America is finally beginning to rebel against bizzaro Republican Logic.

I think it should be obvious to everyone now that republicans bitching about the national debt is laughable because they have no problem increasing it. Pretty funny also that they are supposed to be all about fiscal responsibility, more like blaming others and taking no responsibility.
Clare Foran writes an op ed piece puts it on the internet, so it must be true. Lol! It would be political suicide and the GOP knows it, Roe v Wade will never be overturned if it had a chance it would have been in the 90’s not now. Quit fear mongering.
It's not just opinion. Trump has promised to nominate judges antagonistic to RvW and Pence has promised to put it on "the ash heap of history".

Yet vote can not signficantly rise in the polls.

The negative is consistently above 50%.

Since the election has become a referendum on Trump and since he can't bring his EV power to bear, the falls will depend on the PV, where he always sucks.

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 6/12 - 6/28 -- 43.5 51.4 -7.9
Rasmussen Reports 6/26 - 6/28 1500 LV 47 52 -5
Economist/YouGov 6/24 - 6/26 1278 RV 43 52 -9
Reuters/Ipsos 6/22 - 6/26 1199 RV 45 51 -6
Harvard-Harris 6/24 - 6/25 1448 RV 47 53 -6
Gallup 6/18 - 6/24 1500 A 41 55 -14
CNBC 6/16 - 6/19 800 A 41 47 -6
Quinnipiac 6/14 - 6/17 905 RV 43 52 -9
USA Today/Suffolk 6/13 - 6/18 1000 RV 43 51 -8
CNN 6/14 - 6/17 901 RV 41 54 -13
CBS News 6/14 - 6/17 1100 A 42 52 -10
Monmouth 6/12 - 6/13 711 RV 45 46 -1
Very few people believe the democrats will win the senate.

The GOP keeps AZ.

The GOP takes MO.

It's gonna be sweet.

Ruth can't last another two years.

Then watch the left explode in unison.
:lol: ^^^^

And now that Trump is campaigning on punishing women who get abortions!

blackhawk below needs to look at #63 above to answer his own question.
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Clare Foran writes an op ed piece puts it on the internet, so it must be true. Lol! It would be political suicide and the GOP knows it, Roe v Wade will never be overturned if it had a chance it would have been in the 90’s not now. Quit fear mongering.
It's not just opinion. Trump has promised to nominate judges antagonistic to RvW and Pence has promised to put it on "the ash heap of history".

It won’t happen and anyone with a brain knows it won’t happen. First off you just can’t reverse a ruling. Secondly you would have to have a case that would challenge the ruling that would make it all the way to the Supreme Court, that alone would take years. The third issue is the political ramifications that the Republican Party would suffer by it being overturned, it would be suicide. Roe v. Wade had a better chance in in the Bush the first era after Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Bush appointed 11 of the members of the court and I remember then the cries that Roe v Wade was going to be overturned and gues what, it never came close.

So spare me your nonsense, the court will never overturn it.
I think it should be obvious to everyone now that republicans bitching about the national debt is laughable because they have no problem increasing it. Pretty funny also that they are supposed to be all about fiscal responsibility, more like blaming others and taking no responsibility.

Neither side has a problem increasing the debt and the reason it keeps increasing is that just like Roe v. Wade it would be political suicide. Shrinking the debt would cause the economy to contract, when the economy contracts the voters get ticked off and vote in the other party. Been that way for many decades.
Clare Foran writes an op ed piece puts it on the internet, so it must be true. Lol! It would be political suicide and the GOP knows it, Roe v Wade will never be overturned if it had a chance it would have been in the 90’s not now. Quit fear mongering.
It's not just opinion. Trump has promised to nominate judges antagonistic to RvW and Pence has promised to put it on "the ash heap of history".

It won’t happen and anyone with a brain knows it won’t happen. First off you just can’t reverse a ruling. Secondly you would have to have a case that would challenge the ruling that would make it all the way to the Supreme Court, that alone would take years. The third issue is the political ramifications that the Republican Party would suffer by it being overturned, it would be suicide. Roe v. Wade had a better chance in in the Bush the first era after Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Bush appointed 11 of the members of the court and I remember then the cries that Roe v Wade was going to be overturned and gues what, it never came close.

So spare me your nonsense, the court will never overturn it.

If the GOP wishes to be viable, your hope best come true.
the court will never overturn it.
That's hardly the point. With Trump's choice of nominees and Pence's declaration a matter of record, it's something to run on that will resonate regardless of whether RvW has a chance to be overturned.
Clare Foran writes an op ed piece puts it on the internet, so it must be true. Lol! It would be political suicide and the GOP knows it, Roe v Wade will never be overturned if it had a chance it would have been in the 90’s not now. Quit fear mongering.
It's not just opinion. Trump has promised to nominate judges antagonistic to RvW and Pence has promised to put it on "the ash heap of history".

