Amanda Knox/Guilty Again


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2012
Amanda Knox Family Disputes Court's Theft Motive for Murder - ABC News

I don't know what legal process will be needed but I hope she is not extradited.

The Italian court system just doesn't work---all I can conclude.

No DNA--no evidence that Amanda Knox/boyfriend were involved--so the motive was that she killed the roommate over $300.

<"I will now focus on pursuing an appeal before the Italian Supreme Court. I remain hopeful that the Italian courts will once again recognize my innocence. I want to thank once again, from the bottom of my heart, all of those -- family, friends, and strangers -- who have supported me and believe in my innocence," Knox added in her statement.

The court stated in the motivation that it was hard to establish a reason for the brutal slaying of the British student, but cited the allegations of tension between the roommates and a statement Guede made to police that Kercher believed Knox stole 300 euros - about $450 - and two credits cards from her.

The document states that a fight over money was a "valid motive" for the murder.

"It is a matter of fact that at a certain point in the evening events accelerated; the English girl was attacked by Amanda Marie Knox, by Raffaele Sollecito, who was backing up his girlfriend, and by Rudy Hermann Guede, and constrained within her own room," the court document said.

Today's release by the Italian court was the latest twist in a legal saga that has lasted nearly eight years.

Kercher was found partially nude and with her throat slashed in a cottage she shared with Knox. Knox and Sollecito were both arrested and jailed pending trial and were convicted in the first trial after the prosecution argued that the murder was the result of a sex game gone awry.

They were both freed after four years in prison when an appeals court ruled in 2011 that much of the evidence was poorly handled, raising questions that key forensic evidence had been contaminated, and that the prosecution had failed to produce a motive for Knox to kill Kercher. >
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The review concluded Amanda dealt the final and compelling death blow to the victim.

How the court arrived at that, other than the statements by the other two defendants who will say anything to cut their prison terms short, is beyond me.
Italian courts found her to be guilty, twice. Why shouldn't we respect the Italian judicial system? Why shouldn't we respect Italy, a respected ally and member of NATO?
Italian courts found her to be guilty, twice. Why shouldn't we respect the Italian judicial system? Why shouldn't we respect Italy, a respected ally and member of NATO?

I could scrape up some links for you. Plenty of 'prosecutorial incompetence' was documented--if that matters to you.

what can be done about people like me--I don't respect the Italian court system--just not convinced it has worked well if this is an example.

Not greatly impressed by the judicial systems of other nations either. Plenty of improvement needed in the US system.
Italian courts found her to be guilty, twice. Why shouldn't we respect the Italian judicial system? Why shouldn't we respect Italy, a respected ally and member of NATO?

So called justice and the courts of the country that bestowed the gift of the Mafia on the world should definitely be respected and honored.
She was found guilty, tried again and found not guilty. Under the Italian system they can have as many trials as they want. On the third trial Knox was found guilty. Of course she was tried in absentia and never put on a defense. This case has nothing to do with NATO.
How many times are they going to try her??

From that article it sounds like they are now taking the case to the Italian Supreme court.

One would hope that would be the final step?

I have no idea if I have 'all the facts'--but from what I have heard from ? 7-8 years about this case--the original prosecutor really decided that Amanda Knox and the boyfriend should be found guilty. He was removed from office??? Very corrupt record.

This new ruling sounds like there are political pressures--'no definitive evidence' but you are still guilty---and this is based on the testimony of the person now in prison for whatever he had to do with this case.

Amanda Knox may have been 'free spirited'---didn't conduct herself with propriety at the time of the murder--but a criminal mastermind just doesn't seem likely. IIRC, no fingerprints where there should have been fingerprints---she lived in the house and conceivably there would have been something --but I don't think they ever found significant evidence.

I would have to go back and look for the earlier articles--that is just what I remember.

I would assume the exchange student program in that part of Italy has declined. I also think that if Amanda Knox did this--she would go out of her mind at some point. What a life---she must be in her late 20's now. I hope she does get finished with this and is able to have some better sort of future.
She was found guilty, tried again and found not guilty. Under the Italian system they can have as many trials as they want. On the third trial Knox was found guilty. Of course she was tried in absentia and never put on a defense. This case has nothing to do with NATO.

