Am I the only athiest on here, who when...

Nobody gives a crap what Dr. Chump believes or doesn't believe.

Is there divine Creator? I don't know for sure. It's all a matter of belief and/or faith.

One can Believe in God and get ridiculed by some pompous asshole like Dr. Chump.

One may be an agnostic (i.e., admit that he or she doesn't "know" and choose to express such doubt).

Or one may be an atheist and express the belief (but again, it's JUST a belief) that there is no God.

Why atheists pretend that their mere belief is superior to the beliefs of people of religious faith is a bit of a mystery.

People like Dr. Chump are just arrogant pantloads.

And yet here you are contributing to this thread..

...I'm not so much arrogant as surprised....

I don't think my belief is superior, just right - and there is a difference.

You THINK you're right..not actually right. Nobody knows they're right.
However, when a religious person knocks on our door and invites us to their church I thank them, afterall they have nothing but positive intent.
But an atheist has nothing positive to offer. Their intent is rarely positive, usually ranging from smug self promotion or just plain insulting.
What their "intent" is, is quite debatable. Many are just looking to recruit tithers.

I've never had an Atheist knock on my door for any reason.

Not one man in a thousand has either strength of mind or goodness of heart to be an Atheist.
-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
...they read posts by the true-blue god botherers (ie, The Light), it only reinforces the fact there is no god? And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits

I think of it more that if "god" is anything like the current set of christians / muslims / jews etc think he is than I would rather avoid him for eternity anyway because he is quite the asshole and I would find the "devil" fully justified in attempting to rebel against him
Nobody gives a crap what Dr. Chump believes or doesn't believe.

Is there divine Creator? I don't know for sure. It's all a matter of belief and/or faith.

One can Believe in God and get ridiculed by some pompous asshole like Dr. Chump.

One may be an agnostic (i.e., admit that he or she doesn't "know" and choose to express such doubt).

Or one may be an atheist and express the belief (but again, it's JUST a belief) that there is no God.

Why atheists pretend that their mere belief is superior to the beliefs of people of religious faith is a bit of a mystery.

People like Dr. Chump are just arrogant pantloads.

And yet here you are contributing to this thread..

...I'm not so much arrogant as surprised....

I don't think my belief is superior, just right - and there is a difference.

You THINK you're right..not actually right. Nobody knows they're right.

FTR, Grump says here that he thinks his belief is right as he also acknowledges a few times in a few different ways that he also knows he could be wrong.

IMO, the only one coming across here like a cocky arrogant bastard is Liability.
Grump, people like to think they think - I think it was Nietzsche who said, never look too close at an experience you may see its emptiness.

"When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion." Abraham Lincoln
"My religion is kindness . . . ." - Fourteenth Dali Lama of Tibet
God is irrational.

But I see no downside in believing in God.

I do see a lot of downside in believing in dogmatic religion, however.

God is nothing but rational. Maybe you just don't understand enough to recognize that.

Since you cannot prove that God exists, God by definition is irrational. That is why people say they believe in God. Nobody says they believe in the sun or gravity since there is physical proof. But the absence of God requires a suspension of the scientific process to believe in it. Its no different than believing in ferries or ghosts.

That doesn't mean God doesn't exist. What it means is that we cannot prove God exists. If God does exist, and mankind is unable to prove the existence of God, that is due to the limitations of mankind, not of God. But until that time, God is irrational.
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God is irrational.

But I see no downside in believing in God.

I do see a lot of downside in believing in dogmatic religion, however.

God is nothing but rational. Maybe you just don't understand enough to recognize that.

Since you cannot prove that God exists, God by definition is irrational. That is why people say they believe in God. Nobody says they believe in the sun or gravity since there is physical proof. But the absence of God requires a suspension of the scientific process to believe in it. Its no different than believing in ferries or ghosts.

That doesn't mean God doesn't exist. What it means is that we cannot prove God exists. If God does exist, and mankind is unable to prove the existence of God, that is due to the limitations of mankind, not of God. But until that time, God is irrational.

If God exists, my inability to prove His existence does not make God irrational.

It might be closer to the truth to say that my "belief" is irrational since my belief can't be proved.

But IF God exists, His rationality is not dependent upon my ability to prove that He exists.
...they read posts by the true-blue god botherers (ie, The Light), it only reinforces the fact there is no god? And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits

I think that, if there is a GOD, he (or she) prefers the Agnostics, and the Atheists but especially the Agnostics, because they have the chutzpah to question the validity of his (or her) existence as opposed to those who unquestionable follow out of faith.

I can't imagine that there is a God you would instill in us as a people intelligence and curiosity and then expect us to blindly follow anything without first giving pause to question it, think about it, or wonder.

