America is in need of a moral revival

The Bible warns against seeing corporations as more than people.

Where in the name of all that is holy did you get tha.........nevermind......I have to remember who I am talking to here. Not worth my time to even try delving into the rDean brain to discover where that came from. :lol:
Matthew 21 12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.

Mark 10 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.

If you claim to follow the Bible, read it first.

THOSE ARE ABOUT CORPORATIONS?!?!?!?! :lmao: Oh my God. What a tool! Jesus and the money changers is about defrauding people. The Jews had come to Temple and needed to obtain a sacrifice for Passover. They were travelling from all over Judea and could not bring their animals with them. So people were selling sacrificial animals for ridiculous prices. The money changers were screwing the people on the exchange rate to pay their Temple tax. That has nothing to do with corporations.

Mark 10 is about a man who was unable to let go of material goods. His focus was on that which is of the Earth, not that which comes from heaven. Jesus was saying that it is more difficult for a rich person to let go of materiality. It's far easier for a peasant who has nothing material to give up in the first place. Good Christ!
Definition of CORPORATION
a : a group of merchants or traders united in a trade guild

Like money lenders.

Corporation Definition of corporation by Merriam-Webster

Those guys were not united. They were independent businessmen operating independent booths in the Temple. The guild system didn't come into being until the Middle Ages. Jeez. No Mensa membership for you
The Bible warns against seeing corporations as more than people.

Where in the name of all that is holy did you get tha.........nevermind......I have to remember who I am talking to here. Not worth my time to even try delving into the rDean brain to discover where that came from. :lol:
Matthew 21 12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.

Mark 10 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.

If you claim to follow the Bible, read it first.

THOSE ARE ABOUT CORPORATIONS?!?!?!?! :lmao: Oh my God. What a tool! Jesus and the money changers is about defrauding people. The Jews had come to Temple and needed to obtain a sacrifice for Passover. They were travelling from all over Judea and could not bring their animals with them. So people were selling sacrificial animals for ridiculous prices. The money changers were screwing the people on the exchange rate to pay their Temple tax. That has nothing to do with corporations.

Mark 10 is about a man who was unable to let go of material goods. His focus was on that which is of the Earth, not that which comes from heaven. Jesus was saying that it is more difficult for a rich person to let go of materiality. It's far easier for a peasant who has nothing material to give up in the first place. Good Christ!
Definition of CORPORATION
a : a group of merchants or traders united in a trade guild

Like money lenders.

Corporation Definition of corporation by Merriam-Webster

Those guys were not united. They were independent businessmen operating independent booths in the Temple. The guild system didn't come into being until the Middle Ages. Jeez. No Mensa membership for you
You don't know that. You are guessing.
It has to be moral and spiritual.
Catching the new wave of decency towards each other would mean just thaw before the cold snowstorm. The US will never be a mentally sane country of mutual aid and neighbourliness, nothing could help. IMO
Where in the name of all that is holy did you get tha.........nevermind......I have to remember who I am talking to here. Not worth my time to even try delving into the rDean brain to discover where that came from. :lol:
Matthew 21 12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.

Mark 10 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.

If you claim to follow the Bible, read it first.

THOSE ARE ABOUT CORPORATIONS?!?!?!?! :lmao: Oh my God. What a tool! Jesus and the money changers is about defrauding people. The Jews had come to Temple and needed to obtain a sacrifice for Passover. They were travelling from all over Judea and could not bring their animals with them. So people were selling sacrificial animals for ridiculous prices. The money changers were screwing the people on the exchange rate to pay their Temple tax. That has nothing to do with corporations.

Mark 10 is about a man who was unable to let go of material goods. His focus was on that which is of the Earth, not that which comes from heaven. Jesus was saying that it is more difficult for a rich person to let go of materiality. It's far easier for a peasant who has nothing material to give up in the first place. Good Christ!
Definition of CORPORATION
a : a group of merchants or traders united in a trade guild

Like money lenders.

Corporation Definition of corporation by Merriam-Webster

Those guys were not united. They were independent businessmen operating independent booths in the Temple. The guild system didn't come into being until the Middle Ages. Jeez. No Mensa membership for you
You don't know that. You are guessing.

"THE RISE OF CAPITALISM ca. 1300 - 1500 THE GUILD SYSTEM The basic medieval manufacturing organization was the traditional shop...."

