Am I the only one who sees the glaring flaw in the "logic" here?

The term "political correctness is often code, and it's been pretty well established that many whites prefer them good ole days where segregation was still the law of the land. It felt like a safe space to them.

It's been pretty well established that you are a bigoted, hateful moron.
Stay in your safe space shoog.

Addle-brained as usual. I'm not the one who advocates for and supports the ideology that results in Safe Space Newspeak Brainscrubbing.

Sure you do, you just want it your way.

^^^ Diagnosis: Projection ^^^
If you have nothing left why don't we just leave it?
Most of the ugliness here from the far right comes from people in their sixties and older.

They are dying off, the world of their youth is gone forever, and the Republic is different from then and will continue to be so.

All of their crying means absolutely nothing in reality. Nothing.
I wish you were right, Jake, but this theory is not true. The kids learn their attitudes from their parents, same as they've always done. Some learn different in school, but a lot of them have also learned that their teachers are fucked, so they don't listen to them, either. It's a much more hateful world than you imagine.
Public universities are funded by the taxpayers, dumbass.
And it is up to students and their parents to decide where they go and who they will support dumbass.
I don't the option of not paying for it, dumbass.
You ain't paid for shit your whole life.

Apparently obvious lies are what you have devolved to.

You post that as if you have a problem with it, and your other posts illustrate that you don't at all.
Chronic lying is the reason I despise left-wingers so much.
So Mr. Sean Ryan here of Columbia University is on to discuss (promote?) a couple of "safe spaces" that Columbia has set up for their African-American students and their homosexual students. Tucker Carlson of Fox News wisely points out that this is going back to the days of segregation - and defeats the argument that diversity is critical.

Here is where things get really bizarre - Sean Ryan states that these spaces are vital because "isolationism" has caused a host of serious issues for students - including suicide. Yet neither he nor Tucker Carlson saw the obvious flaw here: creating these spaces is causing the isolation. When you take a subset of people out of their community and place them in rooms with a small group of people exactly like them - you have isolated them from the rest of their community. :eusa_doh:

Yes, I see the questionable logic here as well as the total disconnect from reality. When I was in college, segregation was still legal, but many, if not most, places had already desegregated. Certainly that was the case with most universities. So among my classmates in college were black people, brown people, Asian people, local Indians, a smattering of foreign student, along with white people who made up the majority.

But that was in the days before political correctness became a religion, but good manners and courtesy was expected of all in the culture. So bullying was not a blood sport and the student body did not go out of their way to make the minority students feel different or in need of a safe space.

That was also when universities encouraged critical thinking, logic, reason, and consideration and exchange of all manner of ideas. We had speakers on campus ranging from everything from the Temperance Society, Birchers, Communists, environmentalists, and military experts, and would you believe not a single student needed a 'safe space' to protect them from unpopular theories or ideology different from their own? And nobody would presume to be unkind or hostile to or treat any of those speakers with anything other than the utmost respect.

I long for higher education to return to a culture of good manners and respect and allow exchange of ideas and differences of opinion instead of being high priced indoctrination centers.

The term "political correctness is often code, and it's been pretty well established that many whites prefer them good ole days where segregation was still the law of the land. It felt like a safe space to them.

"Code" is "code" for I am a pussy troll who really has nothing valid to add so he/she will just act tough. If one needs a "safe space because one is terrified of "micro aggressions" one should just crawl back into mommy's basement where one can feel "safe".

Take care and say hello to your mom for me.
And it is up to students and their parents to decide where they go and who they will support dumbass.
I don't the option of not paying for it, dumbass.
You ain't paid for shit your whole life.

Apparently obvious lies are what you have devolved to.

You post that as if you have a problem with it, and your other posts illustrate that you don't at all.
Chronic lying is the reason I despise left-wingers so much.
Apparenlty you have a different code of behavior for yourself. Typical of any who use partisanshithead labels.
I don't the option of not paying for it, dumbass.
You ain't paid for shit your whole life.

Apparently obvious lies are what you have devolved to.

You post that as if you have a problem with it, and your other posts illustrate that you don't at all.
Chronic lying is the reason I despise left-wingers so much.
Apparenlty you have a different code of behavior for yourself. Typical of any who use partisanshithead labels.
What have I lied about?
I don't the option of not paying for it, dumbass.
You ain't paid for shit your whole life.

