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America Loves Israel?


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
Israel Would Be Justified in Launching a Strike Against Iran - Yahoo! News

Native • San Diego, California • 5 mins agoReport Abuse
isreal is not justified in anything. It does not comply with any UN resolutions and is a terrorist state.
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Daniel S • 2 mins 32 secs agoReport Abuse
Zionist Jew insanity is going to get us all killed. We must all die for Israhell.
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joe • 2 mins 36 secs agoReport Abuse
Time for Iran to strike Israel's illegal nuclear weapons industry. Why not? The Jewish state is constantly threatening Iran with both conventional and nuclear strikes. It is clear that the fanatics in the Jewish state are trying to provoke Iran. Sadly our government is contributing to this war... More
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Esteban • 4 mins 9 secs agoReport Abuse
Israel Would Be Justified in Strapping Mark Whittington To The Nosecone of a Missile and Firing It Into a Mountainside
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Sean • Toronto, Canada • 3 mins 59 secs agoReport Abuse
ISRAELI POLITICAL INSANITY. THE SAMSON OPTION: Israeli Letter-poem to Grass: If We Go, Everyone Goes
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Rosco • 12 mins agoReport Abuse
I do not like the way that Yahoo takes parts of a comment and rearranges things to try to make something seem to be other than what it was intended to be.
The comments are what they are, leave it alone!!!!!
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greg • 23 secs agoReport Abuse
I suppose the Japanese were justified in their sneak attack at Pearl Harbor. Israel can do whatever it wants--just as long as they do it on their own and accept the consequences. I hope the USA stays out of this one. I don't think Iran is going to nuke the USA. They know that would be the end of... More
Sounds just like the USMB Islamic and Palisimian terrorists lovers convention.

No Hossy "Ol Boy...Plain non message board responses by random Americans on a Yahoo News Story!

The not so calm before the storm!
Holy mackeral! SIx Americans are against Israel attacking Iran. Thanks Pbel for enlightening us Americans to the truth.

Israel Would Be Justified in Launching a Strike Against Iran - Yahoo! News

Native • San Diego, California • 5 mins agoReport Abuse
isreal is not justified in anything. It does not comply with any UN resolutions and is a terrorist state.
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Daniel S • 2 mins 32 secs agoReport Abuse
Zionist Jew insanity is going to get us all killed. We must all die for Israhell.
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joe • 2 mins 36 secs agoReport Abuse
Time for Iran to strike Israel's illegal nuclear weapons industry. Why not? The Jewish state is constantly threatening Iran with both conventional and nuclear strikes. It is clear that the fanatics in the Jewish state are trying to provoke Iran. Sadly our government is contributing to this war... More
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Esteban • 4 mins 9 secs agoReport Abuse
Israel Would Be Justified in Strapping Mark Whittington To The Nosecone of a Missile and Firing It Into a Mountainside
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Sean • Toronto, Canada • 3 mins 59 secs agoReport Abuse
ISRAELI POLITICAL INSANITY. THE SAMSON OPTION: Israeli Letter-poem to Grass: If We Go, Everyone Goes
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Rosco • 12 mins agoReport Abuse
I do not like the way that Yahoo takes parts of a comment and rearranges things to try to make something seem to be other than what it was intended to be.
The comments are what they are, leave it alone!!!!!
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greg • 23 secs agoReport Abuse
I suppose the Japanese were justified in their sneak attack at Pearl Harbor. Israel can do whatever it wants--just as long as they do it on their own and accept the consequences. I hope the USA stays out of this one. I don't think Iran is going to nuke the USA. They know that would be the end of... More
Here's what the this asshole has done. It sifted through all the reviews and copied all negative ones it could find. if you click on the link you will find that overwhelmingly the reviews are positive and in support of Israel. They have nothing but deception, lies, and hatred.

Now for some real polls:

Americans Maintain Broad Support for Israel

PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans' views toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict held fairly steady over the past year, with a near record-high 63% continuing to say their sympathies lie more with the Israelis. Seventeen percent sympathize more with the Palestinians.

Bottom Line

In recent years, with no major breakthroughs in the Mideast peace process and no resolution to the Hamas vs. Fatah political rift in the Palestinian Territories, Americans' sympathies toward the conflict's players have leaned heavily toward the Israelis. In fact, with more than 60% of Americans sympathizing with Israel since 2010, public support for the Jewish state has been stronger than at any time other than in 1991, when Israel was hit by Iraqi Scud missiles during the Gulf War.

Israel currently enjoys popular U.S. support across all major party groups and most major societal subgroups; however, sympathy for it is particularly strong among Republicans and, relatedly, among conservatives.
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We have lobbyists that pay our politicians to be pro isreal. Lieberman split with the Democrats for Israel and the Iraq war. He showed his loyalty isn't with the voters of his state, it is with a foregin country. Isreali's are some of the owners of our Federal Reserve. Adelson in Vegas is a huge Jewish GOP campaign contributor. Just as influencial as the Koch brothers. If it not for them, we wouldn't be getting involved in Israels business as much.
Daphne Anson: Americans' Support For Israel High, Poll Shows

Americans' Support For Israel High, Poll Shows

Standing with Israel, Standing for Light and Liberty

We offer peace and amity to all the neighbouring states and their peoples, and invite them to cooperate with the independent Jewish nation for the common good of all. The State of Israel is ready to contribute its full share to the peaceful progress and development of the Middle East. (From Proclamation of the State of Israel, 5 Iyar 5708; 14 May 1948)

"For the first time since 1991, more than 6 in 10 Americans – 63% – say their sympathies in the Middle East situation lie more with the Israelis than with the Palestinians. Fifteen percent side more with the Palestinians, down slightly from recent years, while a combined 23% favor both sides, favor neither side, or have no opinion."
every ones getting fed up with Israel
You and the voices in your head do not comprise of "everyone".

