Amazing !A dog taught to be a environmentally conscious vegetarian

Do you think it was fake?
Oh my word. I posted a video of the girl herself saying it was satire, did you not see that? All you have to do is go to her TikTok channel and see that she posts comedy videos, and she clearly stated several times that that video was satire, a joke. I find it funny that you still seem to not grasp that.
Fast forward to 4:35

God knew we would have a relationship with dogs, calling the eating of whatever that has paws, to be unclean. God does not want people to chew and or devour each other with words, or literally, either. Fallen beings want to eat people, though people.
It took just a few minutes to prove what I just said, it WAS satire. Here’s her TikTok, basically a comedy channel. Come on people, to me it was obvious. :laugh:

Was it lol....are ya sure ...I don't have an not 12,retarded, or gay
She got lefty lunatic down too a tee ...she's good it's hard to tell

It took just a few minutes to prove what I just said, it WAS satire. Here’s her TikTok, basically a comedy channel. Come on people, to me it was obvious. :laugh:

Maybe, but Hank Johnson also claimed his comment about Guam capsizing was a joke but do we believe him? Note that neither Johnson nor this dog-owning twit smile as they claim it was a joke.

Was it lol....are ya sure ...I don't have an not 12,retarded, or gay
She got lefty lunatic down too a tee ...she's good it's hard to tell

I hope this sexual identity madness dies out. Note that I did not say, "I hope this sexual identity madness dies out, sir" or "I hope this sexual identity madness dies out, madam" or "I hope this sexual identity madness dies out, your honour" or "I hope this sexual identity madness dies out, doctor".
Oh my word. I posted a video of the girl herself saying it was satire, did you not see that? All you have to do is go to her TikTok channel and see that she posts comedy videos, and she clearly stated several times that that video was satire, a joke. I find it funny that you still seem to not grasp that.
Look again at her disclaimer. Does she look sincere to you? Oh my word. I posted this already, did you not see that? I find it funny that you still seem to not understand that someone's words need to be backed up in order to be believed. What is it you want? Do you want me to agree with you even if I don't? OK. Hey! Wow! You were right all along! And it took just a few minutes for you to prove it!!!
Maybe, but Hank Johnson also claimed his comment about Guam capsizing was a joke but do we believe him? Note that neither Johnson nor this dog-owning twit smile as they claim it was a joke.

Lefties are also known to claim no no iwas just joking when they really weren't
Lefties are also known to claim no no iwas just joking when they really weren't
Lefties, righties, what's the difference? Wasn't Bush Baby Junior a "rightie"? After Irak was invaded, occupied and searched he said, "No one ever suggested Saddam had WMDs".
Lefties are also known to claim no no iwas just joking when they really weren't
Her entire TikTok channel is comedy videos. She was definitely joking. And by the way, I get that people assume TikTok is for 12 year olds but believe it or not, there are all ages there now. It has become more mainstream, like YouTube, except for the videos are shorter.
Lefties, righties, what's the difference? Wasn't Bush Baby Junior a "rightie"? After Irak was invaded, occupied and searched he said, "No one ever suggested Saddam had WMDs".

Big difference today when they're about to bring down the entire west.
Don't get me wrong most Republicans in government are spineless cowards or just part of the the "compassionate conservative " you mentioned

Her entire TikTok channel is comedy videos. She was definitely joking. And by the way, I get that people assume TikTok is for 12 year olds but believe it or not, there are all ages there now. It has become more mainstream, like YouTube, except for the videos are shorter.
For those of us who are well over the age of 12 (and who've never seen TikTok) how do you think we should know that all of its content is comedy? The reason "it took you just a few minutes" to decide it was a fake is because your nose is embedded in TikTok, right?
For those of us who are well over the age of 12 (and who've never seen TikTok) how do you think we should know that all of its content is comedy? The reason "it took you just a few minutes" to decide it was a fake is because your nose is embedded in TikTok, right?

You can know by going to her channel and seeing for yourself, she posted several videos letting people know it was satire. I already posted one the other day, but I'll post another for you.

You can also read the comments on her videos. Tons of people are saying it's hilarious that even after clearing up the confusion and clearly stating it was satire, there are people like you who STILL don't realize that.

In addition to that you can also read HER own comments, she says that dogs are carnivores.

If you still don’t believe it then I find that very odd, but whatever. 🤷

Here's another video for you, since apparently you didn't watch the other one:

You can know by going to her channel and seeing for yourself, she posted several videos letting people know it was satire. I already posted one the other day, but I'll post another for you. .....
I don't need you to post it. My question is (since you've got your knickers in a bunch over us not knowing it was a joke) how do you expect us to know TikTok is a satire channel if it's for "12-year-olds" and we haven't seen it? I take it you're 12-years-old?
If you still don’t believe it then I find that very odd, but whatever. 🤷

Here's another video for you, since apparently you didn't watch the other one:
Are you illiterate or have you not read the comments I already posted? Duh.
I don't need you to post it. My question is (since you've got your knickers in a bunch over us not knowing it was a joke) how do you expect us to know TikTok is a satire channel if it's for "12-year-olds" and we haven't seen it? I take it you're 12-years-old?

I don't have my knickers in a bunch, you are the one who keeps posting about this in a combative way, I'm just replying to you.

I never said TikTok is a "satire channel." TikTok is a video platform, like YouTube, do you understand that? That means it contains all sorts of different types of posters and videos - funny, serious, informative, whatever. It's a social media platform. What I said was that HER particular channel is a comedy channel.

Secondly, I'm not the one who said it's for 12-year-olds, that was Deplorable Yankee who said that. I replied to him and said that there are people of all ages there now. Have you even been reading this thread?

I'm beginning to think you're trolling, because I have never encountered anyone who continually misreads and misunderstands everything that is said.
I don't have my knickers in a bunch, you are the one who keeps posting about this in a combative way, I'm just replying to you.

I never said TikTok is a "satire channel." TikTok is a video platform, like YouTube, do you understand that? That means it contains all sorts of different types of posters and videos - funny, serious, informative, whatever. It's a social media platform. What I said was that HER particular channel is a comedy channel.

Secondly, I'm not the one who said it's for 12-year-olds, that was Deplorable Yankee who said that. I replied to him and said that there are people of all ages there now. Have you even been reading this thread?

I'm beginning to think you're trolling, because I have never encountered anyone who continually misreads and misunderstands everything that is said.
You are wasting my time with your silliness & contradictions, little girl. 12-year-olds shouldn't be allowed to post here with adults. Goodbye.
You are wasting my time with your silliness & contradictions, little girl. 12-year-olds shouldn't be allowed to post here with adults. Goodbye.
For your sake I really hope you’ve been trolling, because if not I’ve never encountered anyone as confused as you, who doesn’t understand anything and has to have everything repeated multiple times. But the funniest part is your projection, it’s off the charts.

The only thing you’ve gotten right is that this has been a waste of time. That’s my bad for continuing once I realized I’m either dealing with a troll or someone who is more senile than Joe Biden. Goodbye!

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