2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?

2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?
If you're still not worried about global warming, you're either willfully ignorant or living in a fantasy world.
The summer of 2023 was the hottest on record, with temperatures soaring well above normal levels all over the world. Heat waves baked North America, Europe, and Asia, and wildfires raged out of control in many countries.
And in New York City, the most populous city in the United States, severe flooding caused widespread damage and disruption.
These are just two of the many extreme weather events that have been linked to climate change in recent years. Others include more intense hurricanes and typhoons, more frequent and severe droughts, and rising sea levels.
To the climate change skeptics:
Wake up and smell the coffee. The planet is warming at an alarming rate, and it's having a devastating impact on people and ecosystems all over the world.
Pure bullshit
Wasn’t NYC supposed to be underwater about a decade ago according to Al Gore? And Florida was supposed to be gone too. Last I checked they’re still here.
The earth never had humans pumping trillions tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere before.
Thats true

But climate change is not something new for the earth

The climate has always changed and always will

Whats new is the wild hysteria that is driving the greenies to make decisions based on emotion
Imagine that. A healthy lifestyle.

So scary.
Fuck yeah
Nothing wrong with trying to care for our environment but you nuts take it WAYYYYYY TOO FAR

Anymore illogical bullshit responses?
These prices think there is a "pristine" standard for the environment. So they will do anything and everything to achieve it. Even banning life saving natural gas appliances.
The wildfires were arson started by warmists to prove global warming.

New York is having problems of its own making. So much is spent on social services that there is no money left to maintain the city.
Hence the massive flooding in Manhattan. NYC has had rains just as heavy if not heavier and they never had this issue before.
Thats true

But climate change is not something new for the earth

The climate has always changed and always will

Whats new is the wild hysteria that is driving the greenies to make decisions based on emotion

Seems to me decades of scientific research isn’t the same as emotion.

The emotion comes more from individuals like you who are angry and afraid of having to take responsibility for the damage to the environment.
If you can’t see the climate changing, you’re delusional.
The climate ALWAYS changes, dumbass. There is no "pristine" standard we must achieve
Although, and you won't like this ( unless you're like me, a Born Again Believer) Christ Himself creates the NEW heaven and Earth. Yes Libbies, this present world will not last. Guaranteed. If you really want to experience a pristine environment, repent and receive Christ into your lives. That's the ONLY guaranteed way it will happen.
You guys don’t even understand what we’ve lost by destroying communities in favor of cars.
2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?
If you're still not worried about global warming, you're either willfully ignorant or living in a fantasy world.
The summer of 2023 was the hottest on record, with temperatures soaring well above normal levels all over the world. Heat waves baked North America, Europe, and Asia, and wildfires raged out of control in many countries.
And in New York City, the most populous city in the United States, severe flooding caused widespread damage and disruption.
These are just two of the many extreme weather events that have been linked to climate change in recent years. Others include more intense hurricanes and typhoons, more frequent and severe droughts, and rising sea levels.
To the climate change skeptics:
Wake up and smell the coffee. The planet is warming at an alarming rate, and it's having a devastating impact on people and ecosystems all over the world.
And we are going into an ice age. Not good we’re getting hotter when we’re supposed to b getting colder.

Even if you dont believe in man made climate change. Pollution is taking 3 years off our lives. If it’s getting hotter that number will probably go up too.

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