Am I the only one who thinks that? We shouldn't do anything about global warming just yet?

No, they're coming from "scientists" who leach govt grants in turn for a desired result. Ive seen the spooks do it.

And THAT argument comes from the fossil fuel industry as well.

Think about this. We KNOW that the fossil fuel corps pump millions into “friendly” think tanks. Those think tanks don’t DO science. They take what actual scientists do and mischaracterization it and lie about it.

A much easier and more lucrative gig
Drive your gas guzzler. Fuck you. What one person does will have little effect.

We’ll move on without you
The hypocrites have several gas guzzlers and large homes.
Fuck them and fuck you for not calling out their behavior.

You really under the delusion they will give all that up?

Stupid little sheep.
I know global warming is a major issue, but it's the same time We have a great opportunity to get rid of florida once and for all. Within twenty years the everglades will be flooded with sea water, And all the idiots who call global warming a Hoax will not have any fresh water to drink. So let's wait until after that happens before we start doing anything. Since it's only florida and a couple Other red states that rely on the everglades for their drinking water.
“Am I the only one who thinks that? We shouldn't do anything about global warming just yet?”

Unfortunately not – unfortunately there are far too many who ‘think’ like this.

We need to address the fact of climate change now.
No it actually doesn’t.
You fell for the oldest trick in the book. They gave you the bums rush and you swallowed it hook, line and sinker. You are propagandized. Google 'eat the babies' for the perfect example of a climate activist.
You fell for the oldest trick in the book. They gave you the bums rush and you swallowed it hook, line and sinker. You are propagandized. Google 'eat the babies' for the perfect example of a climate activist.
No idea what that even means.

Is this the newest version of the”Climate Denier Dance”?

It’s real… we caused it… we can affect it… but we should do it as slow as possible?

After spending (valuable) decades saying it was’nt happening…. We didn’t cause it… we can’t affect it?
Lets be honest
There is nothing humans can do that will harm the planet

The Earth is one big son of a bitch piece of rock. It does not care what we do to it.
It may affect our ability to live on this planet, but the planet does not care if we are here or not
Dripping with sarcasm of course. We do however need to protect our air and water quality by making industry nervous. They cannot be trusted and without heavy regulations would blatantly dump their waste wherever they feel like. Why do we have so much cancer? Look at big industry.
Dripping with sarcasm of course. We do however need to protect our air and water quality by making industry nervous. They cannot be trusted and without heavy regulations would blatantly dump their waste wherever they feel like. Why do we have so much cancer? Look at big industry.
As a species, we tend to take the easy way out
Why should I impact my ability to make money just so future generations will not be affected?
We can always worry about it later
There is a certain irony in watching Florida suffer from the impacts of climate change.
They have been at the forefront of blocking effective climate legislation.

Just think where we would be if Al Gore had been elected
There is a certain irony in watching Florida suffer from the impacts of climate change.
They have been at the forefront of blocking effective climate legislation.

Just think where we would be if Al Gore had been elected
Al Gore is the worst of the hypocrites.
We should have listened to Gore twenty years ago
He was wrong about every bit of his hyperbole.

The guy is a clown enriching himself off Fear Porn.

If Gore gives up those mansions and private flights, maybe, just maybe he could gain some credibility .

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