees/mba's and doctorates cover the wall.

Wallpaper is very yesterday.
I want you to tell me about a personal experience with an american muslim or if possible multiple experiences you've had that contribute to you hating muslims.
You know that "phobia" is "fear", not "hatred" - right?
I want you to tell me about a personal experience with an american muslim or if possible multiple experiences you've had that contribute to you hating muslims.

Do you think Muslims have to fear xtians? hows the kill ratio going?
The "xtians" are winning by a landslide,Ask any Iraqi.

Really? I must have missed that the memo that said the US was at war to promote Christianity. I can't believe I missed all the videos of our soldiers screaming "Jesus is Great" before slicing someone's head off.

In all seriousness, the argument that this is a battle of Christians against Muslims is false. The Muslims are fighting a religious war. We're not. We're just trying to remind them to never send their fucking martyrs here again.
I want you to tell me about a personal experience with an american muslim or if possible multiple experiences you've had that contribute to you being an islamophobe.

Ok fair enough.

This one morning, back in 2001, I woke up to about a dozen phone calls in one half hour. It was my dad in a huge panic. My mother was in New York on business, and 9-11 just happened. He couldn't get her on the phone. It took 4 hours to get in touch with her. Both of us spent 4 hours of hell wondering if she was ok. Luckily, she was, and she was nowhere close to the towers. She had put her phone on silent the night before because she worked late and didn't wanna be woken up while sleeping in the next day.

But, I then realized: Had she been in or near those towers, those fucking Muslim pigs would've happily killed her along with the others.

Then I watched the news and saw the Palestinians celebrating the slaughter of a family of 5 a few weeks ago, including the stabbing and slitting of the throats of CHILDREN. The Muslim pigs danced in the streets and handed out candy to celebrate.

I then realized: I've never been attacked by a bear. I've never been close to a bear. But I've seen and heard enough stories about bears attacking people to know it's wise to stay away from bears.

Must I or someone I love become a direct victim of Islam to have the right to fear it?????

So, all Muslims are bears to you?

I don't think all Muslims are bears, but, could you point out which of the Muslims that routinely post to this board have denounced the slaughter of those UN workers and their Nepalese guards? So far, I can't find any of them that have.
Ok fair enough.

This one morning, back in 2001, I woke up to about a dozen phone calls in one half hour. It was my dad in a huge panic. My mother was in New York on business, and 9-11 just happened. He couldn't get her on the phone. It took 4 hours to get in touch with her. Both of us spent 4 hours of hell wondering if she was ok. Luckily, she was, and she was nowhere close to the towers. She had put her phone on silent the night before because she worked late and didn't wanna be woken up while sleeping in the next day.

But, I then realized: Had she been in or near those towers, those fucking Muslim pigs

would've happily killed her along with the others.

You mad, bro?

Then I watched the news and saw the Palestinians celebrating the slaughter of a family of 5 a few weeks ago, including the stabbing and slitting of the throats of CHILDREN. The Muslim pigs danced in the streets and handed out candy to celebrate.

Was it ever truly established just who performed those killings? Palestinians have just as much right to dance in the streets as Israelis have to dance on a rooftop while filming the WTC attacks.

I then realized: I've never been attacked by a bear. I've never been close to a bear. But I've seen and heard enough stories about bears attacking people to know it's wise to stay away from bears.

Must I or someone I love become a direct victim of Islam to have the right to fear it?????

No, you may fear anything and everything you wish to fear.

So, all Muslims are bears to you?

Nice try dyke, but you're gonna have to have more substance in your argument than that.

So I ask I or someone I love have to become the direct victim of something to fear it? How many people do any of us know that have been bitten by a shark? How many of us would sprint out of the water if we heard "SHARK" while in the ocean at the beach?

Or, are you going to take a stance that radical Islam has not shown itself as a consistent threat to human safety over the last 10 years?

Not as much as radical Zionism has shown itself to be for the last 100 years. Give the Palestinians back their land.
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No, you may fear anything and everything you wish to fear.

So, all Muslims are bears to you?

Nice try dyke, but you're gonna have to have more substance in your argument than that.

