America First Holds Pro-Nazi Rally, February 20 1939

You are predisposed to believe whatever your masters tell you to believe.

You’re quite gullible.

Nope. I have a good education and I love research. There were 30 political parties in Germany before Hitler. The largest was the Democratic Socialist Party. Hitler used them to get his foot in the door. He split from them in 1926.
Name anything at all that the Nazis did that was "socialist"?
I doubt you can find a single thing, since they stated themselves, they were totally anti-socialist, and constantly were in street fights against any socialists.
They Took over all Industry ( Using the Auto Industry to win Championships for Hitler & Germany with the Auto -Union & Mercedes - Benz Racing teams and confiscated Max Schmelling’s World Championship Boxing Win purse money .
You are predisposed to believe whatever your masters tell you to believe.

You’re quite gullible.

The original leader of the SA, which is where Hitler got his start, was Ernst Rohm.
Hitler had Rohm assassinated in 1933 with the "Night of the Long Knives" where all leftist political groups were attacked and destroyed.
The attacks were carried out by right wing groups and the military, like the SS.
Hitler has switched to extreme right wing by then.

Name anything at all that the Nazis did that was "socialist"?
I doubt you can find a single thing, since they stated themselves, they were totally anti-socialist, and constantly were in street fights against any socialists.
The Nazis controlled what was produced, who companies could sell to and the wages people earned They were anti-communist not anti-socialist, Nazis didn't like the competition.

I blame the education system.
The original leader of the SA, which is where Hitler got his start, was Ernst Rohm.
Hitler had Rohm assassinated in 1933 with the "Night of the Long Knives" where all leftist political groups were attacked and destroyed.
The attacks were carried out by right wing groups and the military, like the SS.
Hitler has switched to extreme right wing by then.

The Night of the Long Knives was about getting rid of political rivals and Communist sympathizers, still does not change the fact that they were Socialist.
They Took over all Industry ( Using the Auto Industry to win Championships for Hitler & Germany with the Auto -Union & Mercedes - Benz Racing teams and confiscated Max Schmelling’s World Championship Boxing Win purse money .

Absolutely false.
Auto Union (Audi) and Mercedes Benz were NEVER "taken over", nationalized, or in any way socialized on bit.

There was one aircraft company that was so anti-Hitler that its president and owner was removed.
I don't remember which one.
Think it started with an "F"?
But that is the closest anyone could find to anything even remotely resembling socialism that Hitler did.
Nope. I have a good education and I love research. There were 30 political parties in Germany before Hitler. The largest was the Democratic Socialist Party. Hitler used them to get his foot in the door. He split from them in 1926.
Incorrect. You are gullible. Not only are you easily misled, you like it that way.

Absolutely false.
Auto Union (Audi) and Mercedes Benz were NEVER "taken over", nationalized, or in any way socialized on bit.

There was one aircraft company that was so anti-Hitler that its president and owner was removed.
I don't remember which one.
Think it started with an "F"?
But that is the closest anyone could find to anything even remotely resembling socialism that Hitler did.
Bullshit both Companies joined into the Socialist zeitgeist and Buildup / War effort along with Horst , Zundapp ...and the fledgling KDF / Volkswagen Companies
The Night of the Long Knives was about getting rid of political rivals and Communist sympathizers, still does not change the fact that they were Socialist.

The political rivalry came from the fact the Nazis were anti-socialist and their rivals were socialists.
Look up the meaning of Fascism.
It is a coalition of the wealthy elite.
It is the aristocracy, military officers, and corporate capitalists ( used to be priesthood in ancient Rome, but changed to corporate capitalists by Mussolini).

Socialism is the exact opposite of fascism and the Nazis, and always has been.
It is Hitler who switched.
He started as socialist, but in 1933 turned anti-socialist totally and completely.
Anyone who think Hitler did anything remotely socialist, is utterly ignorant of the actual history.
The original leader of the SA, which is where Hitler got his start, was Ernst Rohm.
Hitler had Rohm assassinated in 1933 with the "Night of the Long Knives" where all leftist political groups were attacked and destroyed.
The attacks were carried out by right wing groups and the military, like the SS.
Hitler has switched to extreme right wing by then.

If your contention is that Hitler’s “mind” was nefarious and diseased, I agree

But if you seek to deny that he was a fucking socialist, you’re wrong.

I’ll further grant you that even quoting the madman’s own words can be misleading. That’s the nature of his madness. Nevertheless, he has a view of what Nazi-ism entailed and it clearly entails socialism.
Incorrect. You are gullible. Not only are you easily misled, you like it that way.


Leftist hang on to their gullibility because it reinforces their victimhood addiction.

They deserve every bit of grief and pain that they work so hard to attain.

Incorrect. You are gullible. Not only are you easily misled, you like it that way.

Totally wrong.
You link claims Hitler supportedL
In points 11 through 17, the NSP calls for the “abolition of unearned incomes,” the “total confiscation of all war profits,” the “nationalization of all associated industries,” the “division of profits of all heavy industries,” the “expansion on a large scale of old age welfare,” the “immediate communalization of the great warehouses,” and “a land reform suitable to our needs.”

Not a single one of those points, or any other socialist point, was ever implemented by Hitler.
If you look at all the industrial records, not a single "unearned income" was ever abolished, "war profits" were NEVER confiscated and peaked under Hitler instead, not a single industry was ever "nationalized", there was no "old age welfare", no "communalization", no "land reform", etc.

This is all easy to verify.
Hitler appointed Chancellor by the wealthy elite, and not elected by the poor majority.
Bullshit both Companies joined into the Socialist zeitgeist and Buildup / War effort along with Horst , Zundapp ...and the fledgling KDF / Volkswagen Companies

All companies remained entirely private, and made more profits than ever, through the use of slave labor.
The war effort was paid on a bidding process.
There was zero nationalization of any industry (in Germany).
Totally wrong.
You link claims Hitler supportedL
In points 11 through 17, the NSP calls for the “abolition of unearned incomes,” the “total confiscation of all war profits,” the “nationalization of all associated industries,” the “division of profits of all heavy industries,” the “expansion on a large scale of old age welfare,” the “immediate communalization of the great warehouses,” and “a land reform suitable to our needs.”

Not a single one of those points, or any other socialist point, was ever implemented by Hitler.
If you look at all the industrial records, not a single "unearned income" was ever abolished, "war profits" were NEVER confiscated and peaked under Hitler instead, not a single industry was ever "nationalized", there was no "old age welfare", no "communalization", no "land reform", etc.

This is all easy to verify.
Hitler appointed Chancellor by the wealthy elite, and not elected by the poor majority.
You are an easy mark. Your confusion is the typeface with which you post.

This discussion isn’t about what he implemented.

Go take a walk. You’re in way over your head
If your contention is that Hitler’s “mind” was nefarious and diseased, I agree

But if you seek to deny that he was a fucking socialist, you’re wrong.

I’ll further grant you that even quoting the madman’s own words can be misleading. That’s the nature of his madness. Nevertheless, he has a view of what Nazi-ism entailed and it clearly entails socialism.
Wrong. Hitler read whatever he was told to read to the public.
But if you think he at all reduced capitalist profits, you are totally wrong.

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