Amazing, Six Members of the Clown Car did WHAT?

Do you support institutional bigotry

  • Total voters
Just because we discriminated for thousands of years doesn't mean we should continue doing so

Each society should have the right to decide what marriage should be. Our society has done just that

almost right, society did not decide it, 5 out of 9 old farts in black robes decided it.

"society" in the blue state of California voted it down twice.

We the People......gave them that authority in our Constitution

The same courts that used to rule gays could not marry

yes, that's true. But you said that society as a whole made that decision. That is not what happened.

Now, if you want to hold a national referendum on it then the results of that would be society deciding.
It is exactly what happened "as a whole"
Doesn't mean unanimous and those opposing the rights of gays are now on the outside looking in
And not too happy

then you should have no problem with a referendum in every state to resolve it once and for all. Your contention that a majority agree with gay marriage is not proven by recent polling.

The polls say that a majority support tolerance and equal rights for gays, but not marriage. and since you are determined to increase the muslim population in the US, you can count on gays being thrown off rooftops in muslim communities------------------in the name of islam.
Of course they have a problem with it. Because gay marriage was mostly a loser at the ballot box. So run to the courts and get gay judges to issue orders overturning the will of the people.
almost right, society did not decide it, 5 out of 9 old farts in black robes decided it.

"society" in the blue state of California voted it down twice.

We the People......gave them that authority in our Constitution

The same courts that used to rule gays could not marry

yes, that's true. But you said that society as a whole made that decision. That is not what happened.

Now, if you want to hold a national referendum on it then the results of that would be society deciding.
It is exactly what happened "as a whole"
Doesn't mean unanimous and those opposing the rights of gays are now on the outside looking in
And not too happy

then you should have no problem with a referendum in every state to resolve it once and for all. Your contention that a majority agree with gay marriage is not proven by recent polling.

The polls say that a majority support tolerance and equal rights for gays, but not marriage. and since you are determined to increase the muslim population in the US, you can count on gays being thrown off rooftops in muslim communities------------------in the name of islam.
Of course they have a problem with it. Because gay marriage was mostly a loser at the ballot box. So run to the courts and get gay judges to issue orders overturning the will of the people.

Yep, because the libs are soooooooooooooo much smarter than the rest of us. Fricken assholes.
We the People......gave them that authority in our Constitution

The same courts that used to rule gays could not marry

yes, that's true. But you said that society as a whole made that decision. That is not what happened.

Now, if you want to hold a national referendum on it then the results of that would be society deciding.
It is exactly what happened "as a whole"
Doesn't mean unanimous and those opposing the rights of gays are now on the outside looking in
And not too happy

then you should have no problem with a referendum in every state to resolve it once and for all. Your contention that a majority agree with gay marriage is not proven by recent polling.

The polls say that a majority support tolerance and equal rights for gays, but not marriage. and since you are determined to increase the muslim population in the US, you can count on gays being thrown off rooftops in muslim communities------------------in the name of islam.
Of course they have a problem with it. Because gay marriage was mostly a loser at the ballot box. So run to the courts and get gay judges to issue orders overturning the will of the people.

Yep, because the libs are soooooooooooooo much smarter than the rest of us. Fricken assholes.
Yes they are hip sophisticated educated people while us conservatives are rednecks, stupid, inbred, and merely fly over material.
The truth is the opposite. Obama is the dumbest piece of shit to occupy the White House. Every policy is a failure. Every move pushed by the Left for 50 years has been wrong and done the opposite of its stated intention. Every excuse is "We didnt do it enough" or "We needed to spend more."
White Christians are covered under Title II of the Civil Rights Act. I can't refuse to serve a white Christian in any of the 50 states. He can refuse to serve me in over half. Doesn't seem quite right does it?
I dont see what the issue is. But white Christians are discriminated against all the time. Gays, not so much.

Yeah, we can tell by the links you provided to all these white Christians being denied service.
Links are in my sig line.
It is well known white Christians are persecuted for their faith. Ask the clerk in KY about it.

