America is in need of a moral revival

Have you ever though about American future??
I know this is USMessage, where anything remotely associated with religion is met with utter disdain, but ask yourself. Is this not what we need in this country? I feel like as a nation we are extremely divided against each other right now. We stereotype, box people into caricatures of what we think they represent before even getting to know them, and are showing less and less respect for each other as fellow Americans.

A moral revival doesn't have to be forcible and it doesn't even have to be spiritual. It does, however, need to happen. I don't think the nation can survive unless we catch a new wave of decency toward one another. we need to be having to make wise choices about the future of the country.

The arrogance common to most theists is met with appropriate disdain, not religion.
Have you ever though about American future??
I know this is USMessage, where anything remotely associated with religion is met with utter disdain, but ask yourself. Is this not what we need in this country? I feel like as a nation we are extremely divided against each other right now. We stereotype, box people into caricatures of what we think they represent before even getting to know them, and are showing less and less respect for each other as fellow Americans.

A moral revival doesn't have to be forcible and it doesn't even have to be spiritual. It does, however, need to happen. I don't think the nation can survive unless we catch a new wave of decency toward one another. we need to be having to make wise choices about the future of the country.

When have Americans not been divided and accusing some other Americans of being ignorant and/or evil? Outside of WW2, I can't think of any period in US history when there wasn't one side versus another whether it was because of race, religion, politics, money, or national origin.
Question.........................which party do you think should be responsible for starting the moral revival? Dems, Reps, or Independents?

And...................which party's morals should we follow?
Question.........................which party do you think should be responsible for starting the moral revival? Dems, Reps, or Independents?

And...................which party's morals should we follow?

What makes you think any party seeking to empower politicians should be starting a revival?
Have you ever though about American future??
I know this is USMessage, where anything remotely associated with religion is met with utter disdain, but ask yourself. Is this not what we need in this country? I feel like as a nation we are extremely divided against each other right now. We stereotype, box people into caricatures of what we think they represent before even getting to know them, and are showing less and less respect for each other as fellow Americans.

A moral revival doesn't have to be forcible and it doesn't even have to be spiritual. It does, however, need to happen. I don't think the nation can survive unless we catch a new wave of decency toward one another. we need to be having to make wise choices about the future of the country.

Rome's moral revival resulted in its demise.
Have you ever though about American future??
I know this is USMessage, where anything remotely associated with religion is met with utter disdain, but ask yourself. Is this not what we need in this country? I feel like as a nation we are extremely divided against each other right now. We stereotype, box people into caricatures of what we think they represent before even getting to know them, and are showing less and less respect for each other as fellow Americans.

A moral revival doesn't have to be forcible and it doesn't even have to be spiritual. It does, however, need to happen. I don't think the nation can survive unless we catch a new wave of decency toward one another. we need to be having to make wise choices about the future of the country.

When have Americans not been divided and accusing some other Americans of being ignorant and/or evil? Outside of WW2, I can't think of any period in US history when there wasn't one side versus another whether it was because of race, religion, politics, money, or national origin.

I guess you have wrong informations about world war 2. I remember for example the story of an American who started to live in Germany directly after world war 2, when here was everything destroyed. The most people here had given a lot in this time to get the chance to live in a rich country like the USA. His reasons to live here had nothing to do with Germany but a lot with the behavior of his own fellow countrymen.

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I do not foresee another revival prior to the Rapture, and perhaps not until the Millennial Kingdom at some point in the future.
Have you ever though about American future??
I know this is USMessage, where anything remotely associated with religion is met with utter disdain, but ask yourself. Is this not what we need in this country? I feel like as a nation we are extremely divided against each other right now. We stereotype, box people into caricatures of what we think they represent before even getting to know them, and are showing less and less respect for each other as fellow Americans.

A moral revival doesn't have to be forcible and it doesn't even have to be spiritual. It does, however, need to happen. I don't think the nation can survive unless we catch a new wave of decency toward one another. we need to be having to make wise choices about the future of the country.

Rome's moral revival resulted in its demise.

Oh horseshit. Whether they were having orgies or watching the gladiators or not had nothing to do with their military strength. The empire fell because of economic reasons, the collapse of the patronage system, and greater coordination between invading tribes. Their moral standing was totally irrelevant.
I do not foresee another revival prior to the Rapture, and perhaps not until the Millennial Kingdom at some point in the future.

LittleNipper, you DO realize that the Rapture is something that was made up in the 1800's, right?