Apparently obvious lies are what you have devolved to.

You post that as if you have a problem with it, and your other posts illustrate that you don't at all.
Chronic lying is the reason I despise left-wingers so much.
Apparenlty you have a different code of behavior for yourself. Typical of any who use partisanshithead labels.

Sorry kid, you're the whiny ass talking about "code". It pains you that adults call you out on your bullshit and mommy's not here for you to hide behind.
So Mr. Sean Ryan here of Columbia University is on to discuss (promote?) a couple of "safe spaces" that Columbia has set up for their African-American students and their homosexual students. Tucker Carlson of Fox News wisely points out that this is going back to the days of segregation - and defeats the argument that diversity is critical.

Here is where things get really bizarre - Sean Ryan states that these spaces are vital because "isolationism" has caused a host of serious issues for students - including suicide. Yet neither he nor Tucker Carlson saw the obvious flaw here: creating these spaces is causing the isolation. When you take a subset of people out of their community and place them in rooms with a small group of people exactly like them - you have isolated them from the rest of their community. :eusa_doh:

Yes, I see the questionable logic here as well as the total disconnect from reality. When I was in college, segregation was still legal, but many, if not most, places had already desegregated. Certainly that was the case with most universities. So among my classmates in college were black people, brown people, Asian people, local Indians, a smattering of foreign student, along with white people who made up the majority.

But that was in the days before political correctness became a religion, but good manners and courtesy was expected of all in the culture. So bullying was not a blood sport and the student body did not go out of their way to make the minority students feel different or in need of a safe space.

That was also when universities encouraged critical thinking, logic, reason, and consideration and exchange of all manner of ideas. We had speakers on campus ranging from everything from the Temperance Society, Birchers, Communists, environmentalists, and military experts, and would you believe not a single student needed a 'safe space' to protect them from unpopular theories or ideology different from their own? And nobody would presume to be unkind or hostile to or treat any of those speakers with anything other than the utmost respect.

I long for higher education to return to a culture of good manners and respect and allow exchange of ideas and differences of opinion instead of being high priced indoctrination centers.

a culture of good manners and respect and allow exchange of ideas and differences of opinion
If that were the case, no one would be asking for safe spaces. Respect, good manners and allowing for the exchange of ideas goes both ways. The people here calling college students "weenies" for asking for a place they won't be harassed is an indication of how intolerant some people still are. I think.

Would you be as tolerant if it was conservative students who want somewhere they wouldn't be subject to constant preaching by the 'weenies'? Would you be as tolerant if white students wanted a place where they could discuss race relations without harassment from the militant minorities? Are you as tolerant of the loud protest turned violent at Berkeley to prevent a conservative speaker from speaking to the few conservative students there?

Courtesy, tolerance, and good manners have to go both ways, not just toward those we most approve of.
This is the time of their life when a "safe space" is the LAST thing they should be thinking about in college.

They should be enabled in every way possible to be exposed to every contrary opinion possible.

But now they're kept isolated, incubated, separated, bigoted.

What a rotten thing that's been done to these kids.
Most of the ugliness here from the far right comes from people in their sixties and older.

They are dying off, the world of their youth is gone forever, and the Republic is different from then and will continue to be so.

All of their crying means absolutely nothing in reality. Nothing.

That's funny coming from a senile old coot like you.
That's funny coming from somebody who reached senility at 22. :)

bripat, all the whining of the older people here on the right is simply laughable.

Nothing that they don't like is going to change back. We are done and past that moving on.

Accept it.
So Mr. Sean Ryan here of Columbia University is on to discuss (promote?) a couple of "safe spaces" that Columbia has set up for their African-American students and their homosexual students. Tucker Carlson of Fox News wisely points out that this is going back to the days of segregation - and defeats the argument that diversity is critical.

Here is where things get really bizarre - Sean Ryan states that these spaces are vital because "isolationism" has caused a host of serious issues for students - including suicide. Yet neither he nor Tucker Carlson saw the obvious flaw here: creating these spaces is causing the isolation. When you take a subset of people out of their community and place them in rooms with a small group of people exactly like them - you have isolated them from the rest of their community. :eusa_doh:

Yes, I see the questionable logic here as well as the total disconnect from reality. When I was in college, segregation was still legal, but many, if not most, places had already desegregated. Certainly that was the case with most universities. So among my classmates in college were black people, brown people, Asian people, local Indians, a smattering of foreign student, along with white people who made up the majority.