Now, this is just what I think and it should not be construed as a knock against the faithful. I take no issue with what you choose to believe.
I don't think that's what Dr Grump did...Do you???

You don't pick up nuance all that well, do you?

No, I missed where he denigrated anyone's beliefs here...

Maybe you can "track" it for me?

His opinion -- and the expression of his mere opinion -- is all well and good as far as declaring where he stands on this issue of beliefs. Where his opinion ceases to matter is at that point where -- being the arrogant cock that he is -- he finds it necessary to denigrate the religious beliefs of folks who disagree with him. If you cannot track that part of it, then it's entirely on you, Jilly.

Of course. Since you are being such an obtuse arrogant little snitty bitch, I'll deign to assist you.

See his OP.

If you need further assistance, I will try to get reality to penetrate your unusually impervious brain.
You don't pick up nuance all that well, do you?

No, I missed where he denigrated anyone's beliefs here...

Maybe you can "track" it for me?

His opinion -- and the expression of his mere opinion -- is all well and good as far as declaring where he stands on this issue of beliefs. Where his opinion ceases to matter is at that point where -- being the arrogant cock that he is -- he finds it necessary to denigrate the religious beliefs of folks who disagree with him. If you cannot track that part of it, then it's entirely on you, Jilly.

Of course. Since you are being such an obtuse arrogant little snitty bitch, I'll deign to assist you.

See his OP.

If you need further assistance, I will try to get reality to penetrate your unusually impervious brain.

Aaah so the big "nuance" is that THE LIGHT is your sockpuppet...Got it! :thup:

No, I missed where he denigrated anyone's beliefs here...

Maybe you can "track" it for me?

First off, stupid, what the idiot Chump said was that it is a "fact" that there is no God. That's not a "fact." It is mere belief.

Secondly, nitwit, what the fucktard Chump said was "And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits." In short, in the estimation of that blowhard gasbag, Chump, anybody who believes in a Divine Creator is a "recruit" in whom the Almighty would necessarily be disappointed.

Aside from the contradictions inherent in his post, the moron, Chump, is most certainly being a condescending ass-wipe with regard to all who don't believe as he does.

His opinion -- and the expression of his mere opinion -- is all well and good as far as declaring where he stands on this issue of beliefs. Where his opinion ceases to matter is at that point where -- being the arrogant cock that he is -- he finds it necessary to denigrate the religious beliefs of folks who disagree with him. If you cannot track that part of it, then it's entirely on you, Jilly.

Of course. Since you are being such an obtuse arrogant little snitty bitch, I'll deign to assist you.

See his OP.

If you need further assistance, I will try to get reality to penetrate your unusually impervious brain.

Aaah so the big "nuance" is that THE LIGHT is your sockpuppet...Got it! :thup:


as always, you (being a dumbass) missed the point.

Not surprising.


Here is what Chump, the dick-stain, said: "And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits."

So if one disagrees with Chump's opinion (belief) then one is a "recruit" and a recruit in whom the Almighty would be disappointed. But go ahead and defend the pussy as though what he said wasn't clear, and plainly arrogant and ridiculous! :thup:

Further, if you'd bother to read his OP, you'd see that Chump, the fucktard, said that it is a "fact" that there is no God. And of course, that's NOT a fact. It is his mere belief.
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Of course. Since you are being such an obtuse arrogant little snitty bitch, I'll deign to assist you.

See his OP.

If you need further assistance, I will try to get reality to penetrate your unusually impervious brain.

Aaah so the big "nuance" is that THE LIGHT is your sockpuppet...Got it! :thup:


as always, you (being a dumbass) missed the point.

Not surprising.


From post number 6 in this thread:

Nobody gives a crap what Dr. Chump believes or doesn't believe.

People like Dr. Chump are just arrogant pantloads.

I see here that you harbor anger toward Dr Grump and call him names based on nothing I can actually see in this thread so I figure maybe there's something I missed that pissed you off about him. I make a few simple posts trying to clarify.

Now I see you call ME an arrogant bitch and insult me from reply one which only makes me dismiss your charges toward Grump altogether. Well done!

Lol you rely on crying NUANCE while I just read the words on the page, stupid stupid me. :lol:

Liability has a point, but it's a secret! :eusa_shhh:
Aaah so the big "nuance" is that THE LIGHT is your sockpuppet...Got it! :thup:


as always, you (being a dumbass) missed the point.

Not surprising.


From post number 6 in this thread:

Nobody gives a crap what Dr. Chump believes or doesn't believe.

People like Dr. Chump are just arrogant pantloads.

I see here that you harbor anger toward Dr Grump and call him names based on nothing I can actually see in this thread so I figure maybe there's something I missed that pissed you off about him. I make a few simple posts trying to clarify.