It won’t happen and anyone with a brain knows it won’t happen. First off you just can’t reverse a ruling. Secondly you would have to have a case that would challenge the ruling that would make it all the way to the Supreme Court, that alone would take years. The third issue is the political ramifications that the Republican Party would suffer by it being overturned, it would be suicide. Roe v. Wade had a better chance in in the Bush the first era after Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Bush appointed 11 of the members of the court and I remember then the cries that Roe v Wade was going to be overturned and gues what, it never came close.

So spare me your nonsense, the court will never overturn it.

Roe is effectively dead and has been for some time.

The thing most people don't realize is that it was legal in four or five states prior to Roe. There was not an increase in the number of abortions after Roe.

What does that tell you ?
I think it should be obvious to everyone now that republicans bitching about the national debt is laughable because they have no problem increasing it. Pretty funny also that they are supposed to be all about fiscal responsibility, more like blaming others and taking no responsibility.

Neither side has a problem increasing the debt and the reason it keeps increasing is that just like Roe v. Wade it would be political suicide. Shrinking the debt would cause the economy to contract, when the economy contracts the voters get ticked off and vote in the other party. Been that way for many decades.

It can't go on forever.

If we don't shrink it now, it's only going to hurt when it decides to shrink itself.

S.S. and Medicare will be huge victims of any large shift in the economy. It will be a big disservice to let that happen.
the court will never overturn it.
That's hardly the point. With Trump's choice of nominees and Pence's declaration a matter of record, it's something to run on that will resonate regardless of whether RvW has a chance to be overturned.

So Let me get this straight you want it to be an issue, even though it has no chance to be overturned. Your reason then is to make it an issue, to play on emotion instead of logic to gain political power?
I think it should be obvious to everyone now that republicans bitching about the national debt is laughable because they have no problem increasing it. Pretty funny also that they are supposed to be all about fiscal responsibility, more like blaming others and taking no responsibility.

Neither side has a problem increasing the debt and the reason it keeps increasing is that just like Roe v. Wade it would be political suicide. Shrinking the debt would cause the economy to contract, when the economy contracts the voters get ticked off and vote in the other party. Been that way for many decades.

It can't go on forever.

If we don't shrink it now, it's only going to hurt when it decides to shrink itself.

S.S. and Medicare will be huge victims of any large shift in the economy. It will be a big disservice to let that happen.

I totally agree, we are in deep trouble and then when the bottom falls out, everyone will fingerpoint and nothing will change. We had a great opportunity to correct in 2008 and change course, it would have hurt however in the long run all would have won, but politics being what it is...
I think it should be obvious to everyone now that republicans bitching about the national debt is laughable because they have no problem increasing it. Pretty funny also that they are supposed to be all about fiscal responsibility, more like blaming others and taking no responsibility.

Neither side has a problem increasing the debt and the reason it keeps increasing is that just like Roe v. Wade it would be political suicide. Shrinking the debt would cause the economy to contract, when the economy contracts the voters get ticked off and vote in the other party. Been that way for many decades.

It can't go on forever.

If we don't shrink it now, it's only going to hurt when it decides to shrink itself.

S.S. and Medicare will be huge victims of any large shift in the economy. It will be a big disservice to let that happen.

I totally agree, we are in deep trouble and then when the bottom falls out, everyone will fingerpoint and nothing will change. We had a great opportunity to correct in 2008 and change course, it would have hurt however in the long run all would have won, but politics being what it is...

In spite of the drool coming from the left wing, I believe it was Bush who really fucked us.

He wasn't a conservative.

Never was.

Spent like his worthless life depended on it.
Of course anti Roe v Wade justices will be an issue this fall.

How could they not be.
The right wing but hurt the day after the fall election will well deserved, over due, and fun to watch.
Still believe that blue wave is coming??
Unquestionably, if the Republicans rush through a SCOTUS nominee who is going to work to take away reproductive rights.
No one is going to repeal Roe v. Wade, dumbass.
The plan to overturn Roe v. Wade is already in motion - CNNPolitics

It should be overturned. It’s bad law. Abortion laws should be determined by the states and not the federal government
Both party's are a mess, some of the most self serving people with the least knowledge are running things. blue waves or red waves? expanding swamps is what I see. the message is pick a side, your a wimp if you think Some middle ground could be possible. so ok side picked, still don't see why we need to be ass hats about it.

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