But that was in the days before political correctness became a religion, but good manners and courtesy was expected of all in the culture. So bullying was not a blood sport and the student body did not go out of their way to make the minority students feel different or in need of a safe space.

That was also when universities encouraged critical thinking, logic, reason, and consideration and exchange of all manner of ideas. We had speakers on campus ranging from everything from the Temperance Society, Birchers, Communists, environmentalists, and military experts, and would you believe not a single student needed a 'safe space' to protect them from unpopular theories or ideology different from their own? And nobody would presume to be unkind or hostile to or treat any of those speakers with anything other than the utmost respect.

I long for higher education to return to a culture of good manners and respect and allow exchange of ideas and differences of opinion instead of being high priced indoctrination centers.

a culture of good manners and respect and allow exchange of ideas and differences of opinion
If that were the case, no one would be asking for safe spaces. Respect, good manners and allowing for the exchange of ideas goes both ways. The people here calling college students "weenies" for asking for a place they won't be harassed is an indication of how intolerant some people still are. I think.

The only groups that are harassed routinely on college campuses are Jews and Christians.

.....and by the very people for whom you require a safe place where they can express their hatred.

Interesting take. I guess where I've been, religion is the LAST thing millenials are going to throw a fit over.

You haven't heard of the rampant antisemitism on campuses all across the country?

Where you have been isn't a cave of some sort, is it?
bripat, you give fake news and alt fact all the time, just not as gently as Foxfyre.

oldlady is wrong in that she thinks that we will return to the ugliness of the fifties.

We won't.

She is correct that the some of that ugliness is and will continue to be passed down in the families of the far and alt right.

By continuing to keep calling out their deceptions and alt facts and fake news remains one of the best ways to keep their numbers down.
Apparenlty you have a different code of behavior for yourself. Typical of any who use partisanshithead labels.
It should come at no surprise that a left-winger is pushing for the return of the days of segregation. The left still loves slavery and they still love segregation.
The subject sure has been changed a lot on this thread.

Understandable. Predictable.
The subject sure has been changed a lot on this thread.

Understandable. Predictable.

Actually I'll gently disagree. The thread has remarkably stayed on topic for the most part--seeing the disconnect with 'safe spaces' on campus as opposed to those who are defending them. Okay the member just before your post decided to throw in a Donald Trump straw man, and others are dealing with the predictable red herrings, but hopefully those will be ignored. But I so agree with your Post #69.

To me it is criminal and unjustifiable to provide safe spaces where university students are protected from anything that makes them uncomfortable or might cause them to question what they think they know. And heaven forbid that they understand there will always be people who judge them and there will always be people who think differently than they do.

I always thought college was the place to learn to think critically, analyze, and figure out things. It was the place to learn to work with, associate with, talk with, and perhaps understand those who are different from themselves.

It should not be a place to hide from what's scary or never be exposed to any kind of challenge to what the students have decided is true.

Those students who have been so indoctrinated instead of educated should be able to demand their money back.
So Mr. Sean Ryan here of Columbia University is on to discuss (promote?) a couple of "safe spaces" that Columbia has set up for their African-American students and their homosexual students. Tucker Carlson of Fox News wisely points out that this is going back to the days of segregation - and defeats the argument that diversity is critical.

Here is where things get really bizarre - Sean Ryan states that these spaces are vital because "isolationism" has caused a host of serious issues for students - including suicide. Yet neither he nor Tucker Carlson saw the obvious flaw here: creating these spaces is causing the isolation. When you take a subset of people out of their community and place them in rooms with a small group of people exactly like them - you have isolated them from the rest of their community. :eusa_doh:

Yes, I see the questionable logic here as well as the total disconnect from reality. When I was in college, segregation was still legal, but many, if not most, places had already desegregated. Certainly that was the case with most universities. So among my classmates in college were black people, brown people, Asian people, local Indians, a smattering of foreign student, along with white people who made up the majority.

But that was in the days before political correctness became a religion, but good manners and courtesy was expected of all in the culture. So bullying was not a blood sport and the student body did not go out of their way to make the minority students feel different or in need of a safe space.