There is nothing that refers to a Rapture in the Bible, but there IS something about Christ's return.
The USA spies everywhere in the world, the USA builds terrorizing concentration camps like Guantanamo and is not able to close such camps, the USA ignores all laws of every nation in the world - completly independent wether this nations are friends or enemies - and additionally as far as I can see the system of justice in the USA is more a kind of system of injustice - death penalty - completly idiotic rules and laws. The USA is 5% of the population of the world but imprisons 25% of the imprisoned population of the world. The USA is doing war on no reasons - even offensive and agressive wars ('preemptive strikes') what's morally absolutelly not allowed to do. Or let me say a word about TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment "Partnership"). 28 german politicians have the right to take a look to the english text in an ambassy of the United States. A joke. Is this the same agressive arrogance you had against red indians and negroes? No one knows anything what "they" (Who is "they"?) are discussing about. What about a more transparent USA with more logic, love and democracy?

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The USA spies everywhere in the world, the USA builds terrorizing concentration camps like Guantanamo and is not able to close such camps, the USA ignores all laws of every nation in the world - completly independent wether this nations are friends or enemies - and additionally as far as I can see the system of justice in the USA is more a kind of system of injustice - death penalty - completly idiotic rules and laws. The USA is 5% of the population of the world but imprisons 25% of the imprisoned population of the world. The USA is doing war on no reasons - even offensive and agressive wars ('preemptive strikes') what's morally absolutelly not allowed to do. Or let me say a word about TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment "Partnership"). 28 german politicians have the right to take a look to the english text in an ambassy of the United States. A joke. Is this the same agressive arrogance you had against red indians and negroes? No one knows anything what "they" (Who is "they"?) are discussing about. What about a more transparent USA with more logic, love and democracy?

Ahh another American hater from Europe. Well....I suppose we could pull out of Europe completely. No military aid, no missiles, no bases, no NATO.....better brush up on your Russian though. In case you haven't noticed they are getting a little uppity over there. Remember when we threatened to pull out of the Middle East completely if the UN didn't pass a measure applying sanctions to Iraq? Remember how every single nation in the Middle East (aside from Iraq) voted in favor of it those sanctions as a result...even Syria. Yes, the world hates us.....until their ass is against the wall and then suddenly we are the best friends a nation could have.

I was born in Germany, my father was stationed there after the Vietnam War . He tells stories about getting spit on by the German people wen he was in uniform and called an American pig. UNTIL the Warsaw Pact rolled their tanks to to border between East and West Germany and the American tanks rolled out to meet them. THEN he was showered with roses and it was 'THANK GOD FOR OUR GOOD FRIENDS THE AMERICANS!' Two months later it was back to getting spit on. So...basically, take your American hating propaganda and stick it up your ass. BTW...given the history of your nation, you are probably not the best person to be bitching about arrogant aggression and death camps from any nation.
Have you ever though about American future??
I know this is USMessage, where anything remotely associated with religion is met with utter disdain, but ask yourself. Is this not what we need in this country? I feel like as a nation we are extremely divided against each other right now. We stereotype, box people into caricatures of what we think they represent before even getting to know them, and are showing less and less respect for each other as fellow Americans.

A moral revival doesn't have to be forcible and it doesn't even have to be spiritual. It does, however, need to happen. I don't think the nation can survive unless we catch a new wave of decency toward one another. we need to be having to make wise choices about the future of the country.
I have to agree. People who see "let him die" as a form of health care are disgusting. Worse are those who love a fetus more than the "born". The Bible warns against seeing corporations as more than people.
The Bible warns against seeing corporations as more than people.

Where in the name of all that is holy did you get tha.........nevermind......I have to remember who I am talking to here. Not worth my time to even try delving into the rDean brain to discover where that came from. :lol:
Matthew 21 12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.

Mark 10 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.

If you claim to follow the Bible, read it first.
The Bible warns against seeing corporations as more than people.

Where in the name of all that is holy did you get tha.........nevermind......I have to remember who I am talking to here. Not worth my time to even try delving into the rDean brain to discover where that came from. :lol:
Matthew 21 12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.

Mark 10 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.

If you claim to follow the Bible, read it first.

THOSE ARE ABOUT CORPORATIONS?!?!?!?! :lmao: Oh my God. What a tool! Jesus and the money changers is about defrauding people. The Jews had come to Temple and needed to obtain a sacrifice for Passover. They were travelling from all over Judea and could not bring their animals with them. So people were selling sacrificial animals for ridiculous prices. The money changers were screwing the people on the exchange rate to pay their Temple tax. That has nothing to do with corporations.