ORB The Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies

"Guild, also spelled gild , an association of craftsmen or merchants formed for mutual aid and protection and for the furtherance of their professional interests. Guilds flourished in Europe between the 11th and 16th centuries and formed an important part of the economic and social fabric in that era."

guild trade association

"Pious associations of laymen existed in very ancient times at Constantinople and Alexandria. In France, in the eighth and ninth centuries, the laws of the Carlovingians mention confraternities and guilds. But the first confraternity in the modern and proper sense of the word is said to have been founded at Paris by Bishop Odo who died in 1208. It was under the invocation of the Blessed Virgin Mary."

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA Confraternity Sodality

"The merchant guilds were probably the first to appear and constituted the nucleus for civic organization. As early as the 10th c. merchants formed organizations for mutual protection of their horses, wagons, and goods when travelling."


Guessing, my ass. Try reading an actual history book instead of spending all your time watching Bill Maher and MSNBC
It has to be moral and spiritual.
Catching the new wave of decency towards each other would mean just thaw before the cold snowstorm. The US will never be a mentally sane country of mutual aid and neighbourliness, nothing could help. IMO
I think we could very easily turn it around if we taught our children not to be bullies empathy etc. instead of teaching them fairy tales and stories that don't make sense and trying to scare them and guilt them into being good people. or even suggesting that somebody masturbating is not a good person. So religion it's way out dated so of course it doesn't work. I go into good schools and I see good teachers and good principles teaching the children very well and those kids are going to become productive members of society and God isn't mentioned once. on the other hand you go to black communities and you'll see a very high number of religious people and yet there circumstances in life are piss poor.I think not only Americans but all human beings are not too bright at least the majority of us aren't. so convincing somebody over the imaginary man watching their every move is only appealing to stupid. we need to stop doing this and we need to appeal to logic and common sense. we need to be a more informed citizen. less lazy ignorant greedy
Those guys were not united. They were independent businessmen operating independent booths in the Temple. The guild system didn't come into being until the Middle Ages. Jeez. No Mensa membership for you

I am no expert on this, but it seems they were functioning as a central bank.

Money Changers
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Whose morals are we going to revive, and what religion are those morals going to be based on? Buddhist? Taoist? Christian? Catholic? Hindu? Muslim?

All belief systems have differing "morals" based on their belief system and the dogma they follow.
Revival implies resuscitation, not an introduction of something new.

Historically, America has been Christian.
Those guys were not united. They were independent businessmen operating independent booths in the Temple. The guild system didn't come into being until the Middle Ages. Jeez. No Mensa membership for you

I am no expert on this, but it seems they were functioning as central banks.

Money Changers
Even if Jesus threw out the money changers, it does not mean he was against their operation altogether.

According to the NT, he was upset because they turned a holy temple into a market. That is what I got from the story.
If you want a revival, start one in your own life. Get the Spirit of God. Humble yourself through fasting and prayer. Study (not just read) the scriptures and apply them to your life. Teach your family. Be the change.

Good idea.

Stand up and speak for those who can't speak for themselves.

You know, like the victims of child sexual predators.

Avatar4321 let us know how that goes for you.
Those guys were not united. They were independent businessmen operating independent booths in the Temple. The guild system didn't come into being until the Middle Ages. Jeez. No Mensa membership for you

I am no expert on this, but it seems they were functioning as central banks.

Money Changers
Even if Jesus threw out the money changers, it does not mean he was against their operation altogether.

According to the NT, he was upset because they turned a holy temple into a market. That is what I got from the story.

He didn't work ... My bet is he was getting a cut of the take. How else would he buy the services of Mary Magdalene?
If you want a revival, start one in your own life. Get the Spirit of God. Humble yourself through fasting and prayer. Study (not just read) the scriptures and apply them to your life. Teach your family. Be the change.

Good idea.

Stand up and speak for those who can't speak for themselves.

You know, like the victims of child sexual predators.

Avatar4321 let us know how that goes for you.

Since when are victims of sexual predators unable to speak?

Why do you presuppose you can't be for healing of both victim and predator?

And how can you talk about protecting those who can't speak while advocating the killing of the unborn?
It has to be moral and spiritual.
Catching the new wave of decency towards each other would mean just thaw before the cold snowstorm. The US will never be a mentally sane country of mutual aid and neighbourliness, nothing could help. IMO
I think we could very easily turn it around if we taught our children not to be bullies empathy etc. instead of teaching them fairy tales and stories that don't make sense and trying to scare them and guilt them into being good people. or even suggesting that somebody masturbating is not a good person. So religion it's way out dated so of course it doesn't work. I go into good schools and I see good teachers and good principles teaching the children very well and those kids are going to become productive members of society and God isn't mentioned once. on the other hand you go to black communities and you'll see a very high number of religious people and yet there circumstances in life are piss poor.I think not only Americans but all human beings are not too bright at least the majority of us aren't. so convincing somebody over the imaginary man watching their every move is only appealing to stupid. we need to stop doing this and we need to appeal to logic and common sense. we need to be a more informed citizen. less lazy ignorant greedy