That was also when universities encouraged critical thinking, logic, reason, and consideration and exchange of all manner of ideas. We had speakers on campus ranging from everything from the Temperance Society, Birchers, Communists, environmentalists, and military experts, and would you believe not a single student needed a 'safe space' to protect them from unpopular theories or ideology different from their own? And nobody would presume to be unkind or hostile to or treat any of those speakers with anything other than the utmost respect.

I long for higher education to return to a culture of good manners and respect and allow exchange of ideas and differences of opinion instead of being high priced indoctrination centers.

The term "political correctness is often code, and it's been pretty well established that many whites prefer them good ole days where segregation was still the law of the land. It felt like a safe space to them.

People of color see color differential far more often than whites see it.
We have moved on from color...we now see good and bad quality humans and most of the bad just happen to be....well you know.
Minorities are begging to be hated again and they out to be careful for what they wish for.
So Mr. Sean Ryan here of Columbia University is on to discuss (promote?) a couple of "safe spaces" that Columbia has set up for their African-American students and their homosexual students. Tucker Carlson of Fox News wisely points out that this is going back to the days of segregation - and defeats the argument that diversity is critical.

Here is where things get really bizarre - Sean Ryan states that these spaces are vital because "isolationism" has caused a host of serious issues for students - including suicide. Yet neither he nor Tucker Carlson saw the obvious flaw here: creating these spaces is causing the isolation. When you take a subset of people out of their community and place them in rooms with a small group of people exactly like them - you have isolated them from the rest of their community. :eusa_doh:

I agree it's not a good idea. It insulates a person from outside view.

What critics don't realize is that this is not a new thing. It's been going on for quite some time. Ever since the advent of social media and cable television. We can now retreat into our own private Safe Spaces (i.e. Echo Chambers) where all our ideas receive affirmation and support and agreement with never a contrary opinion allowed to permeate the sacred space.

Think about it...all this hoopla over "safe spaces" ignores the fact that they've been with us for years - whether you call it Fox, MSNBC, Chatrooms, online forums or University organized "safe spaces" - it's all the same.

And it's not good. Insulating ourselves from opposing views means we never learn to deal with opposition, our own views never get challenged, and we DON'T GROW.
So Mr. Sean Ryan here of Columbia University is on to discuss (promote?) a couple of "safe spaces" that Columbia has set up for their African-American students and their homosexual students. Tucker Carlson of Fox News wisely points out that this is going back to the days of segregation - and defeats the argument that diversity is critical.

Here is where things get really bizarre - Sean Ryan states that these spaces are vital because "isolationism" has caused a host of serious issues for students - including suicide. Yet neither he nor Tucker Carlson saw the obvious flaw here: creating these spaces is causing the isolation. When you take a subset of people out of their community and place them in rooms with a small group of people exactly like them - you have isolated them from the rest of their community. :eusa_doh:

Yes, I see the questionable logic here as well as the total disconnect from reality. When I was in college, segregation was still legal, but many, if not most, places had already desegregated. Certainly that was the case with most universities. So among my classmates in college were black people, brown people, Asian people, local Indians, a smattering of foreign student, along with white people who made up the majority.

But that was in the days before political correctness became a religion, but good manners and courtesy was expected of all in the culture. So bullying was not a blood sport and the student body did not go out of their way to make the minority students feel different or in need of a safe space.

That was also when universities encouraged critical thinking, logic, reason, and consideration and exchange of all manner of ideas. We had speakers on campus ranging from everything from the Temperance Society, Birchers, Communists, environmentalists, and military experts, and would you believe not a single student needed a 'safe space' to protect them from unpopular theories or ideology different from their own? And nobody would presume to be unkind or hostile to or treat any of those speakers with anything other than the utmost respect.

I long for higher education to return to a culture of good manners and respect and allow exchange of ideas and differences of opinion instead of being high priced indoctrination centers.

a culture of good manners and respect and allow exchange of ideas and differences of opinion
If that were the case, no one would be asking for safe spaces. Respect, good manners and allowing for the exchange of ideas goes both ways. The people here calling college students "weenies" for asking for a place they won't be harassed is an indication of how intolerant some people still are. I think.

I agree with that to some extent - that there is a new culture of rudeness and open hate disguised as "opposing PC", but I think that the idea of "safe spaces" has gone beyond that. It has evolved into protecting one from opinions that are in opposition to one's beliefs. That's not a good thing. Student groups and organizations used to provide a sort of safe space where people with similar ideas could meet and discuss them - but it wasn't about hiding from anything.

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