
Living in Paradise
Mar 31, 2012
In my book, “100 Years of Deception”, I establish that the Media in the United States is no longer free but instead, is controlled by Zionist influences the purpose of which is to ensure that Americans continue support our wars of aggression against the Muslims and people of the Middle East. I am sure many Americans disagree with what I have just said. To those of you who do, I offer the following video of a demonstration by over 10,000 Orthodox Jews in New York City, which was never reported in any of the media outlets of our Nation; not a single one. I ask you, if we truly have freedom of the press and media in this Nation how is it possible for the so called “Fourth Estate” to totally ignore and suppress information about this important and world shaking event.
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I don't believe the media in this country has ever not been bought and paid for.

I disagree.

There was once a time when newspapers were owned by a variety of Americans from many backgrounds and cultures. Today, Rothschild Zionist money has ensured that most media outlets film production companies are owned and controlled by Zionist sympathizers who, of course, follow the party line and work to ensure that our war machine continues to serve the same monetary interests which control the media. The United States, in truth, has no armed forces. The armed forces we think we have are beholden and subservient to the New World Order which, of course, is a Zionist controlled organization.

Your problem doesn't seem to be the fact that media outlets have an agenda, it seems to me to be whose agenda.
The place is Brooklyn, NY------the people involved are SATMAR-----there are no ten thousand people there The Satmar are FUNDAMENTALISTS who truly believe
that as SATMAR----it is only THEY who should CONTROL ISRAEL-----thus they support any move that weakens the current state of Israel There are two places
wherein the SATMAR reside-----Brooklyn and Israel-----most benei brak----near
Jerusalem--------your post is meaningless-------you might just a well post up an AMISH
demonstration against MOTOR VEHICLES. PS----I recognize a few of the SATMAR on your video-------I lived for years----nearby. They are a tiny minority of
jews.--------notice they object to a policy that would include THEIR OWN ----in the
Israeli draft------SATMAR does not mean "orthodox"-------most orthodox are NOT
Satmar. ------also----they GET LOTS OF PUBLICITY------lots more than the AMISH
The case you are trying to make is a difficult one.

It is no problem at all to find news stories in all U.S. media that are critical of the Jewish State and its actions. Reports are widespread of college demonstrations that are pro-Palestinian, or anti-Zionist, or supportive of boycotting businesses in the so-called, "Occupied Territories."

As for the demonstration shown in the video above, it's not really secular news; it's an internal dispute between orthodox Jews in the U.S. and the government of Israel. Why would anyone who is not a Jew care one way or another?

If you want to make the case that our support of Israel is sometimes irrational or even counter-productive to U.S. interests, have at it. I'm with you. But to claim that "the Media in the United States" is controlled by Zionists is not credible.
The place is Brooklyn, NY------the people involved are SATMAR-----there are no ten thousand people there The Satmar are FUNDAMENTALISTS who truly believe
that as SATMAR----it is only THEY who should CONTROL ISRAEL-----thus they support any move that weakens the current state of Israel There are two places
wherein the SATMAR reside-----Brooklyn and Israel-----most benei brak----near
Jerusalem--------your post is meaningless-------you might just a well post up an AMISH
demonstration against MOTOR VEHICLES. PS----I recognize a few of the SATMAR on your video-------I lived for years----nearby. They are a tiny minority of
jews.--------notice they object to a policy that would include THEIR OWN ----in the
Israeli draft------SATMAR does not mean "orthodox"-------most orthodox are NOT
Satmar. ------also----they GET LOTS OF PUBLICITY------lots more than the AMISH

Agreed! I am sure most of these in attendance at the demonstration were Satmars. So what? Following is a list of Jewish organization opposed to Zionism and the state of Israel.

True Torah Jews Against Zionism – This organization believes that Zionism is contrary to Jewish law as embodied within the Torah. According to them, Zionism wrongfully advocates a political and military end to Jewish exile, fosters ‘pseudo-Judaism based on secular nationalism, seeks “armed materialism” as opposed to divine understanding, and has created a “Zionist State” instead of one that is Jewish.

Not In My Name - This is a predominantly Jewish organization which works toward a peaceful and just resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. They oppose the illegal West Bank and Gaza occupations, the West Bank and East Jerusalem settlements, Israel’s wall of separation, the unjust punishment of Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, and Israel’s blatant abuse of human rights.

Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) – JVP is a group of American Jewish community activists who came together to work for peace, social justice, and human rights. They call upon the United States and other nations to end the violence and support Palestinian self-determination free from occupation and Zionist oppression.

Brit Tzedek V’Shalom – This organization is a Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace. It bills itself as being America’s largest grassroots Jewish organization with around 50,000 supporters, 1,000 of whom are Rabbis. The organization subscribes to a two state negotiated resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

Neturei Karta International (NKI) – NKI is a group of Orthodox Jews who used to live in Jerusalem. They are opposed to the existence of the state of Israel and once held demonstrations and protests to make their views known. Because of this, they were harassed, arrested, and physically tortured by the Israeli police. Most of this organization’s members now live outside of Israel where they establish synagogues, educational institutions, publishing houses and other organizations which espouse their beliefs. NKI opposes the state of Israel because they believe that the concept of a sovereign Jewish State is in violation of Jewish Law.

Are the members of these organizations all Satmars also?
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The case you are trying to make is a difficult one.

It is no problem at all to find news stories in all U.S. media that are critical of the Jewish State and its actions. Reports are widespread of college demonstrations that are pro-Palestinian, or anti-Zionist, or supportive of boycotting businesses in the so-called, "Occupied Territories."

As for the demonstration shown in the video above, it's not really secular news; it's an internal dispute between orthodox Jews in the U.S. and the government of Israel. Why would anyone who is not a Jew care one way or another?

If you want to make the case that our support of Israel is sometimes irrational or even counter-productive to U.S. interests, have at it. I'm with you. But to claim that "the Media in the United States" is controlled by Zionists is not credible.

No it is not difficult at all. There are a number of incidents which have occurred throughout our history where there was a concerted effort on the part of our media to not do their jobs properly. One of these is the beating of the drums of war prior to America's entry into WWI on the wrong side of the conflict. More specific, media doings just prior to the sinking of the Lusitania are particularly revealing when the media, for the most part, refused to publish a paid warning from an American German organization, to not sail on the Lusitania because of the obvious dangers. However, the best example we have is the attack on the USS Liberty where 34 Americans were deliberately murdered by the Zionist military. The New York Times covered this story with a short article on page 29 of its daily paper and then the media did everything possible to cooperate with the governments cover-up of this ignoble incident.

Some little known facts about the USS Liberty which are not news worthy enough to appear in the nation’s newspapers are as follows1:
  • The USS Liberty is a converted WWII victory ship retro-fitted to listen to the communications of other nations. Incredibly, as a result of the Israeli attack, this non-combatant vessel is the most decorated ship in US Naval history, for a single action. Not even the aircraft carriers which fought the Battle of Midway in WWII can make this claim.

  • The survivors of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty were ordered not to talk about this occurrence and if they did, they were told they would be fined and/or imprisoned.

  • President Johnson ordered the official records concerning the USS Liberty to be falsified such that they show the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was an honest mistake.

  • Military orders were issued prohibiting any monument or document from stating that Israel was the nation which attacked the USS Liberty.

  • Captain McGonagle was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions during the attack on the USS Liberty. Instead of this honor being presented in the White House by our President, as is customary, it was presented to Captain McGonagle by the Secretary of the Navy in one of Washington’s navy yards.

  • The survivors of the USS Liberty incident, in his honor, have placed a star for Captain McGonagle on the Walk of Fame in Palm Springs, California near Sonny Bono’s statue.
The place is Brooklyn, NY------the people involved are SATMAR-----there are no ten thousand people there The Satmar are FUNDAMENTALISTS who truly believe
that as SATMAR----it is only THEY who should CONTROL ISRAEL-----thus they support any move that weakens the current state of Israel There are two places
wherein the SATMAR reside-----Brooklyn and Israel-----most benei brak----near
Jerusalem--------your post is meaningless-------you might just a well post up an AMISH
demonstration against MOTOR VEHICLES. PS----I recognize a few of the SATMAR on your video-------I lived for years----nearby. They are a tiny minority of
jews.--------notice they object to a policy that would include THEIR OWN ----in the
Israeli draft------SATMAR does not mean "orthodox"-------most orthodox are NOT
Satmar. ------also----they GET LOTS OF PUBLICITY------lots more than the AMISH

Agreed! I am sure most of these in attendance at the demonstration were Satmars. So what? Following is a list of Jewish organization opposed to Zionism and the state of Israel.