Now I see you call ME an arrogant bitch and insult me from reply one which only makes me dismiss your charges toward Grump altogether. Well done!

Lol you rely on crying NUANCE while I just read the words on the page, stupid stupid me. :lol:

Liability has a point, but it's a secret! :eusa_shhh:

Well, you get partial credit. AFTER I fucking flat out TOLD you that Chump has a history, you figure it out! Good girl. :clap2:

Further, however, the point is that you defended the shit-head, Chump, on the basis that YOU had "missed" where he denigrated anyone's beliefs. IF you missed it, you DO suck at nuance.

Read my prior post as it got EDITED between this post and your last post. Maybe it will clear shit up for you. But I am not holding my breath.

You don't seem like the kind of lass who can admit when she's wrong.
Here is what Chump, the dick-stain, said: "And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits."

So if one disagrees with Chump's opinion (belief) then one is a "recruit" and a recruit in whom the Almighty would be disappointed. But go ahead and defend the pussy as though what he said wasn't clear, and plainly arrogant and ridiculous! :thup:

Further, if you'd bother to read his OP, you'd see that Chump, the fucktard, said that it is a "fact" that there is no God. And of course, that's NOT a fact. It is his mere belief.

He's only trying to say that posters like THE LIGHT make religious people look bad..Ever consider it is YOU that is missing the NUANCE? :lol:
as always, you (being a dumbass) missed the point.

Not surprising.


From post number 6 in this thread:

Nobody gives a crap what Dr. Chump believes or doesn't believe.

People like Dr. Chump are just arrogant pantloads.

I see here that you harbor anger toward Dr Grump and call him names based on nothing I can actually see in this thread so I figure maybe there's something I missed that pissed you off about him. I make a few simple posts trying to clarify.

Now I see you call ME an arrogant bitch and insult me from reply one which only makes me dismiss your charges toward Grump altogether. Well done!

Lol you rely on crying NUANCE while I just read the words on the page, stupid stupid me. :lol:

Liability has a point, but it's a secret! :eusa_shhh:

Well, you get partial credit. AFTER I fucking flat out TOLD you that Chump has a history, you figure it out! Good girl. :clap2:

Further, however, the point is that you defended the shit-head, Chump, on the basis that YOU had "missed" where he denigrated anyone's beliefs. IF you missed it, you DO suck at nuance.

Read my prior post as it got EDITED between this post and your last post. Maybe it will clear shit up for you. But I am not holding my breath.

You don't seem like the kind of lass who can admit when she's wrong.

Wrong. :lol:

Maybe you're the kind of lad that takes everything way too personally on a message board? I dare you to prove me wrong. :razz:
From post number 6 in this thread:

I see here that you harbor anger toward Dr Grump and call him names based on nothing I can actually see in this thread so I figure maybe there's something I missed that pissed you off about him. I make a few simple posts trying to clarify.

Now I see you call ME an arrogant bitch and insult me from reply one which only makes me dismiss your charges toward Grump altogether. Well done!

Lol you rely on crying NUANCE while I just read the words on the page, stupid stupid me. :lol:

Liability has a point, but it's a secret! :eusa_shhh:

Well, you get partial credit. AFTER I fucking flat out TOLD you that Chump has a history, you figure it out! Good girl. :clap2:

Further, however, the point is that you defended the shit-head, Chump, on the basis that YOU had "missed" where he denigrated anyone's beliefs. IF you missed it, you DO suck at nuance.

Read my prior post as it got EDITED between this post and your last post. Maybe it will clear shit up for you. But I am not holding my breath.

You don't seem like the kind of lass who can admit when she's wrong.

Wrong. :lol:

Maybe you're the kind of lad that takes everything way too personally on a message board? I dare you to prove me wrong. :razz:

You just proved me right. You obviously cannot admit it when you're wrong. :razz:
Aaah so the big "nuance" is that THE LIGHT is your sockpuppet...Got it! :thup:


as always, you (being a dumbass) missed the point.

Not surprising.


From post number 6 in this thread:

Nobody gives a crap what Dr. Chump believes or doesn't believe.

People like Dr. Chump are just arrogant pantloads.

I see here that you harbor anger toward Dr Grump and call him names based on nothing I can actually see in this thread so I figure maybe there's something I missed that pissed you off about him. I make a few simple posts trying to clarify.

Now I see you call ME an arrogant bitch and insult me from reply one which only makes me dismiss your charges toward Grump altogether. Well done!

Lol you rely on crying NUANCE while I just read the words on the page, stupid stupid me. :lol:

Liability has a point, but it's a secret! :eusa_shhh:

Suffice it to say that Mr. Grump's name fits.


"And that's all I have to say about that." - Forrest Gump

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