America rip

lol. I am not a fella. and:
I know very well, how many households have guns. Mine being one of them. I have a very nice collection.
Obama has made his agenda quite clear concerning Americans and their guns.:

An international registry will tell them what we own.
A failure to comply = jail term.
So what are you going to do when the UN treaty, that Obama is going to sign, bans your Ruger 22 semi-auto?

I will be turning mine into the sheriff's dept. on their orders. Because 1. they will know that I own one, and 2. not giving it up will mean confiscation and jail time.

What are you going to do? Refuse to comply? Throw stones? Because without ammo, our guns are worthless.
A United Nations Gun Control Treaty Coming Soon

We have become, by force, a compliant country, for the common good. There will be no prying my gun from my cold dead fingers. I have a family that needs me here, not in jail.

There will be no bloodshed. You"ll have a choice. Relinquish or jail.

We Texans take a different view of the situation.:D

The national guard, under Bush went door to door in New Orleans, taking guns away from American citizens and the rest of us did NOTHING!! It was a test and we failed. I seriously doubt at this point that we are gonna get to keep our guns.

Was that the Louisiana National Guard taking guns away from their fellow Louisiana citizens for no reason? Or were they being shot at? I would need a link to believe that happened.
I'm embarassed for my Country. It seems that the majority of Americans want to be little Euros. Maybe we need to downsize our Military and let other countries bail us out of future conflicts.

No, we actually voted to not be like the Europeans.

The Europeans have gone into a severe double-dip recession (some of their countries are in depression) because 2 years ago they decided that cutting your way out doesn't actually grow the economy.

We voted for targeted spending cuts, but we also voted for revenue increase measures to help reduce the deficit while investing in a meaningful Jobs Bill that includes lots of nation building at home instead of overseas.

On that note, why is unlimited spending on nation building overseas okay with the right-wing, but when we do so at home it's socialism/communism? Doesn't make any sense.

We're on the right track. The wars are almost over, the Bush era and those fatal tax cuts are finally going to expire. We're stabilizing defense spending. As Obamacare kicks in, it'll save the rest of us a lot of money that all those uninsured people aren't depending exclusively on emergency rooms any longer. The healthcare exchanges are set to kick in and so are cost control measures in the next 14 months. These are good things whether you're a Democrat or a Republican.

I think this was a vote for a compromise on a grand deficit reduction package the way the President originally wanted back in 2011. A mix of revenue increases and spending cuts is what Obama has called for, and he wants to sign something in the $4 trillion neighborhood. This time, the Republicans must come to the table and work with the President.

John Boehner has a real opportunity here to be able to say that even when Democrats had a stranglehold on the Senate as well as the White House for 4 more years, he was able to help cut the deal that slowed our spending.

Boehner gets to free himself now, if he so chooses. While the rest of his party has a civil war and goes bananas over Obama winning again, I just don't see Boehner as the type who wants to hold a stake in the direction of that party anymore. He's becoming one of its elders now, he's no longer the future, and he never really was a Tea Party radical anyway, so I think deficit reduction is achievable in the next few months.

If we want to, this country can orchestrate a major comeback for itself with the Middle East in flames, the Europeans in Depression, and China's economy slowing some.

It's going to take a handful of Republicans in the House to do it and filibuster reform in the Senate, as Harry Reid has just called for. But the votes are there to make something happen because the people who aren't Tea Party weirdos don't have to be as beholden to them now as they were the past 2 years.

The work of the country can get started again thanks to this election, after 2 years of Tea Party shenanigans where they talked up jobs but only passed abortion bills.

You blame the Tea Party for two years of shenanigans and I blame the US Senate for not passing a budget in THREE years.
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Thursday’s Trading: at 1:48 EST

12,849.09 -0.65%Nasdaq-24.67

2,912.62 -0.84%S&P-9.76

1,384.77 -0.70%
Democracy I GET. Slavish, blind adherrance to failure is what astonishes me.

and yet you continue to trot out asshats like romney and expect intelligent people to be taken in by his carny act.

get a grip, stooge.

It's you fuckers who need to "get a grip". Romney was the right guy at the right time for the right job. Now... it's up to the idiots on the left to prove they can fix it. Problem is, of course... they're idiots.

Barry's policies haven't fixed anything yet and I doubt another four years will make a difference.

The Reps still control the house and the Dems control the Senate. I'd say its gonna be gridlock for another four years.

We also have ACA coming online in 2014. Hope everyone has got their wallets and checkbooks handy because honey you're gonna need em. BTW look for business to lay off and not hire because of HC costs.

