America Needs a King


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
We already got one...:eusa_shhh:


Politico: 'America Needs a King'

Someone that can unite a deeply divided nation, perhaps a First Citizen

1.3.2014 |Trey Sanchez |


With a nod to the Roman Empire and its first princeps, Caesar Augustus, America's monarch would be called First Citizen. However, as Auslin states, "he or she would be prohibited from any form of governing." What exactly would the First Citizen's duties be and how are they chosen? Here are Auslin's proposals:

“The First Citizen would serve one 15-year term, thus ensuring that he would have to deal with at least two presidents. The First Citizen, along with his or her spouse, would represent America at all social and ceremonial meetings with foreign heads of state and would perform civic activities for all national holidays. Instead of the president, the First Citizen would pardon turkeys, welcome Super Bowl champions, open Olympics, lay wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider, light the national Christmas Tree and the like. He or she would also commemorate important national anniversaries, such as major battles, and would be the chief mourner at national tragedies or memorial services.

No current or past politician could be chosen as First Citizen, nor could anyone having a leadership role in any party. No one having served in the position could later be eligible to run for elected office. People who have publicly taken prominent roles in advocating any policy or political position would be ineligible. No one convicted of a felony or publicly known for embarrassing behavior or an unsavory personal past will be considered. Someone evidencing a deep knowledge of American history, its guiding principles and its evolution would be a preferred selection. To help ensure the gravitas of the office, no one under 55 could be chosen.

The First Citizen can’t be elected, or that would simply impart partisanship to the position; no one can run for it or use their celebrity to angle for it. Rather, it must be a position that is selected on a bipartisan basis, nominated by the serving First Citizen himself, approved unanimously by the speaker and minority leader of the House and the majority and minority leaders of the Senate and ratified by a unanimous Supreme Court. While such unanimity seems impossible today, the acceptance of the nonpartisan nature of the First Citizen will soon ensure that this is the one position on which Americans will expect bipartisan agreement for the benefit of the country.

Obviously, Auslin cannot be completely serious. Yet he believes that the nation is "hungering for a national symbol that can truly unite the country…beyond Republican or Democratic interests." He admits that this would not cure all of America's ills, but it looks like he is willing to try. As he says, "Long live the First Citizen!"

Politico: 'America Needs a King' | Truth Revolt


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