July set to be hottest month on record. Global warming update

Somebody named Gloria Dickie says that Reuters says that UN Secy. Gen. Antonio Guterres says that some U.N. organization tied to global warming says that July is "set to be" the hottest month on record and a phony conservative wants to surrender to the global warming crowd. No surprise here.
It’s not town warming. It’s global warming.
It's like saying there has been no inflation in the last couple of years because you found an item that's unchanged in price.

What are you doing? Is called cherry picking. Now go average all the towns in the world and get back to me.
You will find you just described the Climate Alarmists - Cherry Pickers.
OP should call himself Lying Sack of Shit from Georgia.
Considering the below average temperatures of June, we are below average for the season.
This thread is based on cherry-picking, demmunist propaganda at its worst.


Seaside town in Brazil being swallowed up by the ocean

View attachment 809346
https://www.accuweather.com › climate › seaside-town...

Every year, the Atlantic Ocean swallows 6 more meters, or about 20 feet, of the town. Hundreds upon hundreds of houses have been devoured, transforming the ...

Senegal city races to move families as sea swallows homes

View attachment 809347
https://www.preventionweb.net › news › senegal-city-r...
Apr 3, 2018 — The disaster surprised no one in this crowded fishing neighbourhood. Since 2016, two or three times a year, the ocean has swelled and knocked ...

After the Pacific Ocean swallows villages and five Solomon ...

View attachment 809348
The Arizona Republic
https://www.azcentral.com › news › world › 2016/05/10
May 10, 2016 — The scene of this rising sea is an archipelago of upthrust volcanoes and coral atolls, which dots the Pacific to the northeast of Australia: the ...

Yeah, it's called Beach erosion. It's completely normal. That's why damming rivers is so bad, it prevents the natural replenishment of the beaches because the sand to rebuild them is stopped from getting to the beaches.

It's an old, very well known problem.

Has NOTHING to do with supposedly rising oceans.
People who think they can control our climate have some kind of mental problem. Maybe it's a Napoleonic complex. Maybe it's a small dick. Maybe it's a tyrannical lust for power. Maybe it's the monkey see, monkey do syndrome. But that's not surprising when you consider that unhinged Democrats have been that way forever.
Somebody named Gloria Dickie says that Reuters says that UN Secy. Gen. Antonio Guterres says that some U.N. organization tied to global warming says that July is "set to be" the hottest month on record and a phony conservative wants to surrender to the global warming crowd. No surprise here.
You thought you were being cute and clever, but
1) You could have left out the name of the journalist because naming her doesn't make you clever.
2) Nobody knows what'"tied to global warming" is, because that's not a thing.
3) You left out the fact that The U.N. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service are groups of scientists.
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Yeah, it's called Beach erosion. It's completely normal. That's why damming rivers is so bad, it prevents the natural replenishment of the beaches because the sand to rebuild them is stopped from getting to the beaches.

It's an old, very well known problem.

Has NOTHING to do with supposedly rising oceans.
Beach erosion has gotten worse.
This is too easy.
I'm not a scientific climate analyst but I'm not buying this global warming alarmism. Statistics can be manipulated to come to almost any conclusion you desire. Our weather seems to be the same as it has always been. One week of 90+ temperatures does not mean the polar ice caps are going to melt. Not everyone is blaming the fires, intentionally set by unhinged climate activists, on some imaginary climate change.
Somebody named Gloria Dickie says that Reuters says that UN Secy. Gen. Antonio Guterres says that some U.N. organization tied to global warming says that July is "set to be" the hottest month on record and a phony conservative wants to surrender to the global warming crowd. No surprise here.
Here's another fail from whitehall, who could have visited the website of the last source he mentioned (instead of pretending that the Reuters' journalist made it up). Here's the organization mentioned in the article says,
"ERA5 data also show that the global mean surface air temperature for the first 23 days of July was 16.95°C. This is well above the 16.63°C recorded for the full month of July 2019, which is the current hottest July and hottest month in the ERA5 record. It is almost certain that, in due course, data will show July 2023 to break both these records.
But whitehall the kook wanted us to believe that this was all triple hearsay and that the organization may not have said what Reuters claimed.
Here's live video of whitehall failing:
You thought you were being cute and clever, but
1) You could have left out the name of the journalist because naming her doesn't make you clever.
2) Nobody knows what'"tied to global warming" is, because that's not a thing.
3) You left out the fact that The U.N. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service are groups of scientists.
Even a phony conservative would know that the U.N. is a network for global warming extortionists and that the U.N. Secy.Gen. is probably some anti-American stooge who has no background in science. Why surrender to these people when the Mid Atlantic states have had a cooler than usual July and only southwest states have experienced high temperatures?
Why do we not see more attention paid to damage mitigation?

Shouldn't we be spending some time and energy preparing vulnerable areas and industries against the effects of warming, regardless of what created it?

Is there no partisan political benefit for doing something that obvious, is that the problem?

100% agree.

I think you'd get a lot more support if you kept the work "warming" out of it.

It's climate change.
Warming and cooling cycles are normal. That big fireball can't be controlled, yet it controls our weather.
100% agree.

I think you'd get a lot more support if you kept the work "warming" out of it.

It's climate change.
Yeah. Right now it looks like the most obvious effects are heat-related, but as I understand it, the effects are varied.

This is a mystery to me. At least SOME of this now appears to be inevitable, and we need to try to prepare.
Yeah. Right now it looks like the most obvious effects are heat-related, but as I understand it, the effects are varied.

This is a mystery to me. At least SOME of this now appears to be inevitable, and we need to try to prepare.

1. We should understand that the earth probably has cycles that extend beyond the lifetime of man.
2. We should never assume things stand still. Heat related can still cause abnormal conditions in winter too.
3. We should always try to be good stewards of the planet. Global warming or not, we should be working to encourage good cycles of tree and plant grown that uses already occuring things as tools.
4. We should educated young people on the planet....not indoctrinate them. Educated them. Let them make up their own minds.
1. We should understand that the earth probably has cycles that extend beyond the lifetime of man.
2. We should never assume things stand still. Heat related can still cause abnormal conditions in winter too.
3. We should always try to be good stewards of the planet. Global warming or not, we should be working to encourage good cycles of tree and plant grown that uses already occuring things as tools.
4. We should educated young people on the planet....not indoctrinate them. Educated them. Let them make up their own minds.
Nobody in the scientific arena wants to deal with the fact that the Fukashima earthquake actually shifted the axis of the earth. There is no money in a natural event.

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