America Bombs Yemen...

and we wonder why people want to kill us.....

This "Blame America First" 1970s flashback brought to you by Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party.
I'd be willing to bet if another nation were hitting us with Drones strikes killing HUNDREDS of innocents you'd be one of the first in line to seek revenge and you know what? I'd be right next to you.
Youre comparing Al Qaeda to the United States of America? :cuckoo:
Amazing how much closer we're getting to Orwell's 1984. Will the bombings ever end? What is it, like 75 straight yrs. we've been bombing and killing? Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.
Bombings like this are good for America. It's good for the economy as defense production ramps up. It's a warning to other third world countries that they might be next if they piss off America. It gives us a chance to test some new weaponry.

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