America Bombs Yemen...

^^^^ So you think the average Yemeni citizen is happy with the foreign drone strikes happening in their country? .. :cool:

I'm sure the average French citizen was unhappy with the US bombing raids of WWII that were killing innocent civilians, too, even though we had permission of our allies to do so. We would not have had to bomb France if Hitler had not made it necessary. Just so with Yemen and Al Qaeda.

Innocents die in war. That does not automatically make us the bad guys, except in the minds of Blame America Firsters.
Obviously you are all wrong.
Obviously America has dramatically cut back on military moves, especially bombing without war declarations ever since that war mongering, blood letting President Bush left office.
Otherwise the media would be all over it...otherwise Code Pink and other large protests would be happening just like when Bush was in office. Obviously the network news would still have "Day 1200" still going and clips of war dead coming off of planes etc. etc. etc.
Don't you guys watch the news - we barely have a military still out there!
Amazing how much closer we're getting to Orwell's 1984. Will the bombings ever end? What is it, like 75 straight yrs. we've been bombing and killing? Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.

Still don't understand the difference between bombing and selective missile strikes. Only shows how little you really know about the subject.

Oh, so if Yemen bombs us here in the U.S. with drones, you won't be calling it a bombing? Hmm? Interesting.

Have you personally witnessed the difference in the damage done by a 500, 750 or 1000 pound bombs versus a rocket or missile? The destructive capabilities and chances for collateral damage are vastly different. Are you willing to put thousand of Americans in hams way to try to get these guys without any collateral damage, which is pretty much impossible as ground operations have their own drawbacks. Do you really think we can just walk away and leave these folks to their own devices, we have seen what that gets us.
^^^^ So you think the average Yemeni citizen is happy with the foreign drone strikes happening in their country? .. :cool:

I'm sure the average French citizen was unhappy with the US bombing raids of WWII that were killing innocent civilians, too, even though we had permission of our allies to do so. We would not have had to bomb France if Hitler had not made it necessary. Just so with Yemen and Al Qaeda.

Innocents die in war. That does not automatically make us the bad guys, except in the minds of Blame America Firsters.

Do you see a difference between WWII and now?
^^^^ So you think the average Yemeni citizen is happy with the foreign drone strikes happening in their country? .. :cool:

I'm sure the average French citizen was unhappy with the US bombing raids of WWII that were killing innocent civilians, too, even though we had permission of our allies to do so. We would not have had to bomb France if Hitler had not made it necessary. Just so with Yemen and Al Qaeda.

Innocents die in war. That does not automatically make us the bad guys, except in the minds of Blame America Firsters.

Do you see a difference between WWII and now?

We've been bombing & killing around the World since WWII. Isn't 75 straight years enough? Maybe it's time to try something different? We've got so many problems right here at home. This Police State continues its rapid expansion. Lets start addressing that. The day of aggressive Foreign Interventionism needs to pass.
You are demonstrating the same fallacious reasoning as paulitician. We have the permission of the Yemeni government to conduct these strikes.
You mean the U.S. backed puppet dictator that we installed and support with millions in money and weapons?? .. :cool:

"The Obama administration will provide $337 million in assistance in the 2012 fiscal year, up from $147 million provided in the previous fiscal year, the State Department said in a news release".

Feds more than double aid to Yemen ? CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

Evidence we installed Hadi, please.
"Mr. Hadi, 65, had been chosen as a consensus candidate by the former ruling party and the opposition, and was confirmed in a one-candidate election on Tuesday. The election was part of a United States-backed deal to end the political crisis and remove Mr. Saleh from office".
Its a lose/lose situation with these countries we do nothing and than we end up getting attacked, people say we should have been over there doing something. We bomb them to try and kill terrorists people say we are bullies and inviting troubles, what a problem.
Who we bombing this week? Looks like it's Yemen.

Drone strikes kill militants in Yemen; Americans urged to leave

A pair of suspected U.S. drone strikes killed four al Qaeda militants in Yemen as the United States maintained a heightened security alert in the country and urged all Americans to leave immediately.

