America Before the Entitlement State

i and the folks in my community are doing pretty well in the middle class

That's believable.

The upper middle class has done rather well under the system in the last 30 years.

And lets also acknowledge that the recession has hit some areas very hard and other not so hard at all, too.

Nationwide, in 2009 the median salary for the lower middle class family (the second quintile) was $29,257

The median salary for the middle class family (the third quintile) was $49,534

The median salary for the upper middle class family (the 4th quintile) was $79,654.

Depending on where you live, any of those salaries might be enough to get by fairly well.

Of course we all know that in some cities even $79,000 isn't really very much money to support a family.

But generally speaking, the middle class, most especially the lower two thirds of the middle class is having a helluva time getting by.

So bad in fact that many families are falling OUT of the middle class.
It won't be an entitlement state for long. the gimmmie gimmmie mo mo mo taker crowd is fixin to overtake the giver crowd,, and lot's of givers have given up giving and moved.. to greener pastures.. so the gimmmie gimmmie crowd better come up with a plan B..
...So what do they have left? Make all private property ownership illegal? Everything you have is courtesy of the benevolence of the state? I belive if this keeps up? That is where we are headed. (And these boneheaded moochers will applaud all the way).

If and when we lose private property rights, we are officially powerless and the gummint becomes a dictatorship. We lose all rights and freedoms and our current president with his "war on prosperity," will have all power and control. **Salute**

You know, it's funny... in another thread someone said to me "paying for everyone and letting people die are the only choices?" in regards to the health care debate.

I ask you guys the same question....

So, the only two options are the current system of big business and the banking sector running our lives or Communism? Thanks for all the buzzwords there people... Gimme gimme gimme... entitlement state, moochers and Communists... Same old shit.

You morons have nothing to add to the conversation? Call 'em names and deflect. Typical bullshit of the ignorant and the brainwashed. You are like the damned Children of the Corn.
...So what do they have left? Make all private property ownership illegal? Everything you have is courtesy of the benevolence of the state? I belive if this keeps up? That is where we are headed. (And these boneheaded moochers will applaud all the way).

If and when we lose private property rights, we are officially powerless and the gummint becomes a dictatorship. We lose all rights and freedoms and our current president with his "war on prosperity," will have all power and control. **Salute**

You know, it's funny... in another thread someone said to me "paying for everyone and letting people die are the only choices?" in regards to the health care debate.

I ask you guys the same question....

So, the only two options are the current system of big business and the banking sector running our lives or Communism? Thanks for all the buzzwords there people... Gimme gimme gimme... entitlement state, moochers and Communists... Same old shit.

You morons have nothing to add to the conversation? Call 'em names and deflect. Typical bullshit of the ignorant and the brainwashed. You are like the damned Children of the Corn.

You ain't adding a whole lot to the conversation either. To your question:

No, those are not the only 2 options. Why can't we change the current system so the fat cats and big biz don't have as much influence? Reforming the tax code so they don't get the tax breaks and subsidies would be a start, plus reforming the campaign finance laws.
It won't be an entitlement state for long. the gimmmie gimmmie mo mo mo taker crowd is fixin to overtake the giver crowd,, and lot's of givers have given up giving and moved.. to greener pastures.. so the gimmmie gimmmie crowd better come up with a plan B..
...So what do they have left? Make all private property ownership illegal? Everything you have is courtesy of the benevolence of the state? I belive if this keeps up? That is where we are headed. (And these boneheaded moochers will applaud all the way).

If and when we lose private property rights, we are officially powerless and the gummint becomes a dictatorship. We lose all rights and freedoms and our current president with his "war on prosperity," will have all power and control. **Salute**
And that's what he's doing. His record on the economy is abysmal...he can't run on it even though he has set the trap of the faux jobs bill that none of them ever had the intention of passing save for blaming Republicans for the mess...the 'Supercommittee' is a farce because it leaves out the remainder of legislators and in my mind is unConstitutional..(Democrats have walked away from the table anyway)...and will what's left?

In his usual style of being a street thug/professional shit disturbing community organizer? He is left to a campaign of fearmongering and loathing. That is all he has left. And as I am sure you have seen? You have Statists all over this board applauding the Nanny State...and egging him on in his class warfare tactics at the expense of this economy...and private sector jobs...Government grows larger...Statists applaud.

The Republicans have fronted many plans...some more austere than others...but it is the only way to deal with the situation. Sadly many of those plans go on gathering dust on the desk of Dingy Harry he can also join the class warfare fight and blame it all on the Republicans for the mess that we currently face...all for election purposes...partisan politics over a country in dire straights by thier hand.
If and when we lose private property rights, we are officially powerless and the gummint becomes a dictatorship. We lose all rights and freedoms and our current president with his "war on prosperity," will have all power and control. **Salute**

You know, it's funny... in another thread someone said to me "paying for everyone and letting people die are the only choices?" in regards to the health care debate.

I ask you guys the same question....

So, the only two options are the current system of big business and the banking sector running our lives or Communism? Thanks for all the buzzwords there people... Gimme gimme gimme... entitlement state, moochers and Communists... Same old shit.

You morons have nothing to add to the conversation? Call 'em names and deflect. Typical bullshit of the ignorant and the brainwashed. You are like the damned Children of the Corn.

You ain't adding a whole lot to the conversation either. To your question:

No, those are not the only 2 options. Why can't we change the current system so the fat cats and big biz don't have as much influence? Reforming the tax code so they don't get the tax breaks and subsidies would be a start, plus reforming the campaign finance laws.