Seems to me you are your own nightmare. You are attacking everyone who shares not your belief in the not-existance of god. What for heavens sake do you call "empathy" in this context? It's by the way a mistake to think psychopaths don't have empathy as well as it is a mistake to think someone who believes in god is insane. Religiosity is a completly normal human quality. Fortunatelly not everyone shares your [anti-]religious fanatism. You sound as if the world would die now immediatelly, if not everyone thinks in exactly this absurde empty ways how you prefer to think. You are an antiprophet of a world of multiplicity - a prophet of a boring world without any real life. But the way of the christian religion is a way full of life. So I don't see how any Christian could tolerate your no-sense. It makes no sense for Christian to choose a way of spiritual death, because everything what lives, lives in the spirit. Death is no solution for nothing. You are able to win - but what do you win if you win death? Why not to fight against death and to win?

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When society finally accepts and incorporates into basic education the principles of human psychology, perception and consciousness, there will be a renewal of mankind's spirit.
We must get to the next stage if we are to survive as a species.
But it is not important if we don't.
America is in need of a moral revival

Based on WHOSE morals?

I'll not submit to Muslim Sharia Laws and 'morals' any more than I'll submit to the morality espoused by America's current Christian leadership.

If you want to raise your kids using dictates that go beyond The United States Constitution and our dynamic rule of law, you knock yourself out, but please stop trying to force the morality of the ancient Arab religious stories on the rest of us.
too late for a revival....bulldoze everyrthing and start anew.

honestly.... too far gone now.

Bury The God of Abraham, as defined in The Torah, The New Testament and The Qur'an with Abraham and celebrate The God of (insert your name here)?

I like it!!

I'll not submit to Muslim Sharia Laws and 'morals' any more than I'll submit to the morality espoused by America's current Christian leadership.
How can the leadership of the greatest military empire that invests about half of the budget in military be Christian?...
America is in need of a moral revival

Based on WHOSE morals?

I guess he thinks about the moral of the US-americans. The moral of the US-buffaloes for example lets them build rings: in the middle the calves, then follow the cows and outside in the ring try the bulls to defend their families. On the other side this seems not to impress the species US-homo-sapiens-sapiens, where mothers go to war to protect poor helpless US-Americans who have no time to go to hell on themselve, because they have to count the money they earn with weapons and wars.

I'll not submit to Muslim Sharia Laws and 'morals' any more than I'll submit to the morality espoused by America's current Christian leadership.

If you want to raise your kids using dictates that go beyond The United States Constitution and our dynamic rule of law, you knock yourself out, but please stop trying to force the morality of the ancient Arab religious stories on the rest of us.

Kids? That's maybe a solution. Why not to send kids into war in their mother-tanks and let the enemies do the abortions? Perfect business.

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... How can the leadership of the greatest military empire that invests about half of the budget in military be Christian?...

I guess the american army followed a doctrine of the christian philosopher Saint Augustinus. The result: No one in the world is able to attack the United States with military power, so the USA could indeed live in peace - if you would not use this army on your own.

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too late for a revival....bulldoze everyrthing and start anew.

honestly.... too far gone now.

Bury The God of Abraham, as defined in The Torah, The New Testament and The Qur'an with Abraham and celebrate The God of (insert your name here)?

I like it!!


What you like happened in Auschwitz in the meadow of the birchs, where no bird sang. I don't know how - but god survived this and other mass murders in my heart. It's not a comfortable place for someone like him - but he's satisfied with the place I can give him. "Better than nothing" he jokes. Very amusing for me - he refers to a very special moment in my life.

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Those guys were not united. They were independent businessmen operating independent booths in the Temple. The guild system didn't come into being until the Middle Ages. Jeez. No Mensa membership for you

I am no expert on this, but it seems they were functioning as central banks.

Money Changers
Even if Jesus threw out the money changers, it does not mean he was against their operation altogether.

According to the NT, he was upset because they turned a holy temple into a market. That is what I got from the story.

Of course He wasn't. In order to pay the Temple Tax they had to change out their money. Roman coins could not be used or it would desecrate the Temple. Many coins had images of the Emperor on them (although not Judean coins). Well that's a graven image. Can't use those. So there had to be a system to change them out into coins that were acceptable and Jesus understood that. This is, in part at least, what He meant by "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and render unto God what is God's". What was Caesar's were the Roman coins, what was God's was the Temple. So, basically, 'yes the coins need to be changed out, but this isn't the place to do it'

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