She wasn't persecuted for her faith, she was thrown in jail for contempt of court after refusing to do her job and for foisting her religious beliefs on the taxpaying public. She didn't want a religious accommodation, she ordered the people that work for her not issue licenses when they were happy to do so in her stead.

The only link in your sig line is to google. Fail.
Of course she was persecuted for her faith. By homos. The case against her was brought by a pair from California. Do they not have marriage certificates in California that these two faygolas had to travel half way across the country to Dumbfuck KY to get a marriage certficate? Of course not. It was a set up to persecute this woman.
I note the new GOP governor has issued EOs that makes everyone happy. OK everyone except the fagghaddis who wanted this woman's head on a plate. And fuck them.

Uh no. You just keep being wronger and wronger. It was a Kentucky couple that sued Kim Davis (Miller v Davis) when her office refused to issue them a marriage license. Stop being a willful do just fine without consciously doing it.

Battle to marry in Kentucky: 6 couples, gay and straight, one purpose

They started making wedding plans the day the U.S. Supreme Court's decision legalized same-sex marriage nationwide in June. But when they called the Rowan County Clerk's office to ask what they would need to get a marriage license, a deputy clerk told them: "Don't bother coming down here."

Spartman said they have put their wedding plans on hold until they can get a marriage license. He said it is essential for them to get married in Rowan County because that is where they have made their home together.

April Miller and Karen Roberts worked together in Mississippi and became great friends. They were both married at the time, and when Roberts moved away they realized their relationship was more than a friendship. They divorced their husbands and moved to Texas together with their daughter in 2004.

Miller and Roberts moved to Morehead in 2006.
almost right, society did not decide it, 5 out of 9 old farts in black robes decided it.

"society" in the blue state of California voted it down twice.

We the People......gave them that authority in our Constitution

The same courts that used to rule gays could not marry

yes, that's true. But you said that society as a whole made that decision. That is not what happened.

Now, if you want to hold a national referendum on it then the results of that would be society deciding.
It is exactly what happened "as a whole"
Doesn't mean unanimous and those opposing the rights of gays are now on the outside looking in
And not too happy

then you should have no problem with a referendum in every state to resolve it once and for all. Your contention that a majority agree with gay marriage is not proven by recent polling.

The polls say that a majority support tolerance and equal rights for gays, but not marriage. and since you are determined to increase the muslim population in the US, you can count on gays being thrown off rooftops in muslim communities------------------in the name of islam.
Of course they have a problem with it. Because gay marriage was mostly a loser at the ballot box. So run to the courts and get gay judges to issue orders overturning the will of the people.

Loving v that ruling REALLY overturned the "will of the people". (it occurred in 1967) WOW! Now that's some will that got overturned.

Yet we still have morons telling people who they can marry

the word "marriage" has had a clear meaning for thousands of years. A union of two men or two women, or six men and four women is not a marriage.

it is a mutual support contract that allows for the passage of assets and tax benefits for those legally committed to each other. But it is not a marriage. That is the entire issue here, the use of the word "marriage"

No one (except a few on the far right) object to gays being able to legally commit to each other and to have the tax benefits of such commitment. But no matter how many times you libs push it, a gay commitment is not a marriage.
Just because we discriminated for thousands of years doesn't mean we should continue doing so

Each society should have the right to decide what marriage should be. Our society has done just that

almost right, society did not decide it, 5 out of 9 old farts in black robes decided it.

"society" in the blue state of California voted it down twice.

We the People......gave them that authority in our Constitution

The same courts that used to rule gays could not marry

yes, that's true. But you said that society as a whole made that decision. That is not what happened.

Now, if you want to hold a national referendum on it then the results of that would be society deciding.

I do not believe that people are still so distraught over marriage equality- and don't tell me your not-because if that were true you wouldn't be here. The fact is that it is a done deal. None of the ass hats running for president is going to change that.