So I ask I or someone I love have to become the direct victim of something to fear it? How many people do any of us know that have been bitten by a shark? How many of us would sprint out of the water if we heard "SHARK" while in the ocean at the beach?

Or, are you going to take a stance that radical Islam has not shown itself as a consistent threat to human safety over the last 10 years?

Not as much as radical Zionism has shown itself to be for the last 100 years. Give the Palestinians back their land.

What are Palestinians?
No, you may fear anything and everything you wish to fear.

So, all Muslims are bears to you?

Nice try dyke, but you're gonna have to have more substance in your argument than that.

So I ask I or someone I love have to become the direct victim of something to fear it? How many people do any of us know that have been bitten by a shark? How many of us would sprint out of the water if we heard "SHARK" while in the ocean at the beach?

Or, are you going to take a stance that radical Islam has not shown itself as a consistent threat to human safety over the last 10 years?

Not as much as radical Zionism has shown itself to be for the last 100 years. Give the Palestinians back their land.

Where on this fucking earth did you learn that it was okay to call people "dykes"?
Give the Palestinians back their land
Define this.

The West Bank/Gaza?
This land isn't theirs. It used to belong to Jordan/Egypt, who lost that land in wars thay they started.

Or do you, like the PLO, see the land oif Israel proper as "Palestine", and seek the removal of the state of Israel, in toto?

Either way: Your demads are non-starters.

To create demands that cannot be met and use the failure ot meet those demands as an excuse for war illustrates, necessarily, the futility of negotiation.
The 9-11 hijackers were American Muslims for practical purposes. With our immigration standards, when you step foot on US soil you're basically American, we have no real borders.

The Fort Hood killer was as American as they get. He was a Captain in the US Army.

ILet me ask you: Would you swim in a pool with a great white shark? No? Why not? Have you or anyone you know ever been bitten by one? Has anyone you know ever even been near one? No? But you've seen them on tv? So your opinion on great white sharks is based only on what you saw on tv?????

When those who practice radical Islam say they will cut throats of non-believers, then commit suicide bombins worldwide, and behead people in the name of Allah, I do not need to wait for myself or a family member to become a victim in order to use intelligence to know that there is a threat to be aware of. If you don't agree with that......then come with me, I have a pool with a shark in it that you can swim in.

I have a higher standard for determining whether or not I'll hate billions of people.

I think comparing one shark to another is easy, comparing one person to another is much more difficult.

So if someone gave me examples of a billion muslims being immoral, that'd be one thing, maybe then I'd judge. But the actions of a few dozen, or a few hundred, or a few thousand or even a few million won't make me judge the other billions.Call me crazy.

Well, stick yer head back up yer ass then.. see if we care. :cuckoo:

Oh, now that was a real classy remark. Do you realize just how ignorant it makes you look? And who is "we?" You and your gerbil?
I want you to tell me about a personal experience with an american muslim or if possible multiple experiences you've had that contribute to you hating muslims.

Strawman. You assume anyone who fears the spread of Islam must "hate Muslims".

Islam is a cult religion based on a lie told by a pedophile false prophet. Having a "personal experience" with an "American Muslim" good or bad isn't going to change the truth about Islam. Although I find it curious you want to limit it to American Muslims as if nationality has anything to do with the religious ideology.
I have a higher standard for determining whether or not I'll hate billions of people.

I think comparing one shark to another is easy, comparing one person to another is much more difficult.

So if someone gave me examples of a billion muslims being immoral, that'd be one thing, maybe then I'd judge. But the actions of a few dozen, or a few hundred, or a few thousand or even a few million won't make me judge the other billions.Call me crazy.

Well, stick yer head back up yer ass then.. see if we care. :cuckoo:

Oh, now that was a real classy remark. Do you realize just how ignorant it makes you look? And who is "we?" You and your gerbil?

you sound really damn "errrr" """"quirky" no really you dew!
Nobody has a scary story about american muslims? Not even one?

Where would the hate come from if we didn't have modern technology?
Nobody has a scary story about american muslims? Not even one?

Where would the hate come from if we didn't have modern technology?

The hate is coming from you, you're the one who owes us a story of what some evil Republican did to you

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