America has fallen! because of abortion, teen pregnancy, gay marriage & divorce

Please tell me this is sarcasm and you really don't believe that bunch of shit. You do realize that women in all walks of life have abortions and many teen pregnancies result in that teen becoming a loving, responsible parent, and gays exist in all walks of life and divorce also exists in all walks of life. None of those are the cause of the countries decline.
Greed, selfishness, lack of sympathy and empathy, and the 1% wanting even more of the wealth until they are the lords and the rest of us are the serfs.....that's what is causing this countries decline. And the piece of excrement sitting in the WH is the shining example of all of those.
Oh, and according to you, he's also helping it by being divorced so many times, or does he get a pass on that?
He's not serious, he just throws shit out there to get folks riled up.
Yeah I was just told that by someone else who also insulted me. Why can't the people on this board have a decent conversation without insulting and attacking other members? I realize that many are just trolls who are only here to stir up crap, but some of us might like to have a decent conversation without all of the rest of the shit.
I agree.

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