Was she found not guilty the second time or was it some sort of legal loophole...not an actual trial?
Italian courts found her to be guilty, twice. Why shouldn't we respect the Italian judicial system? Why shouldn't we respect Italy, a respected ally and member of NATO?


We should not allow our citizens to be judged in any court that does not meet the same standards as ours. The Italian courts clearly do not pass muster in that respect.
So should we demand all American prisoners in foreign nations that don't meet our standards be set free?
So should we demand all American prisoners in foreign nations that don't meet our standards be set free?

Why not?

If we are serious about protecting the rights of our citizens then we should not let a foreign country violate those rights.
So should we demand all American prisoners in foreign nations that don't meet our standards be set free?

Why not?

If we are serious about protecting the rights of our citizens then we should not let a foreign country violate those rights.

Okay...I don't necessarily agree with you but you are consistent with your views. I can almost agree with you, especially when American citizens are clearly deprived of due process.

In the case of Amanda Knox...I think she is guilty and should be sent back.
So let me get this straight.
First she was found guilty ?
Then she was found innocent ?
Now she's been found guilty ?

Is this a best of seven series ?
So let me get this straight.
First she was found guilty ?
Then she was found innocent ?
Now she's been found guilty ?

Is this a best of seven series ?

LMAO...I really don't think she was found not guilty the second time. I may very well be wrong, but I think she was freed on a technicality then retried in absence.
Italian courts found her to be guilty, twice. Why shouldn't we respect the Italian judicial system? Why shouldn't we respect Italy, a respected ally and member of NATO?

No retard, they found her guilty, then innocent and then guilty. We believe in something called double jeopardy in this country. Once you are found innocent, you can NOT be tried again. That should trump the bullshit mascarade in Italy.

This bullshit court is WILLFULLY ignoring DNA evidence. Yep they took it and it doesn't point to her.

If there is a clear cut miscarry of injustice than only a douche bag like yourself would agree with extradiate am innocent American! Let me guess your world citizen supporter of Obama!
So let me get this straight.
First she was found guilty ?
Then she was found innocent ?
Now she's been found guilty ?

Is this a best of seven series ?

LMAO...I really don't think she was found not guilty the second time. I may very well be wrong, but I think she was freed on a technicality then retried in absence.

It wasn't a technicality. It was what is known as a "Corte d'Assise" trail. If she were found not guilty in the first trail, the prosecution would have made an appeal to the Corte d'Assise as well. Instead she made the appeal to the Corte d'Assise. The Corte d'Assise ( Amanda's Appeal) said the DNA was BS, the witness ( who had testified for the prosecution no less than 49 times) was a liar among other things.

So it goes like this: (exactly what is happening to Amanda now)

1st; trial. Guilty.

2nd; trial is the Corte d'Assise ( known in the States as an appeal, either side can appeal in Italy)

3rd; trial ( this one we are talking about in this thread) is an appeal of the above appeal by the prosecutors since they did not agree with the Corte d'Assise.

4th trial ( when it happens) will go to the Supreme Court of Italy, then it will be done.
Italian courts found her to be guilty, twice. Why shouldn't we respect the Italian judicial system? Why shouldn't we respect Italy, a respected ally and member of NATO?

No retard, they found her guilty, then innocent and then guilty. We believe in something called double jeopardy in this country. Once you are found innocent, you can NOT be tried again. That should trump the bullshit mascarade in Italy.

This bullshit court is WILLFULLY ignoring DNA evidence. Yep they took it and it doesn't point to her.

If there is a clear cut miscarry of injustice than only a douche bag like yourself would agree with extradiate am innocent American! Let me guess your world citizen supporter of Obama!

Ok, show me where she was found innocent. That is all I ask. Show me where an Italian court found Knox INNOCENT.

Her case went through the appeals process, she was released on a technicality, then she was retried and found guilty, once again.

Again, show me where she was found 'innocent by an Italian court. Stupid idiot!

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