Mark 10 is about a man who was unable to let go of material goods. His focus was on that which is of the Earth, not that which comes from heaven. Jesus was saying that it is more difficult for a rich person to let go of materiality. It's far easier for a peasant who has nothing material to give up in the first place. Good Christ!
The USA spies everywhere in the world, the USA builds terrorizing concentration camps like Guantanamo and is not able to close such camps, the USA ignores all laws of every nation in the world - completly independent wether this nations are friends or enemies - and additionally as far as I can see the system of justice in the USA is more a kind of system of injustice - death penalty - completly idiotic rules and laws. The USA is 5% of the population of the world but imprisons 25% of the imprisoned population of the world. The USA is doing war on no reasons - even offensive and agressive wars ('preemptive strikes') what's morally absolutelly not allowed to do. Or let me say a word about TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment "Partnership"). 28 german politicians have the right to take a look to the english text in an ambassy of the United States. A joke. Is this the same agressive arrogance you had against red indians and negroes? No one knows anything what "they" (Who is "they"?) are discussing about. What about a more transparent USA with more logic, love and democracy?

Ahh another American hater from Europe.

US-America, please, also called NSA-merica from me from time to time now. And why do you think I hate the USA?

Well....I suppose we

Who is "we" in this context? Your nation?

could pull out of Europe completely.

"You" will not do so - under nearly no circumstances - because you would feel weak and helpless if you would do so. "You" are an empire following stupid chliches.

No military aid, no missiles, no bases, no NATO.....better brush up on your Russian though.

That's one of the stupid cliches.

In case you haven't noticed they are getting a little uppity over there. Remember when we threatened to pull out of the Middle East completely if the UN didn't pass a measure applying sanctions to Iraq? Remember how every single nation in the Middle East (aside from Iraq) voted in favor of it those sanctions as a result...even Syria. Yes, the world hates us.....until their ass is against the wall and then suddenly we are the best friends a nation could have.

I don't have any idea what and why the Iraq or Syria and so on has something to do with the USA. Your homelands are far away from there.

I was born in Germany,

Bad luck

my father was stationed there after the Vietnam War . He tells stories about getting spit on by the German people wen he was in uniform and called an American pig.

What? No German spits at anyone. Absurde. Sure the people demonstrated against war in Vietnam. This war was nonsense and grew more and more to become a gigantic catastrophe against every form of humanity. Do you know for example that 3 million Vietnamese people, who were born a long time after the war in Vietnam, are still suffering on the effects of this war? You are born in Germany - you live in the USA. This child on the picture here is born in Vietnam under the influence of "agent orange":


Don't tell me please that's the price the USA has to pay for the freedom in the world.

UNTIL the Warsaw Pact rolled their tanks to to border between East and West Germany and the American tanks rolled out to meet them. THEN he was showered with roses and it was 'THANK GOD FOR OUR GOOD FRIENDS THE AMERICANS!' Two months later it was back to getting spit on.

It was not Germany who gave the East of Europe to the Russians. Poland, Balts, Czechoslovakia and others payed this price of the allies after world war 2. And when Soviet-Russia supressed Chekoslovakia because Dubcek spoke about a "socialism with a human face" then the western world was as less ready to help the Checks like anyone else in Europe in East or West. The Checks were alone in those days - this was a nuclear fact.

So...basically, take your American hating propaganda and stick it up your ass.

I spoke not about ideology.

BTW...given the history of your nation, you are probably not the best person to be bitching about arrogant aggression and death camps from any nation.

What "we" were doing excuses nothing what "you" are doing, only because it was wrong and is wrong. Your "argument" someone spit in the face of your daddy so "right or wrong my country" is a correct political doctrine is a little senile or infantile. Take Mr. Snowden as an example. Germany was not able to protect this man under the law of political asylum because of the political, economical and military might of the USA. Nearly never something was more clear than the right of Mr. Snowden to be protected from the laws for political asylum - but this did not happen. I guess the most Americans, who don't think in forms of ideology, would be more happy if this man would live today in Germany and not in Russia, where he could say or not say what he likes to say or not to say.

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The Bible warns against seeing corporations as more than people.

Where in the name of all that is holy did you get tha.........nevermind......I have to remember who I am talking to here. Not worth my time to even try delving into the rDean brain to discover where that came from. :lol:
Matthew 21 12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.

Mark 10 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.

If you claim to follow the Bible, read it first.

THOSE ARE ABOUT CORPORATIONS?!?!?!?! :lmao: Oh my God. What a tool! Jesus and the money changers is about defrauding people. The Jews had come to Temple and needed to obtain a sacrifice for Passover. They were travelling from all over Judea and could not bring their animals with them. So people were selling sacrificial animals for ridiculous prices. The money changers were screwing the people on the exchange rate to pay their Temple tax. That has nothing to do with corporations.

Mark 10 is about a man who was unable to let go of material goods. His focus was on that which is of the Earth, not that which comes from heaven. Jesus was saying that it is more difficult for a rich person to let go of materiality. It's far easier for a peasant who has nothing material to give up in the first place. Good Christ!
Definition of CORPORATION
a : a group of merchants or traders united in a trade guild

Like money lenders.

Corporation Definition of corporation by Merriam-Webster

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