America is in need of a moral revival


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2014
Have you ever though about American future??
I know this is USMessage, where anything remotely associated with religion is met with utter disdain, but ask yourself. Is this not what we need in this country? I feel like as a nation we are extremely divided against each other right now. We stereotype, box people into caricatures of what we think they represent before even getting to know them, and are showing less and less respect for each other as fellow Americans.

A moral revival doesn't have to be forcible and it doesn't even have to be spiritual. It does, however, need to happen. I don't think the nation can survive unless we catch a new wave of decency toward one another. we need to be having to make wise choices about the future of the country.
Whose morals are we going to revive, and what religion are those morals going to be based on? Buddhist? Taoist? Christian? Catholic? Hindu? Muslim?

All belief systems have differing "morals" based on their belief system and the dogma they follow.
I think we have to bottom out morally and spiritually before there will be enough people who have realized that something needs to change.
too late for a revival....bulldoze everyrthing and start anew.

honestly.... too far gone now.
that began with the civil rights and anti-war movements and continues to this day, what you are really asking is how they have survived as long as they have ...

Lol this is the most moral humanity has ever been! Slaughtering women and children, raping women whose home you conquered, owning and trading slaves, crucifying people, burning people at the stake, salting the ground of your enemies, cannibalism, etc., were the NORM for most of humanity's existence! Now we get mad if you don't bake someone a cake!

We're in the green folks!
I think the first starting point for our own survival and a common ground we can all stand on is our Constitution. Right now a secret combination has infiltrated our government and is seeking to destroy America and to set up a North American Union. Right now they are opening our borders to let anyone in yet creating laws under such false names as the Patriot Act and the U.S. Freedom Act to restrict our freedom and spy on us. People in Washington are wanting to change our constitution and to due away with some of the freedoms we have had for over 200 years. Perhaps we should come together to protect the Constitution or else have a debate on the merits thereof. There are, in my opinion, false flag operations to try and get Americans to sell their freedom for false flag protections which erode away our freedoms. Executive orders have become a way of circumventing our established government of having congress make our laws and furthering a dictatorship like presidency. The morals of our constitution is being eroded away and neither of the major parties seems to be concerned because they are in bed together over this erosion of our Constitutional freedoms to destroy our country. If we all loved our rights and voted out all those who vote for anti-American legislation whether Republican or Democrat and start realizing that we are being duped by this 2 party system that really is a one party system playing us against each other and causing us to be divided. Morals of Freedom should be our first and foremost agenda and not sell our soul for false protectionism.
And yet again I ask.................whose morality, and what religion and dogma do we base it on?

I some religions we are asked to do human sacrifices (Mayan), and in others we are told to burn witches (Christian), yet in others we are asked to see where there are similarities and try to see the point of view from the other person's (Buddhist or Taoist).

Do we try to see the morals of others, or do we try to see the morals of ourselves via those who are outside of our knowledge, and denigrate them because they don't see the world as we do?

Me? I prefer to see what they have to offer, and if it can work with my beliefs (which are always expanding to see what God has to offer) and work with them.

Someone who is different than me can teach me much. I only hope that I can teach them as well, and hope they can teach me as much (if not more) than what I can teach them.

It's only by expanding the knowledge that we become smarter as a collective.
If you want a revival, start one in your own life. Get the Spirit of God. Humble yourself through fasting and prayer. Study (not just read) the scriptures and apply them to your life. Teach your family. Be the change.
Actually onefour1, I believe that anyone who spouts the same stuff you do is a conspiracy theorist, and only believes what they are fed from their own troughs.

Sorry, but your bullshit has been proven to be non factual, yet you keep trying to show that it is.

Are you one of those idiot magical creatures called a troll?
Whose morals are we going to revive, and what religion are those morals going to be based on? Buddhist? Taoist? Christian? Catholic? Hindu? Muslim?

All belief systems have differing "morals" based on their belief system and the dogma they follow.

I think most religion have pretty much the same morals. Treat each other well, look out for the helpless, don't over indulge and don't trust anyone who is of a different religion.
Have you ever though about American future??
I know this is USMessage, where anything remotely associated with religion is met with utter disdain, but ask yourself. Is this not what we need in this country? I feel like as a nation we are extremely divided against each other right now. We stereotype, box people into caricatures of what we think they represent before even getting to know them, and are showing less and less respect for each other as fellow Americans.

A moral revival doesn't have to be forcible and it doesn't even have to be spiritual. It does, however, need to happen. I don't think the nation can survive unless we catch a new wave of decency toward one another. we need to be having to make wise choices about the future of the country.

We have always been divided. That is the nature of a free people.
A revival of the discussion of what morals are, come from and mean, perhaps.
Whose morals are we going to revive, and what religion are those morals going to be based on? Buddhist? Taoist? Christian? Catholic? Hindu? Muslim?

All belief systems have differing "morals" based on their belief system and the dogma they follow.

Beat me to the punch. I am not sure a 'moral revival' is what is needed and even if it was, whose morals? I think instead, what we need to do as a community is simply pull the sticks out of our asses and start focusing on where we can get along instead of where we disagree. Once we stop acting like we have been mortally wounded by the slightest hint of something we don't like and demanding that blood be spilled in retribution, we might actually start making some progress with society.
I think we have to bottom out morally and spiritually before there will be enough people who have realized that something needs to change.

I don't think that. I believe hell will be full of people holding the door to hell shut so that everyone can stay there.
'Moral', not 'morale'!

Now, pull your pants up and wait for the 'escort' (watch out for 'trannys').

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