Alucard's Dark City: TrumpUSA


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Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA remind you of vampirism?

Can we turn David Koresh into Captain America?

This can actually be fun...




Alucard was a wandering prince-mercenary and vampire and was fascinated by TrumpUSA and America's unique brand of 'consumerism-culture' (i.e.,, Wall Street, Facebook, Wal-Mart, Toys 'R Us, Planet Hollywood, etc., etc.). Alucard was from Prague but he wanted to study the urban heartbeat of modern America. Alucard was aware that there was a secret vampire-cult in America known as 'Hyrda' and he wanted to infiltrate its structure and spy on its social agenda. TrumpUSA was after all a commerce cyclone...


Alucard came across a Marvel Comics issue about the super-villain Gray Goblin (real name: Gabriel Stacy). Gray Goblin was a mutated son-of-perdition who soared on a jet-glider and behaved like a hellraising urban terrorist. Alucard knew Gray Goblin was a paragon of modern American paranoia regarding traffic-anarchy and urban crime and of course terrorism. Alucard wanted to market/hype Gray Goblin, so he employed himself to the CIA so he could contribute to America's special powerhouse brand of capitalism energy. Alucard loved Heinz ketchup and V8 tomato-juice, and he consumed them like a true 'patriotic consumer' while reading Gray Goblin stories and helping the CIA deal with anti-capitalism terrorism-traffic (while simultaneously infiltrating Hydra). Alucard knew Gray Goblin was his favorite comic book villain...


Alucard always wore a red suit and hat and tie and usually carried two impressive hand-guns. Alucard worked with urban gangs and crime syndicates believed to be tied to terrorist organizations such as ISIS and Cobra. Alucard infiltrated Hydra (the vampire cult in America) as well and discovered that Hydra's vampires/minions intended to create havoc in Washington, D.C. on the 4th of July. Alucard informed the CIA and then proceeded to destabilize Hydra's power-structure and leadership. He even slept with the wife of Hydra's main general and obtained information necessary to undo the general...


Alucard was first-and-foremost concerned with how capitalism in the modern world (a system based on contracts and leverage) was constructing an ominously prophetic 'dark city' of ruthless and monotonous selfish ambitions and gluttonous consumption. America (and TrumpUSA) was destined to become a hellmouth or hellhole of nearly-automatic merciless competitive behaviors. The traditional 'frenzy' of shoppers you saw every Black Friday (the annual shopping-day following Thanksgiving in America) would soon become roaming demons of consumerism-oriented capitalism bloodthirst! This 'dark city' was what drew Alucard to America and he was determined to detangle Hydra's seething influence and capitalism-related turbulence before returning to his 'vampire-mercy haven' in Prague. Would TrumpUSA really become a weird Burger King smoked dark city? Alucard was an anti-hero...


Alucard knew if Hydra remained in power, TrumpUSA (and America) would really descend into the depths of darkness. Capitalism was more or less harmless but it was the way that people treated capitalism that made it a system of great potential turbulence (and dangerous competitiveness). The World Bank could become a 'fascist monolith'; IBM would seem like a 'monster'; the Security Council (of the United Nations) would feel 'lame'; Wall Street would become a den of 'wolves'; American cities would be 'crime ditches.' Hydra would be the new Third Reich. How would this affect gender-politics? How would this affect education? How would this affect metaphysics and religion? How would this affect capitalism-critics and philosophers? Alucard knew Hydra (as the new Third Reich) would be a conceptual 'base-station' of ultimate loveless bloodlust...


Alucard investigated an eerie crime-organization (a gang) in L.A. known as the Snakes which engaged in weekend night-fights in their warehouse which contained a fenced ring. The fighters fought with spiked wooden clubs and the gang was comprised of people from around the world. The Snakes were not as influential or potent or powerful as Hydra, but they were just as evil. The Snakes were not vampires, but they were certainly 'warriors.' Alucard attended one of the ring-fights during the Snakes' meeting one Saturday night and noted how the tone and atmosphere of the fight that night more or less captured all the 'anti-pedestrian commercial traffic angst' of TrumpUSA. Alucard wondered if the Snakes gang was the new Helter-Skelter...


Alucard met a beautiful female vampire named Akashi, a member of Hydra who defected and started helping Alucard when he started falling in love with her. Akashi warned Alucard not to fall in love with her since she, like him, was a wanderer at heart. Akashi wanted to help Alucard detangle all this modern vampirism-oriented eeriness in America (and 'TrumpUSA'). Akashi explained to Alucard that the metaphysical signature of modern civilization was a 'civil-networking apathy' (so he shouldn't expect much gratitude or even sanity). Alucard wondered if Akashi was a 'messenger' of sovereignty (like Joan of Arc!)...


ALUCARD: I think America has potential...
AKASHI: You're an idealist.
ALUCARD: Don't you think TrumpUSA could become fun?
AKASHI: There're so many protesters, criminals, and even wolves.
ALUCARD: Right; but there's networking potential.
AKASHI: Whatever you're doing with the CIA and Hydra has to work.
ALUCARD: My experience with the Snakes suggests America is a 'cauldron.'
AKASHI: I suppose you're the Messianic warlock, Alucard!
ALUCARD: I hope I am, Akashi...
AKASHI: American kids water-guns and dolls.
ALUCARD: But they can be raised to be conscientious consumers!
AKASHI: Why do you care so much about capitalism?
ALUCARD: Hey, I love V8.
AKASHI: Well, a juice-drinking vampire might not save the world.
ALUCARD: Why not? There's always room for optimism and excitement.
AKASHI: What happens when you discover the heart of darkness?
ALUCARD: What's the 'heart of darkness' (really)?
AKASHI: Apathy towards love...
ALUCARD: Consumerism can breed love (e.g., Toys 'R Us, Facebook).
AKASHI: You have to sell Marvel's Gray Goblin to little girls, Alucard(!)...
ALUCARD: I know that; but it's possible!
AKASHI: Turning American apathy into consumerism creativity is tough.
ALUCARD: I foresee kids reading comic books about fashion-oriented courage.
AKASHI: You have great vision, but TrumpUSA is filled with sharks(!).
ALUCARD: You and I should get married and serve as 'urban royalty.'
AKASHI: You're a mercenary; you'll return to Prague once you've 'won.'
ALUCARD: This will be a Christian victory, my dear.
AKASHI: We'll see if you're really like 'Indiana Jones.'
ALUCARD: God bless America!




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