Furthermore we are a constitutional republic. Not a direct democracy. You do not put questions of constitutionality to a vote. That is what the court system is for.
If you dont fully support the gay agenda then you are a bigot, a homophobe, a racist, and a Nazi. That's how this works.
Yep. And nobody is supposed to realize that only a couple of years ago all major Democrats stood for traditional marriage, so we were all homophobes and bigots.
Society changes

Conservatives do not

The basics of human right and wrong do not change. Human anatomy and biology have not changed.

Your view of "right and wrong" is now wrong
You are wrong to force your views on others and are wrong to tell others who they are allowed to love

I don't care that you love your boyfriend, RW. I think that's just great.

YOU are wrong to force YOUR views on others and to tell others what unions they MUST sanction.
Isn't that what you're doing if you're telling two people who happen to be of the same sex that they can't marry? The difference is, that those gays getting married have zero impact on the live of those who oppose it. At the same time, to not be allowed to marry has a profound impact of the lives of the gay people.
almost right, society did not decide it, 5 out of 9 old farts in black robes decided it.

"society" in the blue state of California voted it down twice.

We the People......gave them that authority in our Constitution

The same courts that used to rule gays could not marry

yes, that's true. But you said that society as a whole made that decision. That is not what happened.

Now, if you want to hold a national referendum on it then the results of that would be society deciding.
It is exactly what happened "as a whole"
Doesn't mean unanimous and those opposing the rights of gays are now on the outside looking in
And not too happy

then you should have no problem with a referendum in every state to resolve it once and for all. Your contention that a majority agree with gay marriage is not proven by recent polling.

The polls say that a majority support tolerance and equal rights for gays, but not marriage. and since you are determined to increase the muslim population in the US, you can count on gays being thrown off rooftops in muslim communities------------------in the name of islam.
Of course they have a problem with it. Because gay marriage was mostly a loser at the ballot box. So run to the courts and get gay judges to issue orders overturning the will of the people.

Gay judges? Really? Still making shit up as you go I see.
Yep. And nobody is supposed to realize that only a couple of years ago all major Democrats stood for traditional marriage, so we were all homophobes and bigots.
Society changes

Conservatives do not

The basics of human right and wrong do not change. Human anatomy and biology have not changed.

Your view of "right and wrong" is now wrong
You are wrong to force your views on others and are wrong to tell others who they are allowed to love

I don't care that you love your boyfriend, RW. I think that's just great.

YOU are wrong to force YOUR views on others and to tell others what unions they MUST sanction.
Isn't that what you're doing if you're telling two people who happen to be of the same sex that they can't marry? The difference is, that those gays getting married have zero impact on the live of those who oppose it. At the same time, to not be allowed to marry has a profound impact of the lives of the gay people.

gay marriage is an oxymoron, moron.
Society changes

Conservatives do not

The basics of human right and wrong do not change. Human anatomy and biology have not changed.

Your view of "right and wrong" is now wrong
You are wrong to force your views on others and are wrong to tell others who they are allowed to love

I don't care that you love your boyfriend, RW. I think that's just great.

YOU are wrong to force YOUR views on others and to tell others what unions they MUST sanction.
Isn't that what you're doing if you're telling two people who happen to be of the same sex that they can't marry? The difference is, that those gays getting married have zero impact on the live of those who oppose it. At the same time, to not be allowed to marry has a profound impact of the lives of the gay people.

gay marriage is an oxymoron, moron.

Brilliant retort. Just fucking brilliant! Is calling people morons really all that you have? Apparently so.
Yep. And nobody is supposed to realize that only a couple of years ago all major Democrats stood for traditional marriage, so we were all homophobes and bigots.
Society changes

Conservatives do not

The basics of human right and wrong do not change. Human anatomy and biology have not changed.

Your view of "right and wrong" is now wrong
You are wrong to force your views on others and are wrong to tell others who they are allowed to love

I don't care that you love your boyfriend, RW. I think that's just great.

