America isnt Venezuela now. but if income inequality continues to grow, it will be! watch out, folks


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
prosperity is a relative measure, my friends. it doesnt matter how much brightly colored plastic crap i can buy from china. if you can buy more, you're the rich one. i'm poor by comparison.

poverty doesnt cause instability. envy does.

this is why unequal societies tend to collapse. America thrived for 300 years because of political stability. it had no immense underclass plotting to smash the system. there was not a dominant cabal of wealthy folks capable of overpowering the majority. we were stable. on the strata of that stability we built a remarkable society.

in venezuela the opposite happened.

a small number of families took control of the Venezuelan economy. wealth redistribution this lopsided would work under many forms of government. it doesnt work in a democracy. voters elected demagogic populists like Chavez and Maduro to show their displeasure. 20 years later, Venezuela's democracy & prosperity has EVAPORATED.

the same...THE SAME...can happen to America. let me repeat that for you: THE SAME CAN HAPPEN TO AMERICA!
Shows an arrogant lying piece of shit for what he is. Good video. Also as is orated shows his historical ignorance. Since you love the Venezuelan model why not move there.

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