True Torah Jews Against Zionism – This organization believes that Zionism is contrary to Jewish law as embodied within the Torah. According to them, Zionism wrongfully advocates a political and military end to Jewish exile, fosters ‘pseudo-Judaism based on secular nationalism, seeks “armed materialism” as opposed to divine understanding, and has created a “Zionist State” instead of one that is Jewish.

Not In My Name - This is a predominantly Jewish organization which works toward a peaceful and just resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. They oppose the illegal West Bank and Gaza occupations, the West Bank and East Jerusalem settlements, Israel’s wall of separation, the unjust punishment of Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, and Israel’s blatant abuse of human rights.

Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) – JVP is a group of American Jewish community activists who came together to work for peace, social justice, and human rights. They call upon the United States and other nations to end the violence and support Palestinian self-determination free from occupation and Zionist oppression.

Brit Tzedek V’Shalom – This organization is a Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace. It bills itself as being America’s largest grassroots Jewish organization with around 50,000 supporters, 1,000 of whom are Rabbis. The organization subscribes to a two state negotiated resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

Neturei Karta International (NKI) – NKI is a group of Orthodox Jews who used to live in Jerusalem. They are opposed to the existence of the state of Israel and once held demonstrations and protests to make their views known. Because of this, they were harassed, arrested, and physically tortured by the Israeli police. Most of this organization’s members now live outside of Israel where they establish synagogues, educational institutions, publishing houses and other organizations which espouse their beliefs. NKI opposes the state of Israel because they believe that the concept of a sovereign Jewish State is in violation of Jewish Law.

Are the members of these organizations all Satmars also?

in fact----most of them are. "true torah jews" etc----satmar .
Naturei Karta is essentially the SATMAR of ISRAEL----I already
mentioned them-----they did not USED to live in Israel---they still
do-----Bnei Brak----near Jerusalem. You also mentioned a few leftist
groups. -------that is a whole separate issue-------generally communist.
The claim that they left Israel is-----unfortunately---not true------THEY ARE
THERE and they constantly travel around on EL AL and they demand lots
of SPECIAL PERKS in Israel like exemption from military service and
STIPENDS from public funds. You really know nothing about the issue.
They are harassed in Brooklyn------by islamo Nazi pigs------mugged incessantly
For the record-----I was an officer in the US Navy------citizenal, who imagines
he wrote a book-----has stated that some sort of SPECIAL LAW was passed
diallowing navy personnel from declaring that Israel purposely attacked and tried
to kill americans in the USS Liberty incident------I got news for the delusional citizenal-----it is ILLEGAL FOR ANY NAVY SERVICE PERSON-----active or retired
PUBLICALLY In fact-----I have been told that one can be criminally prosecuted
for so doing-----not that I would anyway
For the record-----I was an officer in the US Navy------citizenal, who imagines
he wrote a book-----has stated that some sort of SPECIAL LAW was passed
diallowing navy personnel from declaring that Israel purposely attacked and tried
to kill americans in the USS Liberty incident------I got news for the delusional citizenal-----it is ILLEGAL FOR ANY NAVY SERVICE PERSON-----active or retired
PUBLICALLY In fact-----I have been told that one can be criminally prosecuted
for so doing-----not that I would anyway

For the record, I am and ex-Navy Fighter Pilot (1965-70, F4 Phantoms, VF-11, the Red Rippers, USS Forrestal). Also in case anyone is interested. in a pamphlet published by the USS Liberty Veterans Association, on page 5 it says, "The survivors of the USS Liberty were told never to talk about the incident under penalty of fine and/or imprisonment". I never stated that some sort of SPECIAL LAW was passed disallowing Navy personnel from talking about the incident. All I did was quote what I read in this pamphlet and what I quoted is true because this is what the crew of the Liberty was told both before and after the Navy had conducted and concluded their investigations.