Because you've been sold the bill of goods that Money=Speech and a Corporation is a person.
You know, it's funny... in another thread someone said to me "paying for everyone and letting people die are the only choices?" in regards to the health care debate.

I ask you guys the same question....

So, the only two options are the current system of big business and the banking sector running our lives or Communism? Thanks for all the buzzwords there people... Gimme gimme gimme... entitlement state, moochers and Communists... Same old shit.

You morons have nothing to add to the conversation? Call 'em names and deflect. Typical bullshit of the ignorant and the brainwashed. You are like the damned Children of the Corn.

You ain't adding a whole lot to the conversation either. To your question:

No, those are not the only 2 options. Why can't we change the current system so the fat cats and big biz don't have as much influence? Reforming the tax code so they don't get the tax breaks and subsidies would be a start, plus reforming the campaign finance laws.

Because you've been sold the bill of goods that Money=Speech and a Corporation is a person.
Then you oppose union donations to political campaigns.
You ain't adding a whole lot to the conversation either. To your question:

No, those are not the only 2 options. Why can't we change the current system so the fat cats and big biz don't have as much influence? Reforming the tax code so they don't get the tax breaks and subsidies would be a start, plus reforming the campaign finance laws.

Because you've been sold the bill of goods that Money=Speech and a Corporation is a person.
Then you oppose union donations to political campaigns.
But...but...that's different...:eusa_whistle:
We have changed the Entitlement state to the Enabling State. Once, there was American Pride and self respect. Now there is unmitigated greed.
You ain't adding a whole lot to the conversation either. To your question:

No, those are not the only 2 options. Why can't we change the current system so the fat cats and big biz don't have as much influence? Reforming the tax code so they don't get the tax breaks and subsidies would be a start, plus reforming the campaign finance laws.

Because you've been sold the bill of goods that Money=Speech and a Corporation is a person.
Then you oppose union donations to political campaigns. long as all corporate donations are disposed of too. If the Corporate donations are allowed to remain, then I am in full support of Union donations.
Because you've been sold the bill of goods that Money=Speech and a Corporation is a person.
Then you oppose union donations to political campaigns. long as all corporate donations are disposed of too. If the Corporate donations are allowed to remain, then I am in full support of Union donations.
:clap2: I agree. Too bad most on the left bitterly cling to their double standards.

Right, Wry?
I think someone is viewing American history through rose colored glasses

Anyone seen pictures of early 1900s tenements with typhus and smallpox running through them? Seen sweat shops and child labor?

Look at the life of small rural farmers who starved when the crops failed. How about some nice images of the dust bowls of the 1930s?

Yes, Republicans, those were the good ole days before the nanny state and the entitlement society

Ah, reminiscing about the good old days. We really need to get back to our roots.
but don't get me wrong... I support workers engaging in collective bargaining and Unionization in general.

But as far as political influence? no... I think ALL money should get the hell out of politics and I fully support Publicly Funded elections. If you like... Have a check box on your 1040 telling where you want that part of your tax dollars to go.

Personally, I'd rather have my tax dollars get split up between all parties and have a level playing field where the the issues take the forefront and party politics goes by the wayside.
but don't get me wrong... I support workers engaging in collective bargaining and Unionization in general.

But as far as political influence? no... I think ALL money should get the hell out of politics and I fully support Publicly Funded elections. If you like... Have a check box on your 1040 telling where you want that part of your tax dollars to go.

Personally, I'd rather have my tax dollars get split up between all parties and have a level playing field where the the issues take the forefront and party politics goes by the wayside.

I could get behind that, though it runs afoul of the First Amendment.
but don't get me wrong... I support workers engaging in collective bargaining and Unionization in general.

But as far as political influence? no... I think ALL money should get the hell out of politics and I fully support Publicly Funded elections. If you like... Have a check box on your 1040 telling where you want that part of your tax dollars to go.

Personally, I'd rather have my tax dollars get split up between all parties and have a level playing field where the the issues take the forefront and party politics goes by the wayside.

I could get behind that, though it runs afoul of the First Amendment.
A political contribution is a form of free speech...even though we may not like or agree where it comes from.
but don't get me wrong... I support workers engaging in collective bargaining and Unionization in general.

But as far as political influence? no... I think ALL money should get the hell out of politics and I fully support Publicly Funded elections. If you like... Have a check box on your 1040 telling where you want that part of your tax dollars to go.

Personally, I'd rather have my tax dollars get split up between all parties and have a level playing field where the the issues take the forefront and party politics goes by the wayside.

I could get behind that, though it runs afoul of the First Amendment.

Yes, and it is also a strongly Marxist concept that should be rejected by all who value and love freedom. We can get the bad money out of politics without taking away anybody of any socioeconomic position's rights to support or promote anybody they please. Without taking away a single freedom or liberty from anybody.

All we have to do is make it illegal for Congress or the President to use the people's money to dispense favors, benevolence, or benefit to ANYBODY without doing the same for EVERYBODY regardless of political affiliation or socioeconomic standing. The leftist reject that immediately because it puts the power back with the people instead of the government and the leftists trust government more than they trust the people to do the right thing.

It could sure catch on with conservatives though if we can just promote the vision and concept. I think basically, even if they aren't aware of it, the conservatives outnumber the leftists by a pretty large margin.

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