America at the end of empire


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
The reality that now confronts us is that America has failed.....when a nation elects a obvious brain damaged fool as President one should understand that indicates something is hugely wrong.

What is wrong with America? Why are we so far down on the path that other failed nations have trod?

We in simple terms have lost our way.



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People who talk like you seem to think America is headed for the dustbin of history and yet all your ideas have already been put there.
If you hadn't elected an orange retard, we wouldn't have a brain damaged fool since the country would rather have the brain damaged fool than the orange retard.
Donald trump employed people and built things before he became president. Community activist Barry Hussein joked about retards during his short lived stint as a standup comedian. We have a genuine mentally impaired president bumbling around the White House and the crazy left thinks Trump was a retard. It's time for mental health clinics for lefties who can't let go of their anger even when they won the election.
The fuckimg lazt ass sheep American people brought it on themselves worrying about what their favorite sports team was doing every day instead of holding our corrupt politicians accountable for their actions.
If you hadn't elected an orange retard, we wouldn't have a brain damaged fool since the country would rather have the brain damaged fool than the orange retard.
Donald trump employed people and built things before he became president. Community activist Barry Hussein joked about retards during his short lived stint as a standup comedian. We have a genuine mentally impaired president bumbling around the White House and the crazy left thinks Trump was a retard. It's time for mental health clinics for lefties who can't let go of their anger even when they won the election.
Perfect description of one of USMBs biggest resident trolls Toto.
If you hadn't elected an orange retard, we wouldn't have a brain damaged fool since the country would rather have the brain damaged fool than the orange retard.
Are you suggesting that the... I don't know what it was... Twenty plus other people who were running weren't more qualified than a "brain damaged fool"?

I mean I would absolutely agree with you on all of them but two... But...
Are you suggesting that the... I don't know what it was... Twenty plus other people who were running weren't more qualified than a "brain damaged fool"?


I'm saying that "the brain damaged fool" was a better alternative to most Americans than your orange god.

You think that all the people running as a democrat was "brain damaged fools" and Biden was just the least one? Why would you support a "brain damaged fool" when you had other options? That seems like a brain damaged thing to do.
Are you suggesting that the... I don't know what it was... Twenty plus other people who were running weren't more qualified than a "brain damaged fool"?


I'm saying that "the brain damaged fool" was a better alternative to most Americans than your orange god.

You think that all the people running as a democrat was "brain damaged fools" and Biden was just the least one? Why would you support a "brain damaged fool" when you had other options? That seems like a brain damaged thing to do.

I didn't say any of that.

I'm beginning to think you're a brain damaged fool.
What is wrong with America? Why are we so far down on the path that other failed nations have trod?
Because many Republicans believed every lie Trump told.
MARCH 26, 2021
Dear Republican Voters, What Did You Expect?

"When Donald Trump tried to cut off food stamps to over a million people in the middle of a pandemic, what did you expect?

"Did you really think it was going to 'force' people to get a job in the face of a disease that could kill them?

"When over 10 million jobs had just vanished from the economy?"
American decline started long before Trump. I would argue it began in the 60s.

The apex of American relative power was 2000. 9/11 happened in 2001, and China was admitted into the WTO in 2001.

I think our nation's peak was post WWII until the mid 1960s and we've been over the hill ever since.

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