I hope this clears up the facts in this matter.
For the record-----I was an officer in the US Navy------citizenal, who imagines
he wrote a book-----has stated that some sort of SPECIAL LAW was passed
diallowing navy personnel from declaring that Israel purposely attacked and tried
to kill americans in the USS Liberty incident------I got news for the delusional citizenal-----it is ILLEGAL FOR ANY NAVY SERVICE PERSON-----active or retired
PUBLICALLY In fact-----I have been told that one can be criminally prosecuted
for so doing-----not that I would anyway

For the record, I am and ex-Navy Fighter Pilot (1965-70, F4 Phantoms, VF-11, the Red Rippers, USS Forrestal). Also in case anyone is interested. in a pamphlet published by the USS Liberty Veterans Association, on page 5 it says, "The survivors of the USS Liberty were told never to talk about the incident under penalty of fine and/or imprisonment". I never stated that some sort of SPECIAL LAW was passed disallowing Navy personnel from talking about the incident. All I did was quote what I read in this pamphlet and what I quoted is true because this is what the crew of the Liberty was told both before and after the Navy had conducted and concluded their investigations.

I hope this clears up the facts in this matter.

your answer is remarkable for its quality of DISENGENUOUSNESS. IF you had
been a navy fighter Pilot you would know that the officers and enslisted
men on the USS Liberty should NOT HAVE HAD TO BETOLD not to discuss
the outcome of the Inquiry----if they could be trusted to HAVE BRAINS----they
would already know military law regarding such issue as I do-----and you seem
not to. Your comment-----as YOU KNOW-----contains a FALSE implication of
"cover-up" ----which is CLEARLY also the motivation of the
USS LIBERTY VETERANS ASSOCIATION. That association has revealed
itself as a sad comment on the quality of the men who survived the USS Liberty
incident. I doubt that all the men are guilty of spitting in the eye of the Navy

Just one big wait-a-minute here! "Sad comment on the quality of the men who survived the USS Liberty incident" and "I doubt that all the men are guilty of spitting in the eye of the Navy"! I am shocked and flabbergasted that you would say such things. They tell me you know very little about what happened on that fateful day of June 8 1967; the day the Liberty was attacked.

The USS Liberty was a defenseless converted WWII victory ship, sent to patrol off the Gaza coast without escort even though one had been requested, specifically so it would be sunk with no survivors by attacking unmarked Israeli aircraft. This ignoble sinking was a planned false flag excuse coordinated by the United States and Israel to justify a nuclear strike on Cairo which would have incinerated most of the city including the fully staffed American embassy. And you have the unmitigated gall to disparage the brave American heroes who survived what can correctly described as the darkest and most shameful hour of this Nation. A time when the leaders of our own government proved themselves to be traitors to the United States and its people. And did this by being willing participants in the planned and deliberate murder of American sailors and citizens.

At this point all I can say is watch the following British Broadcasting Corporation video entitled, "Dead in the Water". After you do, I expect an apology to all those brave American heroes who served on the USS Liberty and also to me personally.


Just one big wait-a-minute here! "Sad comment on the quality of the men who survived the USS Liberty incident" and "I doubt that all the men are guilty of spitting in the eye of the Navy"! I am shocked and flabbergasted that you would say such things. They tell me you know very little about what happened on that fateful day of June 8 1967; the day the Liberty was attacked.

The USS Liberty was a defenseless converted WWII victory ship, sent to patrol off the Gaza coast without escort even though one had been requested, specifically so it would be sunk with no survivors by attacking unmarked Israeli aircraft. This ignoble sinking was a planned false flag excuse coordinated by the United States and Israel to justify a nuclear strike on Cairo which would have incinerated most of the city including the fully staffed American embassy. And you have the unmitigated gall to disparage the brave American heroes who survived what can correctly described as the darkest and most shameful hour of this Nation. A time when the leaders of our own government proved themselves to be traitors to the United States and its people. And did this by being willing participants in the planned and deliberate murder of American sailors and citizens.