Security sources told CNN about the strikes but didn't offer additional details. A Yemeni official said four drone strikes have been carried out in the past 10 days.

None of those killed on Tuesday were among the 25 names on the country's most-wanted list, security officials said.

It is unclear whether the strikes were related to the added security alert in the country after U.S. officials intercepted a message from al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri to operatives in Yemen telling them to "do something." The message was sent to Nasir al-Wuhayshi, the leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the terror group's Yemeni affiliate. U.S. intelligence believes al-Wuhayshi has recently been appointed the overall terror organization's No. 2 leader.

Also Tuesday, the State Department urged Americans in Yemen to leave immediately, citing terrorist activities and civil unrest. All non-emergency U.S. government personnel were also told to leave.

Two U.S. military transport aircraft landed in Yemen on Tuesday to evacuate American citizens...

Drone strikes kill militants in Yemen, Americans urged to leave -

Thank god Valerie and Susan are on the job...
Amazing how much closer we're getting to Orwell's 1984. Will the bombings ever end? What is it, like 75 straight yrs. we've been bombing and killing? Is there an end in sight? Doesn't look like it.

Still don't understand the difference between bombing and selective missile strikes. Only shows how little you really know about the subject.

There is little difference. Innocents are collateral damage in both.
Still don't understand the difference between bombing and selective missile strikes. Only shows how little you really know about the subject.

Oh, so if Yemen bombs us here in the U.S. with drones, you won't be calling it a bombing? Hmm? Interesting.

Have you personally witnessed the difference in the damage done by a 500, 750 or 1000 pound bombs versus a rocket or missile? The destructive capabilities and chances for collateral damage are vastly different. Are you willing to put thousand of Americans in hams way to try to get these guys without any collateral damage, which is pretty much impossible as ground operations have their own drawbacks. Do you really think we can just walk away and leave these folks to their own devices, we have seen what that gets us.

I am not willing to suspend all humane treatment or justice to bomb people the CIA alone tell me are bad people. Especially if in so doing I kill 20 innocent people.
^^^^ So you think the average Yemeni citizen is happy with the foreign drone strikes happening in their country? .. :cool:

This article is from 2017

Trump has also escalated U.S. military involvement in non-battlefield settings — namely Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan. In the last 193 days of the Obama presidency, there were 21 lethal counterterrorism operations across these three countries. Trump has quintupled that number, conducting at least 92 such operations in Yemen, seven in Somalia, and four in Pakistan.

Donald Trump Is Dropping Bombs at Unprecedented Levels
The candidate who once warned America about Hillary Clinton's hawkishness is turning into a war machine.

Six months into Trump’s presidency, we now have enough data to assess his own approach. The results are clear: Judging from Trump’s embrace of the use of air power — the signature tactic of U.S. military intervention — he is the most hawkish president in modern history. Under Trump, the United States has dropped about 20,650 bombs through July 31, or 80 percent the number dropped under Obama for the entirety of 2016. At this rate, Trump will exceed Obama’s last-year total by Labor Day.
^^^^ So you think the average Yemeni citizen is happy with the foreign drone strikes happening in their country? .. :cool:

This article is from 2017

Trump has also escalated U.S. military involvement in non-battlefield settings — namely Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan. In the last 193 days of the Obama presidency, there were 21 lethal counterterrorism operations across these three countries. Trump has quintupled that number, conducting at least 92 such operations in Yemen, seven in Somalia, and four in Pakistan.

Donald Trump Is Dropping Bombs at Unprecedented Levels
The candidate who once warned America about Hillary Clinton's hawkishness is turning into a war machine.

Six months into Trump’s presidency, we now have enough data to assess his own approach. The results are clear: Judging from Trump’s embrace of the use of air power — the signature tactic of U.S. military intervention — he is the most hawkish president in modern history. Under Trump, the United States has dropped about 20,650 bombs through July 31, or 80 percent the number dropped under Obama for the entirety of 2016. At this rate, Trump will exceed Obama’s last-year total by Labor Day.
Trollin trollin trolling keep those threads a bumpin
Yemen knows what they did.


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