YOU are wrong to force YOUR views on others and to tell others what unions they MUST sanction.
Isn't that what you're doing if you're telling two people who happen to be of the same sex that they can't marry? The difference is, that those gays getting married have zero impact on the live of those who oppose it. At the same time, to not be allowed to marry has a profound impact of the lives of the gay people.

calling a gay union a marriage has an impact on society as a whole. even your beloved muslims recognize that.

I suggest that you and your partner take a stroll through a muslim country hand in hand. You would be dead before taking 100 steps.

But you fricken libs are the same ones arguing in favor of letting muslims take over parts of the USA.
The basics of human right and wrong do not change. Human anatomy and biology have not changed.

Your view of "right and wrong" is now wrong
You are wrong to force your views on others and are wrong to tell others who they are allowed to love

I don't care that you love your boyfriend, RW. I think that's just great.

YOU are wrong to force YOUR views on others and to tell others what unions they MUST sanction.
Isn't that what you're doing if you're telling two people who happen to be of the same sex that they can't marry? The difference is, that those gays getting married have zero impact on the live of those who oppose it. At the same time, to not be allowed to marry has a profound impact of the lives of the gay people.

gay marriage is an oxymoron, moron.

Brilliant retort. Just fucking brilliant! Is calling people morons really all that you have? Apparently so.

do you know what oxymoron means, moron?
Society changes

Conservatives do not

The basics of human right and wrong do not change. Human anatomy and biology have not changed.

Your view of "right and wrong" is now wrong
You are wrong to force your views on others and are wrong to tell others who they are allowed to love

I don't care that you love your boyfriend, RW. I think that's just great.

YOU are wrong to force YOUR views on others and to tell others what unions they MUST sanction.
Isn't that what you're doing if you're telling two people who happen to be of the same sex that they can't marry? The difference is, that those gays getting married have zero impact on the live of those who oppose it. At the same time, to not be allowed to marry has a profound impact of the lives of the gay people.

calling a gay union a marriage has an impact on society as a whole. even your beloved muslims recognize that.

I suggest that you and your partner take a stroll through a muslim country hand in hand. You would be dead before taking 100 steps.

But you fricken libs are the same ones arguing in favor of letting muslims take over parts of the USA.

Horseshit ! On all counts. And making assumptions about me does not help your so called argument and make you look stupid
Your view of "right and wrong" is now wrong
You are wrong to force your views on others and are wrong to tell others who they are allowed to love

I don't care that you love your boyfriend, RW. I think that's just great.

YOU are wrong to force YOUR views on others and to tell others what unions they MUST sanction.
Isn't that what you're doing if you're telling two people who happen to be of the same sex that they can't marry? The difference is, that those gays getting married have zero impact on the live of those who oppose it. At the same time, to not be allowed to marry has a profound impact of the lives of the gay people.

gay marriage is an oxymoron, moron.

Brilliant retort. Just fucking brilliant! Is calling people morons really all that you have? Apparently so.

do you know what oxymoron means, moron?

Yea It's like call yourself on conservative patriot.
Just because we discriminated for thousands of years doesn't mean we should continue doing so

Each society should have the right to decide what marriage should be. Our society has done just that

almost right, society did not decide it, 5 out of 9 old farts in black robes decided it.

"society" in the blue state of California voted it down twice.

We the People......gave them that authority in our Constitution

The same courts that used to rule gays could not marry

yes, that's true. But you said that society as a whole made that decision. That is not what happened.

Now, if you want to hold a national referendum on it then the results of that would be society deciding.
It is exactly what happened "as a whole"
Doesn't mean unanimous and those opposing the rights of gays are now on the outside looking in
And not too happy

then you should have no problem with a referendum in every state to resolve it once and for all. Your contention that a majority agree with gay marriage is not proven by recent polling.

The polls say that a majority support tolerance and equal rights for gays, but not marriage. and since you are determined to increase the muslim population in the US, you can count on gays being thrown off rooftops in muslim communities------------------in the name of islam.

I do not believe you should vote on what rights others are allowed to have

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper.
Society changes

Conservatives do not

The basics of human right and wrong do not change. Human anatomy and biology have not changed.

