2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?

We arent suffering from lack of oxygen.
oh i dunno......


We would care if such destruction was actually possible
Or if any of the proferred "solutions" were possibly effective. Just another globalist tactic to advance third world countries (who don't comply with any of the solutions) while turning the rest of the world into third world countries.
Doesn't matter, we just have to pay for the clean ups.
We just have to slow down on paying the corruption of human infrastructure and put more resources into real infrastructure toughening what we build and renovate. So instead of wasting hundreds of billions of dollars on the mag lev folly in California that money could be spent on new power plants, reservoirs, building water pipelines, proper forest management, widening and renovating highways and upgrading traditional trains and track. And that is for California.
The generation that doesn’t care about destroying the environment because it will affect other people later.

It doesn’t affect “me” “now” so who cares?
You are one of the freaked out eco libs I was talking to otto about

You folks whip yourselves into a frenzy over nothing
You are one of the freaked out eco libs I was talking to otto about

You folks whip yourselves into a frenzy over nothing
If you can’t see the climate changing, you’re delusional.
The climate has always been changing and has since God created the heavens and earth
The earth never had humans pumping trillions tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere before.
2023 was not the hottest year because the world wide records are sparse and incomplete going back only a few decades and we have no idea what the hottest year was. For all we know 1873, 1203 or 1617 was hotter.

As far as rain in NY. The place is tremendously overbuilt with concrete and is flooded because the sewer system was not designed for the amount of people.
2023 summer was hottest on record; New York City flooded. Are you worried about global warming yet?
If you're still not worried about global warming, you're either willfully ignorant or living in a fantasy world.
The summer of 2023 was the hottest on record, with temperatures soaring well above normal levels all over the world. Heat waves baked North America, Europe, and Asia, and wildfires raged out of control in many countries.
And in New York City, the most populous city in the United States, severe flooding caused widespread damage and disruption.
These are just two of the many extreme weather events that have been linked to climate change in recent years. Others include more intense hurricanes and typhoons, more frequent and severe droughts, and rising sea levels.
To the climate change skeptics:
Wake up and smell the coffee. The planet is warming at an alarming rate, and it's having a devastating impact on people and ecosystems all over the world.
No, not really. It's not like I can do anything to stop it.

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