2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?

2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?
If you're still not worried about global warming, you're either willfully ignorant or living in a fantasy world.
The summer of 2023 was the hottest on record, with temperatures soaring well above normal levels all over the world. Heat waves baked North America, Europe, and Asia, and wildfires raged out of control in many countries.
And in New York City, the most populous city in the United States, severe flooding caused widespread damage and disruption.
These are just two of the many extreme weather events that have been linked to climate change in recent years. Others include more intense hurricanes and typhoons, more frequent and severe droughts, and rising sea levels.
To the climate change skeptics:
Wake up and smell the coffee. The planet is warming at an alarming rate, and it's having a devastating impact on people and ecosystems all over the world.
Where do you get that, here in south Carolina I didn't wear shorts till almost July. One of the coolest I can remember.
Humans can and will adapt to whatever the climate decides to do
Not without dramatic disruption, but that won’t affect you so it’s not important.

What’s telling is your resistance to change but expecting everyone else to tolerate it.
When the perma frost melts it releases virus' that have been trapped for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. Bring it on!

Natural population control.

Should be interesting.

Hope Fauci leads that one too.
2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?
If you're still not worried about global warming, you're either willfully ignorant or living in a fantasy world.
The summer of 2023 was the hottest on record, with temperatures soaring well above normal levels all over the world. Heat waves baked North America, Europe, and Asia, and wildfires raged out of control in many countries.
And in New York City, the most populous city in the United States, severe flooding caused widespread damage and disruption.
These are just two of the many extreme weather events that have been linked to climate change in recent years. Others include more intense hurricanes and typhoons, more frequent and severe droughts, and rising sea levels.
To the climate change skeptics:
Wake up and smell the coffee. The planet is warming at an alarming rate, and it's having a devastating impact on people and ecosystems all over the world.

What are you personally doing to fight global warming?
Not without dramatic disruption, but that won’t affect you so it’s not important.

What’s telling is your resistance to change but expecting everyone else to tolerate it.
You assume dramatic disruption

And the solution is lib induced dramatic disruption where the cure is worse than the disease
You assume dramatic disruption

And the solution is lib induced dramatic disruption where the cure is worse than the disease
We are already seeing dramatic disruption and it’s only going to get worse.

Ah yes, the dramatic disruption to your life is called “walking” more. The horror.
We are already seeing dramatic disruption and it’s only going to get worse.

Ah yes, the dramatic disruption to your life is called “walking” more. The horror.

What are you personally doing to fight global warming?
Natural population control.

Should be interesting.

Hope Fauci leads that one too.
Honestly, I should like it that Republican policies are making life so hard for the masses that fewer and fewer of us are having kids. That's a good thing right? Maybe for capitalism and growth it's not good but for the planet it's wonderful.

Why are fewer people planning to have kids? The percentage of people who said they don't plan to have any children has increased, from about 5-8% in the 1960s and 1970s to 8-16% in the 1990s and 2000s. But that alone can't explain the decline in the number of babies being born.

The results suggest that today’s young adults may be having a more difficult time achieving their goals

young people today don’t think now is a good time for them to have children.

“It’s hard to have children in the United States right now,” said Hayford, who is also director of Ohio State’s Institute for Population Research.

“People feel more worried about the future than they might have been several decades ago. They worry about the economy, child care and whether they can afford to have children.”

OMG. This study makes me feel good about myself. In the 2000's I felt like a loser because it was never the right time to settle down and have kids. Today most people only last 5 years where they work. When my parents were young, they could expect to work for one place for 30 years. Who wants to have a kid if you know within 5 years you're going to be unemployed and starting over again, maybe making less than you made before.

Did you see my post about how the only group not living longer is white uneducated men? Due to economic despair? Oxycotton, Fentynol and suicide?

Republican always look out for the CEO's, investors and consumers. How about looking out for labor?
We are already seeing dramatic disruption and it’s only going to get worse.

Ah yes, the dramatic disruption to your life is called “walking” more. The horror.
No we arent

We are seeing weather

Just ordinary weather
The generation that doesn’t care about destroying the environment because it will affect other people later.

It doesn’t affect “me” “now” so who cares?
Technically it is two generations and perhaps three depending on where you live. As long as Prog adherents abuse everything they demand the peasants to live by while they are doing the things that cause the so-called climate change, then we know it is pure manure. And the carbon credits are massive from that dung. Resources put into real industrial might infrastructure and intelligence where we build at fixes a lot of issues if there ae any.
2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?
If you're still not worried about global warming, you're either willfully ignorant or living in a fantasy world.
The summer of 2023 was the hottest on record, with temperatures soaring well above normal levels all over the world. Heat waves baked North America, Europe, and Asia, and wildfires raged out of control in many countries.
And in New York City, the most populous city in the United States, severe flooding caused widespread damage and disruption.
These are just two of the many extreme weather events that have been linked to climate change in recent years. Others include more intense hurricanes and typhoons, more frequent and severe droughts, and rising sea levels.
To the climate change skeptics:
Wake up and smell the coffee. The planet is warming at an alarming rate, and it's having a devastating impact on people and ecosystems all over the world.
Now you are just cutting and pasting from the rhetoric the Dimbots use every year Commie from Conyers. Everyone knows it was nowhere near the hottest summer kook.
2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?
If you're still not worried about global warming, you're either willfully ignorant or living in a fantasy world.
The summer of 2023 was the hottest on record, with temperatures soaring well above normal levels all over the world. Heat waves baked North America, Europe, and Asia, and wildfires raged out of control in many countries.
And in New York City, the most populous city in the United States, severe flooding caused widespread damage and disruption.
These are just two of the many extreme weather events that have been linked to climate change in recent years. Others include more intense hurricanes and typhoons, more frequent and severe droughts, and rising sea levels.
To the climate change skeptics:
Wake up and smell the coffee. The planet is warming at an alarming rate, and it's having a devastating impact on people and ecosystems all over the world.
Nope, not worried. Global warming enthusiasts are threatening increases by tenths of a degree in warming over decades. It's not five, ten or twenty degree above normal heat waves. A tenth of a degree does not result in hurricanes. You want to blame something, blame El Nino.
Technically it is two generations and perhaps three depending on where you live. As long as Prog adherents abuse everything they demand the peasants to live by while they are doing the things that cause the so-called climate change, then we know it is pure manure. And the carbon credits are massive from that dung. Resources put into real industrial might infrastructure and intelligence where we build at fixes a lot of issues if there ae any.
Besides, if the left really cared about global warming, and the carbon footprint created by the lifestyle of we Americans, then the left should be halting ALL immigration.But instead, they are gleeful that Biden is adding millions more people into the USA to really fatten up our carbon footprint.

And then ten years from now.... the left will blame you and me for the increasing US's carbon footprint, which resulted from the tens of millions of illegals they have facilitated and encouraged to cross over our borders.
Besides, if the left really cared about global warming, and the carbon footprint created by the lifestyle of we Americans, then the left should be halting ALL immigration.But instead, they are gleeful that Biden is adding millions more people into the USA to really fatten up our carbon footprint.

And then ten years from now.... the left will blame you and me for the increasing US's carbon footprint, which resulted from the tens of millions of illegals they have facilitated and encouraged to cross over our borders.
This being done for global government. People will vote for that. 50 million immigrants from mostly central and south America in recent decades many without assimilating and 2nd and 3rd generation American citizens educated from public schools' propaganda. We have to become poorer for this to occur. And we are. More and more depend on checks and benefits from government and private concerns. The problems are that this can be removed.

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