At this point all I can say is watch the following British Broadcasting Corporation video entitled, "Dead in the Water". After you do, I expect an apology to all those brave American heroes who served on the USS Liberty and also to me personally.

you got the wrong person ---rat. COVER-up? the event was BROAD CAST---
real time on the AMERICAN RADIO----real time----even before the US sent a ship
in. -----in the first hour. The entire ACTIVE part of the attack lasted less than 40 minutes --------and then it was Israel that effectuated the rescue of the survivors
splashing around in the water. If either the USA or Israel wanted to sink the ship----
there was PLENTY of opportunity to do it-----making it OBVIOUS that there was never such a plan --I was not NAVY yet-----but later on I was and had
intimate knowledge of ------all kinds of cases of "INJURY" ----I know what shit like
you do with every "issue"------from "agent orange" all the way to
depleted lead POLITICS .
[/QUOTE] you got the wrong person ---rat. COVER-up? the event was BROAD CAST---
real time on the AMERICAN RADIO----real time----even before the US sent a ship
in. -----in the first hour. The entire ACTIVE part of the attack lasted less than 40 minutes --------and then it was Israel that effectuated the rescue of the survivors
splashing around in the water. If either the USA or Israel wanted to sink the ship----
there was PLENTY of opportunity to do it-----making it OBVIOUS that there was never such a plan --I was not NAVY yet-----but later on I was and had
intimate knowledge of ------all kinds of cases of "INJURY" ----I know what shit like
you do with every "issue"------from "agent orange" all the way to
depleted lead POLITICS .[/QUOTE]

Dear Irosie91:

I have read and re-read your response to me. To say the least, I am perplexed chagrined, and insulted. At first I thought that I was dealing with a paid professional, adept at setting up pitfalls and landmines designed to trip me up. However, after much thought, I realized that I was dealing with a person who has no idea what they are talking about.

First of all, why do you say to me, “I know what shit like you does with every issue”. To say the least, this is a highly provocative statement and I think you owe me and everyone else following this thread an explanation of why you resorted to such vile and unbridled disparagement to make your point. I have not called you names or said anything insulting to you. Why, all of sudden, have you done this to me? What have I said which drove you to such venom and hate. Does the truth upset so much that you would, without shame or reservation, make such a fool of yourself in public?

Also, besides resorting to disparagement to support your untenable positions, it is also clear that you have no idea what you are talking about.

I never claimed that news of the Liberty Incident was not broadcast over public radio. Surly it was, but the initial reports provided none of the important details of what really happened.

The attack on the Liberty did not last “less than 40 minutes”. The actual attack which included two flights of three aircraft and three torpedo boats elapsed over a 90 minute period of time.

Israeli forces did not rescue any survivors from the Liberty. No survivors were rescued from the water because none of the crew abandoned ship and none were in the water. Furthermore, when Israeli forces thought American relief aircraft where approaching, then and only then, did they approach the Liberty to offer assistance which was rightfully refused by a recovered and indignant Captain McGonagle, the Liberty’s Skipper.

A cover-up of this deplorable incident exists to this day because, substantial damning testimony from the Liberty’s crew was intentionally and deliberately excluded from all the inquiries which have be conducted to this day. Specifically, no testimony from several sources about Israeli forces machine gunning Liberty lifeboats, was ever allowed into the public record. Furthermore, Captain McGonagle was wounded and incapacitated early on in the Israel attack. When this happened, the Liberty’s Chief Engineer took command and was in charge during most of the 90 minutes that the Liberty was under fire. The testimony of this this Chief Engineer was excluded from all of the naval inquiries which ensued. Every single one! Do you really think these inquiries had any validity if the person in charge when the attack was underway was excluded as a witness?

Since 1967, the USS Liberty Veterans Association has persistently tried to get Congress to launch an investigation into the matter; all for naught. Article 1, Section 8, of our Constitution gives the House of Representatives the power, “to define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high seas and offenses against the Law of Nations”. Certainly the USS Liberty incident is a situation which meets these criteria and thereby demands the attention of Congress. Despite this, Congress has steadfastly refused to conduct an investigation. As a result the cover up continues.

Finally, there is no such thing as “depleted lead politics”. Lead is an inert metal and the term “depleted” has no meaning when referring to it. What I think you mean is “depleted uranium politics”. Perhaps, on occasion, you have been too close to this issue and some the uranium you encountered was not entirely depleted and affected your ability to think.

