America Just Isn't That Into Obama Anymore

I think even the Obama ball lickers like Chris Mathews and Ed Schultz are having trouble
shilling for Obama.
Two terms for a president is a political eternity - no president ever does very much in the second term. Too much opposition and not enough fire from its own base.
Presidents are really just scapegoats in chief. Not sure what set of circumstances would have to exist for heads of state to have a majority approval throughout their time in office. Free ice cream maybe? :) In President Obama's case, I think the breaking of some major campaign promises is more to blame than anything else - we're still in Afganistan most notably. I coulda told him not to make that one since Presidents aren't more powerful than the corporations who are making a ton of money supplying all the things used in a war. So long as war is business, we'll be at war somewhere. Presidents can declare all the wars they want since that's great for business and the economy. But they can't end them since that'd be bad for business unless they start a new one to offset that profit-loss. So as we wind things down in Afganistan, we're ramping things up in South Sudan, eyeing Iran, and provoking the Arab world with continuing drone strikes.

Since prior to WWII, the US has not known a single year without combat operations somewhere in the world.

I think you are not giving Obama enough credit for the terrible state of the nation. He is not unlike most of our recent presidents. He knows the health and wealth of the State is endless war...and he is a big government progressive.

By any objective analysis of progressive policies enacted by the government these oh...past 100 years knows it is a complete and utter failure...but the power elite do rather well under progressivism.

Anyone who thought Obama would improve conditions prior to being elected the first time, is naive. He made his political beliefs well known as a senator and while running a racket in Chicago. Many of us knew well before that he was nothing more than a left wing shill incapable to curtailing or controlling the power elite. He is part of the power elite.
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Then complain about the power elite also, but since the GOP is also the power elite, you bitches seem to have a hard time swallowing your pride to see that both sides are sucking the power elite.
Then complain about the power elite also, but since the GOP is also the power elite, you bitches seem to have a hard time swallowing your pride to see that both sides are sucking the power elite.

I have consistently criticized the GOP. I wish their party would die. Why do we need two political parties that are very much the same....both parties are stinking progressive.

I have yet to see many on the Left criticize Big fact, many are still carrying his water. How can this be when he has governed much like W????....and the Left hated W with a vengeance....seems rather hypocritical don't you think?
I think even the Obama ball lickers like Chris Mathews and Ed Schultz are having trouble
shilling for Obama.

Chris Matthews is media self exile. His blind sycophantic loyalty to Obama is unmatched.
In fact, the guy is downright nasty about it. He goes into full attack mode against anyone who dares not tow the "Obama is the greatest" line.
My faux concern is for Matthews' state of mental health once Obama is term limited out of office.
Does anyone wish to place a small wager that Matthews will at some time mention lifting of the 22nd Amendment?
One question I have regarding Chris Matthews and others like him is how they could toss aside any semblance of journalistic integrity and become such shills for Obama.
Or, are they just entertainers?
I find it amusing how libs will circle the wagons around Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Stephanie Miller, Rachel Maddow, etc and refer to them as "journalists" while criticizing conservative commentators as "oh, they are just entertainers looking for an audience".
Meanwhile, people such as Limbaugh, Hannity and Michelle Malkin never claimed to be journalists.
Libs have a tough job ahead of them trying to un-fuck themselves.
Then complain about the power elite also, but since the GOP is also the power elite, you bitches seem to have a hard time swallowing your pride to see that both sides are sucking the power elite.

I have consistently criticized the GOP. I wish their party would die. Why do we need two political parties that are very much the same....both parties are stinking progressive.

I have yet to see many on the Left criticize Big fact, many are still carrying his water. How can this be when he has governed much like W????....and the Left hated W with a vengeance....seems rather hypocritical don't you think?

Anarchists should have no rights under the Constitution.
The moment one these masked cowards damages my property that gives me free reign to blow a tunnel through their skull.
"Oh, Molotov cocktail through my window? You should have thought this through a little more. BOOM!...
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Then complain about the power elite also, but since the GOP is also the power elite, you bitches seem to have a hard time swallowing your pride to see that both sides are sucking the power elite.

I have consistently criticized the GOP. I wish their party would die. Why do we need two political parties that are very much the same....both parties are stinking progressive.

I have yet to see many on the Left criticize Big fact, many are still carrying his water. How can this be when he has governed much like W????....and the Left hated W with a vengeance....seems rather hypocritical don't you think?

Anarchists should have no rights under the Constitution.
The moment one these masked cowards damages my property that gives me free reign to blow a tunnel through their skull.
"Oh, Molotov cocktail through my window? You should have thought this through a little more. BOOM!...

Most violent of you, but typical of many on the far right. Sounds like you might be a Fascist.

Libertarians and many Anarchists have no desire to take your property or commit violence against anyone, unlike some libs, neo-cons, and government.
This comment angers the left do gooders as they have some ultra belief on helping the needy causes as they see fit .
It takes money to accomplish anything--hundreds of millions of dollars to win a presidential election it either comes from the haves called Unions or the haves called rich.
Either way the poor just do not get to have control never have and never will.
They will always be some politicians puppet.
Obama never had any intention of helping the needy, what he WAS about viewed from my side of the fence is revenge on different societies to the point of being evil...He found out to get along you have to go along and this is not something he is willing to do.

Biggest difference between him and all other presidents is his lacking of negotiating. This is a tool used to accomplish good things and true leftists believe that they do not have to negotiate as there ideas , opinions and wants are soooo perfect and Devine that you should just agree.

He will not go down as a terrible president but as time goes by and racism (if ever) goes away then the truth will be that the Obama presidency was a complete waste of time money and lives.
The President is not running for anything. He kicked 'Conservative' ass twice, that is a much as he is allowed to.

Your post needs restating...

Obama is not capable of running ANYTHING.

Now that's better.

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