America First Holds Pro-Nazi Rally, February 20 1939

They wrapped themselves in American symbolism, said America should stay out of foreign wars, and spoke glowingly of the Third Reich and it's commitment to conservative values and the family.

Sound familiar?
Yeah, it sounds familiar. Reminds me of the Democraps and their lemmings.
They wrapped themselves in American symbolism, said America should stay out of foreign wars, and spoke glowingly of the Third Reich and it's commitment to conservative values and the family.

Sound familiar?

The Congress just did that with Zelinsky.
Whores for Nazis.

Has zero knowledge of the OP.

But ... but ... but ... Trump cult snowflake!!!!!!!1111111!!!1!1@12@#@

Wow! You just managed to impress the hell out of me by sounding even less connected than usual to reality.

Hey, look at this nazi:

They wrapped themselves in American symbolism, said America should stay out of foreign wars, and spoke glowingly of the Third Reich and it's commitment to conservative values and the family.

Sound familiar?

The Nazis where socialist and put more emphasis on the State and Fatherland than they did on anything else. The reason people wanted to stay out of the problems in Europe was because we had gotten out of another one of these wars less than 20 years earlier.

The Nazi party in the US had no power. The Democratic party controlled KKK had more influence.
The Bundists had activities in Chicago , New York & Los Angeles in 36-38 timeframe , by 1939 they were too high profile and drawing heat from the Big City Marxists
Liberalism was huge in the 1930's in America due to the Roosevelt Depression.

Not surprising that there would be a major national Socialist protest then in leftist New York.

National Socialists are anti-socialist.
The Nazis in Hitler's Germany beats, arrested, or killed all the socialists.
Fascists were an alliance of the aristocracy, military, and capitalist industrialists, intent on destroying socialism that decreased their profits.
Hitler did not do anything even remotely resembling socialism.
For example, all weapon for the military were bid on by private companies that made huge profits from their sale to the government.
If Hitler were at all socialist, then it would have been government factories making those weapons instead.

Originally Hitler had use Ernst Rohm's SA to gain notoriety, but in 1933, the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler has Rohm and all the SA leadership arrested and killed.
Probably because these political organizations are detrimental to the nations they live in. It's not right, is evil, and unlawful... But your point is?

The point is Hitler was far right wing, selected by the wealthy elite, to increase profits through war.
Those who claim Hitler was at all left wing or socialist, are ridiculously uninformed.
Fucking dishonest hack libtards love them some false equivalencies.
When the troll, Toto, starts a bullshit troll thread like this, how frequently does he bother to post a second time in the same troll thread.
how were "democrats" and "socialists" identified in
1933? were there political movements with
member lists described as "democrats" or
"socialists" ? Historically, the standard bit is that
Adolf cited ANY PERSON opposed to his nazi party
---which by nazi logic meant link to the burning of
the Reichstag building. The only people executed
in the early days of Dachau were jews without
charge or trial

The democrats and republicans change platform with time.
But by the 1930s, the democrats were the liberal leftist supporters of unions, labor, the poor, workers, etc., supporting laws to protect workers, unions, different races, different religions, etc.
By the 1930s, the republicans were the conservative wealthy elite, supporting repressive laws, strike breakers, segregation, etc.

The Reichstag fire was set under the orders of Hitler, and Von der Lubber was a mentally retarded person who snuck into the basement to sleep.
He was executed for it in 1933, but later found not guilty.
Nearly 75 years after the event, the German government granted van der Lubbe a posthumous pardon.

The Reichstag fire (German: Reichstagsbrand, listen (help·info)) was an arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, on Monday 27 February 1933, precisely four weeks after Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch "council communist", was the apparent culprit; however, Hitler attributed the fire to Communist agitators. He used it as a pretext to claim that Communists were plotting against the German government, and induced President Paul von Hindenburg to issue the Reichstag Fire Decree suspending civil liberties, and pursue a "ruthless confrontation" with the Communists.[1] This made the fire pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany.

The first report of the fire came shortly after 9:00 p.m., when a Berlin fire station received an alarm call.[2] By the time police and firefighters arrived, the Chamber of Deputies (the lower house) was engulfed in flames. The police conducted a thorough search inside the building and found Van der Lubbe, who was arrested.

After the Fire Decree was issued, the Nazi-controlled police made mass arrests of communists, including all of the communist Reichstag delegates. This severely crippled communist participation in the 5 March elections. After the 5 March elections, the absence of the communists gave the Nazi Party a majority in the Reichstag, greatly assisting the Nazi seizure of total power.

As part of the effort to blame the Fire on the communists, on 9 March the Prussian state police arrested Bulgarians Georgi Dimitrov, Vasil Tanev, and Blagoy Popov, who were known Comintern operatives (though the police did not know it, Dimitrov was head of all Comintern operations in Western Europe). Ernst Torgler, head of the Communist Party, had surrendered himself to police on 28 February.
Intra-ideology squabbles between libs is a constant theme of history.

The Menshevik commies and Bolshevik commies fought, ditto with Stalin and Trotsky. Not to mention the big blowout in 1941 between BFF's Hitler and Stalin.

Stalin never was ever remotely communist in any way at all.
He was a bank robber by profession, and totally profit motivated.
A communist has to be for decentralization, so that you can have communal, collective, and cooperative means of production.
When ever you have centralization, that is an arbitrary corrupt and profit motivated, wealth elite of capitalists.
The Nazis where socialist and put more emphasis on the State and Fatherland than they did on anything else. The reason people wanted to stay out of the problems in Europe was because we had gotten out of another one of these wars less than 20 years earlier.

The Nazi party in the US had no power. The Democratic party controlled KKK had more influence.

Name anything at all that the Nazis did that was "socialist"?
I doubt you can find a single thing, since they stated themselves, they were totally anti-socialist, and constantly were in street fights against any socialists.

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