In Conclusion, the fact that you have called me a piece of shit is disturbing; especially so when you are ignorant of the facts and what really happened in the topic on hand. My advice to you is if you can’t run with the big dogs, then stay on the porch.
"DEPLETED LEAD"-----was a mistake in my post-------I meant to write "DEPLETED URANIUM" ------big politics. An issue with which I deal whilst in the Navy-----along with the politics of 'Agent Orange" Your details are way off-----in fact there
were sailors in the water when the ACTUAL attack on the Liberty was halted and
they were pulled out by Israeli rescue boats before a US craft managed to show up--------there were none in the vicinity. I am very familiar with Nazi propaganda-----I read it as a child------and I am very familiar with the issue of
personal injury and just how people respond to it------REALLY REALLY FAMILIAR.
It was part and parcel of my professional life for many decades----including my time in the NAVY----------a clue for you-----NO ONE INJURED fails to lay blame----no one says "oh it was just an accident" You are citing persons and an organization DEVOTED to placing blame. ------more news---being within a 50 mile radius of
places in which agent orange was used does not result in impotence. I should add ------I am very familiar with the issue of military mistakes. The US military loses
lots------even in peacetime to "friendly fire"
Dear irosie91:

Thank you for forgoing name calling and disparagement in your last post.

Having said this, I must once again point out that you are woefully misinformed about the USS Liberty incident. First of all, I say once again with absolute certainty and conviction, no living Liberty crew member abandoned ship and was in the water before, during, or after the Israeli attack. The order to prepare to abandon ship was given, but cancelled because all the available life rafts were damaged and bullet riddled. Furthermore, there were Israeli helicopters in the area, not with rescue personnel aboard, but with machine gun armed men there to kill anyone unlucky enough to fall into their sights.

Below is a must watch video entitled the "USS Liberty Cover Up", this video belies everything you have said. I full well and understand that you will attempt to belittle and besmirch the people in this video. However, doing so will put you at odds with the very best that America has to offer and will be an indictment of you. Sorry, but the video discredits everything you have said.

USS Liberty Cover Up Full Movie The Loss Of Liberty US Navy Army Marines Military
Dear irosie91:

Thank you for forgoing name calling and disparagement in your last post.

Having said this, I must once again point out that you are woefully misinformed about the USS Liberty incident. First of all, I say once again with absolute certainty and conviction, no living Liberty crew member abandoned ship and was in the water before, during, or after the Israeli attack. The order to prepare to abandon ship was given, but cancelled because all the available life rafts were damaged and bullet riddled. Furthermore, there were Israeli helicopters in the area, not with rescue personnel aboard, but with machine gun armed men there to kill anyone unlucky enough to fall into their sights.

Below is a must watch video entitled the "USS Liberty Cover Up", this video belies everything you have said. I full well and understand that you will attempt to belittle and besmirch the people in this video. However, doing so will put you at odds with the very best that America has to offer and will be an indictment of you. Sorry, but the video discredits everything you have said.

USS Liberty Cover Up Full Movie The Loss Of Liberty US Navy Army Marines Military

wrong----there were some people in lifeboats----and some simply IN THE WATER----no sailors were shot once the operation was halted--- they were rescued. I could tell you more----but as a former Lcdr---- (medical) it would be illegal for me to
say more. I did not watch the video-----whoever made it violated military law.
To what other conspiracy theories do you ascribe-------I lived in Brooklyn, NY on 9-11-01 ------ I noticed huge billows of white smoke-----rising from the World
Trade Center Building------from my living room window. --------My way to work that
morning included a trip on the A train which goes directly under the World Trade
Center--------now tell me that "THE MOSSAD" called me the night before and
told me "DON'T go to work tomorrow". I have been enjoying crap like you since I was about ten years old----MANY MANY years ago. I read stuff my brothers bought when I was a kid-------superman comics, science fiction---especially ISAAC AZIMOV and a bit later MAD MAGAZINE-----and lots and
lots of freebie Nazi propaganda pamphlets. -----all of them just as fanciful----
especially the Nazi propaganda..

It is now perfectly clear that you are discussing this issue in good faith, which means no matter what I say, no matter what evidence or testimony I provide, you will ignore it and deliberately continue to make claims which you would know are false. My perceptions are that nothing about you is real especially when you claim that a documentary video violated military law. I doubt if are a former Navy LCDR and I also doubt if you know anything about military law.

Following is a short video which does not violate military law. If you do not watch it, then please do not write back. Doing so will establish to all concerned that you are phony and a charlatan.

John McCain Confronted About USS Liberty Cover-up Memorial Day 2012

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