Your view of "right and wrong" is now wrong
You are wrong to force your views on others and are wrong to tell others who they are allowed to love

I don't care that you love your boyfriend, RW. I think that's just great.

YOU are wrong to force YOUR views on others and to tell others what unions they MUST sanction.
Isn't that what you're doing if you're telling two people who happen to be of the same sex that they can't marry? The difference is, that those gays getting married have zero impact on the live of those who oppose it. At the same time, to not be allowed to marry has a profound impact of the lives of the gay people.

calling a gay union a marriage has an impact on society as a whole. even your beloved muslims recognize that.

I suggest that you and your partner take a stroll through a muslim country hand in hand. You would be dead before taking 100 steps.

But you fricken libs are the same ones arguing in favor of letting muslims take over parts of the USA.
You set the bar so low for morality

Any treatment better than Muslims give is acceptable to you
If you dont fully support the gay agenda then you are a bigot, a homophobe, a racist, and a Nazi. That's how this works.
Yep. And nobody is supposed to realize that only a couple of years ago all major Democrats stood for traditional marriage, so we were all homophobes and bigots.
Society changes

Conservatives do not

The basics of human right and wrong do not change. Human anatomy and biology have not changed.

Your view of "right and wrong" is now wrong
You are wrong to force your views on others and are wrong to tell others who they are allowed to love
The irony is impressive. The stupidity even more so.
No one ever told anyone else who they can and cant love. Another red herring from the bath houses.

You are telling people they are not allowed to marry the person they love....hardly a red herring
almost right, society did not decide it, 5 out of 9 old farts in black robes decided it.

"society" in the blue state of California voted it down twice.

We the People......gave them that authority in our Constitution

The same courts that used to rule gays could not marry

yes, that's true. But you said that society as a whole made that decision. That is not what happened.

Now, if you want to hold a national referendum on it then the results of that would be society deciding.
It is exactly what happened "as a whole"
Doesn't mean unanimous and those opposing the rights of gays are now on the outside looking in
And not too happy

then you should have no problem with a referendum in every state to resolve it once and for all. Your contention that a majority agree with gay marriage is not proven by recent polling.

The polls say that a majority support tolerance and equal rights for gays, but not marriage. and since you are determined to increase the muslim population in the US, you can count on gays being thrown off rooftops in muslim communities------------------in the name of islam.

I do not believe you should vote on what rights others are allowed to have

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper.
So you support courts striking down restrictive gun laws. Good!
Yep. And nobody is supposed to realize that only a couple of years ago all major Democrats stood for traditional marriage, so we were all homophobes and bigots.
Society changes

Conservatives do not

The basics of human right and wrong do not change. Human anatomy and biology have not changed.

Your view of "right and wrong" is now wrong
You are wrong to force your views on others and are wrong to tell others who they are allowed to love
The irony is impressive. The stupidity even more so.
No one ever told anyone else who they can and cant love. Another red herring from the bath houses.

You are telling people they are not allowed to marry the person they love....hardly a red herring
No one is telling anyone who they can and cant marry. Gays are and were free to marry everywhere. Was anyone hauled off to jail for having a same sex marriage?
We the People......gave them that authority in our Constitution

The same courts that used to rule gays could not marry

yes, that's true. But you said that society as a whole made that decision. That is not what happened.

Now, if you want to hold a national referendum on it then the results of that would be society deciding.
It is exactly what happened "as a whole"
Doesn't mean unanimous and those opposing the rights of gays are now on the outside looking in
And not too happy

then you should have no problem with a referendum in every state to resolve it once and for all. Your contention that a majority agree with gay marriage is not proven by recent polling.

The polls say that a majority support tolerance and equal rights for gays, but not marriage. and since you are determined to increase the muslim population in the US, you can count on gays being thrown off rooftops in muslim communities------------------in the name of islam.

I do not believe you should vote on what rights others are allowed to have

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper.
So you support courts striking down restrictive gun laws. Good!
Yes I do.....when those laws say whites can have guns and blacks can't
Or......gays are not allowed to be armed while straights can

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