He means the majority of us Gentiles. Specifically us liberal or moderate/independent, Ron Paul, Red Neck, White, Black, non Jewish Americans. Hell, the only reason the righties get along with you is because they too want to loot and fuck with the middle east. And its funny because when Jesus comes back, are you going to be saved? Most of them believe that you have to accept Jesus or else burn in eternal damnation. I guess its ok with you whatever they believe as long as they continue to protect your real homeland.
We have lobbyists that pay our politicians to be pro isreal. Lieberman split with the Democrats for Israel and the Iraq war. He showed his loyalty isn't with the voters of his state, it is with a foregin country. Isreali's are some of the owners of our Federal Reserve. Adelson in Vegas is a huge Jewish GOP campaign contributor. Just as influencial as the Koch brothers. If it not for them, we wouldn't be getting involved in Israels business as much.
Do I hear more whining and neo Nazi drivel? Those pesky facts keep reminding you of your stupidity and ignorance.

Support for Israel in U.S. near all-time highhttp://www.eju.org/news/world/support-israel-us-near-all-time-high

A Gallup Poll released on Feb. 16 asked Americans if they felt favorably or unfavorably toward several countries.

23 February 2012 - Last updated 01:56PM

The results for Middle Eastern countries were:

Israel: 71% favorable, 24% unfavorable; Egypt: 47-47; Saudi Arabia: 42-54; Libya: 25-66; Iraq: 24-72; Palestinian Authority: 19-72; Syria: 17-72; Iran: 10-87.

Israel's "very favorable" rating (29%) was the highest in the past 23 years, while its overall favorable rating was the highest since 1991 (when it was 79% just after the First Gulf War).
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every ones getting fed up with Israel
You and the voices in your head do not comprise of "everyone".

He means the majority of us Gentiles. Specifically us liberal or moderate/independent, Ron Paul, Red Neck, White, Black, non Jewish Americans. Hell, the only reason the righties get along with you is because they too want to loot and fuck with the middle east. And its funny because when Jesus comes back, are you going to be saved? Most of them believe that you have to accept Jesus or else burn in eternal damnation. I guess its ok with you whatever they believe as long as they continue to protect your real homeland.
Majority of Americans, 7 out of 10 (Jews, gentiles, or otherwise) support Israel strongly. The rest are either ignorant, neo Nazis, Islamists, anti Semites, or just don't care. If anything, Americans seem more united over the issue of support for Israel than most other issues.
When Jesus comes back, he will be asked "is this your first, or second coming?" Whatever the answer, at that point the issue will be resolved and that will be that. No need to fret over it now. We'll see if and when he does come back.
not according the the christian Zionism

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mt9KM2O-8o]Christian Zionists part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

2/3 of the Jews will be toast and the rest will repent... Jews are just characters in their
wacky little play
The whole archaic religious nonsense needs to stop before there is any hope of peace anywhere for anyone...we need to master the most basics instead of concerning ourselves with hair splitting dogma and interpretation of ancient text..I read the bible once and I came upon the verse..Matthew 7:12 - "So in everything, do unto others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." and then I put it down and said "ok ..once I master this I will read the rest " In my humble opinion the world would be a better place if we all just tried to do the same...too many trying to run before they have even learned how to walk
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The whole archaic religious nonsense needs to stop before there is any hope of peace anywhere for anyone...we need to master the most basics instead of concerning ourselves with hair splitting dogma and interpretation of ancient text..I read the bible once and I came upon the verse..Matthew 7:12 - "So in everything, do unto others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." and then I put it down and said "ok ..once I master this I will read the rest " In my humble opinion the world would be a better place if we all just tried to do the same...too many trying to run before they have even learned how to walk
Christians or Jews aren't killing in the name of their faith. People are free to believe what they want. Bhuddists worship a statue but are by far one of the most peaceful and wise people I have met. Judge them by their fruits.
The whole archaic religious nonsense needs to stop before there is any hope of peace anywhere for anyone...we need to master the most basics instead of concerning ourselves with hair splitting dogma and interpretation of ancient text..I read the bible once and I came upon the verse..Matthew 7:12 - "So in everything, do unto others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." and then I put it down and said "ok ..once I master this I will read the rest " In my humble opinion the world would be a better place if we all just tried to do the same...too many trying to run before they have even learned how to walk
Christians or Jews aren't killing in the name of their faith. People are free to believe what they want. Bhuddists worship a statue but are by far one of the most peaceful and wise people I have met. Judge them by their fruits.

Nonsense... completely false
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOTkVhfMWcw]George W Bush "GOD told me goto WAR, kill Terrorists" - YouTube[/ame]

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