America....God is trying to tell us all something....we better listen!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
My job, has until next Tuesday to complete our clothing/supplies/money drive for the people of Texas so that a co-worker and his church can drive up and deliver the goods. All across this country, people are stepping up to help, we do it, because we must.

This comes after months of Donald Trump and his henchmen doing everything seemingly possible to divide this country and its I got to thinking.....America has always always been the moral compass in which the world have admired and looked up to. Our democracy and our values have always kept us above the rest, because we always stood for doing the right when we see our standing in this world becoming tainted and destroyed by Trump and his ignorant followers, it was time for God to step in.

1) I have no doubt, those clowns that terrorized the town Charlotteville, a vast majority were southerners...Texas, Louisiana, Florida, etc.....and now they cling to a space inhabited by people of all colors....God did that!!
2) Texas, who has led the way in ignoring regulations, ignoring federal oversight, ignoring proper planning, ignoring the beauty of nature vs high rises and is being humbled beyond any comprehension of its failures...Now you'll listen.
3) Our people who for months, myself included is looking past political attachment and seeing for the first time, human beings, fuck color, fuck party affiliation, babies and mom's and dad's need us. Trump is losing and once again God is charge of the heart again.
4) And God made sure the fallout effects us all, no matter where you live...the aftermath of Harvey and Harvey's to come, will domino into the financial pockets of all us, from higher insurance cost, to revenue drying up, because of job loss and higher gas prices, etc.
But the most important lesson in all this, the next time that clown, that nightmare in chief, steps on a stage to spew his racist rhetorical bullshit....maybe just maybe, the crowd's will be smaller, the hearts a bit large and the clown, will fold up his tent and go home....and when that happens, know that God did that!!
even for you this is a piss poor thread tiger.
Donald Trump and his henchmen doing everything seemingly possible to divide this country and its people
....obama did not do much to bring this country together did he?....he was as bad as bush in that respect....
ignoring the beauty of nature vs high rises and concrete..
so liberal states dont do the same?....
Shut up, ******.
(sigh) dear sweet diaper wearing white piece of shit....find a church and have a blessed day!!
You have never stepped foot in a true church, your social injustice obsessed "church" is just as bad as the 'prosperity gospel' clowns.
Dude, since when did I inform you, I give a fuck about what you think? One more time, moron...find a church and have a blessed is to wonderful for me right now, because I'm excited about helping others to give you another inch of my time. Now bye bitch!!
Hillary and her Dem buddies only remember about God when it helps them to earn some political points. Shame.
even for you this is a piss poor thread tiger.
Donald Trump and his henchmen doing everything seemingly possible to divide this country and its people
....obama did not do much to bring this country together did he?....he was as bad as bush in that respect....
ignoring the beauty of nature vs high rises and concrete..
so liberal states dont do the same?....
I have posted I can't tell you how many times, demanding that you ingrates list or give something on how the fuck Obama divided this country??? And you what to know what I got for my efforts....nada, nada gotdamned thing. So I ask you, what did this man do besides being born black, that made white people start acting like fuckin animals in heat?

One big difference from liberal states...they don't whine about hating on the government with thier hands out every gotdamned year and what liberal state are you talking about, you maniacs have the full country now?
My job, has until next Tuesday to complete our clothing/supplies/money drive for the people of Texas so that a co-worker and his church can drive up and deliver the goods. All across this country, people are stepping up to help, we do it, because we must.

This comes after months of Donald Trump and his henchmen doing everything seemingly possible to divide this country and its I got to thinking.....America has always always been the moral compass in which the world have admired and looked up to. Our democracy and our values have always kept us above the rest, because we always stood for doing the right when we see our standing in this world becoming tainted and destroyed by Trump and his ignorant followers, it was time for God to step in.

1) I have no doubt, those clowns that terrorized the town Charlotteville, a vast majority were southerners...Texas, Louisiana, Florida, etc.....and now they cling to a space inhabited by people of all colors....God did that!!
2) Texas, who has led the way in ignoring regulations, ignoring federal oversight, ignoring proper planning, ignoring the beauty of nature vs high rises and is being humbled beyond any comprehension of its failures...Now you'll listen.
3) Our people who for months, myself included is looking past political attachment and seeing for the first time, human beings, fuck color, fuck party affiliation, babies and mom's and dad's need us. Trump is losing and once again God is charge of the heart again.
4) And God made sure the fallout effects us all, no matter where you live...the aftermath of Harvey and Harvey's to come, will domino into the financial pockets of all us, from higher insurance cost, to revenue drying up, because of job loss and higher gas prices, etc.
But the most important lesson in all this, the next time that clown, that nightmare in chief, steps on a stage to spew his racist rhetorical bullshit....maybe just maybe, the crowd's will be smaller, the hearts a bit large and the clown, will fold up his tent and go home....and when that happens, know that God did that!!

You meant to post this under another one of your sock accounts, right?
tig, you're late to the party. No prayer in school, transgender 1st. graders, death and destruction, ethnic wars, fires and floods, drought, if it feels good do it, geebus, yeezie, unnatural sex, abortions, turning our backs on Israel..
If God doesn't punish this country, he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
You meant to post this under another one of your sock accounts, right?
Just curious why people say that. She has a unique personality and is always in character. Who else is she?
One for sure is unique, or I could use some other descriptive word(s).

IMO though there is at least one other person in the red camp. It's all there in black and white.
even for you this is a piss poor thread tiger.
Donald Trump and his henchmen doing everything seemingly possible to divide this country and its people
....obama did not do much to bring this country together did he?....he was as bad as bush in that respect....
ignoring the beauty of nature vs high rises and concrete..
so liberal states dont do the same?....
I have posted I can't tell you how many times, demanding that you ingrates list or give something on how the fuck Obama divided this country??? And you what to know what I got for my efforts....nada, nada gotdamned thing. So I ask you, what did this man do besides being born black, that made white people start acting like fuckin animals in heat?

One big difference from liberal states...they don't whine about hating on the government with thier hands out every gotdamned year and what liberal state are you talking about, you maniacs have the full country now?
and as i have answered your question more than once, he divided this country by only giving a fuck only about those who agreed with him,otherwise you did not matter,thats being a half-assed leader......and im talking about California,they have paved paradise to put up a parking lot many a time.....and also as i have told you many a time,im not part of those "maniacs" i hate both parties to the point i hope they both go straight to hell.....and if you are stupid enough to be a follower,dont forget to pack some fans,i hear its pretty warm all year around.....
Shut up, ******.
(sigh) dear sweet diaper wearing white piece of shit....find a church and have a blessed day!!
You have never stepped foot in a true church, your social injustice obsessed "church" is just as bad as the 'prosperity gospel' clowns.
Dude, since when did I inform you, I give a fuck about what you think? One more time, moron...find a church and have a blessed is to wonderful for me right now, because I'm excited about helping others to give you another inch of my time. Now bye bitch!!
Shut up, you commie whore.
tig, you're late to the party. No prayer in school, transgender 1st. graders, death and destruction, ethnic wars, fires and floods, drought, if it feels good do it, geebus, yeezie, unnatural sex, abortions, turning our backs on Israel..
If God doesn't punish this country, he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

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