Yep. Should be an interesting four more years of that fuck in the WH.
Down 22 this morning.

12827.06 +15.74* (0.12%*)
Nov 9 10:44am ET - Disclaimer
and yet you continue to trot out asshats like romney and expect intelligent people to be taken in by his carny act.

get a grip, stooge.

It's you fuckers who need to "get a grip". Romney was the right guy at the right time for the right job. Now... it's up to the idiots on the left to prove they can fix it. Problem is, of course... they're idiots.

Barry's policies haven't fixed anything yet and I doubt another four years will make a difference.

The Reps still control the house and the Dems control the Senate. I'd say its gonna be gridlock for another four years.

We also have ACA coming online in 2014. Hope everyone has got their wallets and checkbooks handy because honey you're gonna need em. BTW look for business to lay off and not hire because of HC costs.

Yep. Should be an interesting four more years of that fuck in the WH.

It's going to be even worse than anybody thinks right now. Meanwhile Iran advances on us while Obama kisses their butt. Welcome to the era of 'revenge and division' you idiots. I hope it hits Obama voters the hardest. Shame it will hit us all.
Your type of unbalanced, unreasoning hatred is one of the reasons the Dems won.

You have offered nothing positive, nothing at all.

I will continue to laugh at your lack of credibility.

You think I give a rat's hairy ass what a mooch like you thinks of my "language"? I'm not nearly so nice as Irish. I'm not bothering to recommend you pray for your eternal soul because I'm not convinced you have one. You've sat on this site for YEARS, claiming you're a Republican and licking Obama's balls at the same time. You're not in the least bit credible.

Oh... well, by all means do enlighten us, Jake... What's the appropriate response to realizing that your country and the philosophy it stood for is GONE? Maybe we should all sit down to tea and crumpets while the political ruling class explains to us our new responsibilities as peasants? :eusa_eh:

Peasantry is going to look good before Obama is through with this country.
When he's done, we will no longer be one Nation under God. We will be the United Nations under Satan.
The UN has decided to become a nation now. So signing any UN treaties, puts us under the rule of the UN.
And Obama supports UN law, and UN law trumps our constitution. And we support Obama, so.......

And he's just getting warmed up.
When he's done, we will no longer be one Nation under God. We will be the United Nations under Satan.
The UN has decided to become a nation now. So signing any UN treaties, puts us under the rule of the UN.
And Obama supports UN law, and UN law trumps our constitution. And we support Obama, so.......

And he's just getting warmed up.

Exatcly. This is the progresion of things tio come. It's not hard to tell.

Obama's got "More flexibility" now, remember?

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When he's done, we will no longer be one Nation under God. We will be the United Nations under Satan.
The UN has decided to become a nation now. So signing any UN treaties, puts us under the rule of the UN.
And Obama supports UN law, and UN law trumps our constitution. And we support Obama, so.......

And he's just getting warmed up.

I know it sounds trite and superstitious but I wonder if Obama really is the Anti-Christ?
When he's done, we will no longer be one Nation under God. We will be the United Nations under Satan.
The UN has decided to become a nation now. So signing any UN treaties, puts us under the rule of the UN.
And Obama supports UN law, and UN law trumps our constitution. And we support Obama, so.......

And he's just getting warmed up.

Where in the Constitution does say we are a Nation Under God? And how on earth could we be a Nation under the fallen Angel Satan(Lucifier created by God and was the Angel of Light) just because the President was elected to a second term.

Rule of the UN? Read the UN Charter.
When he's done, we will no longer be one Nation under God. We will be the United Nations under Satan.
The UN has decided to become a nation now. So signing any UN treaties, puts us under the rule of the UN.
And Obama supports UN law, and UN law trumps our constitution. And we support Obama, so.......

And he's just getting warmed up.

I know it sounds trite and superstitious but I wonder if Obama really is the Anti-Christ?


The prophecy states that the third anti-christ will be a Muslim, black-bearded man with a blue turban (blue is the Democratic color, coincidence?). The first two anti-christs were believed to be Napoleon and then Hitler. The third will possess an evil no man thought possible. The third will rise to power out of no where in a time of despair when the people are looking for him and sway his followers with persuasive language. Once in power the anti-christ will destroy EVERYTHING. His reign will last for 48 months (as long as a presidential term) and he will be the bringer of the apocalypse. Obama will become president in 08 and end his term in 2012, the same year Nostradamus predicts the end of the world. Could this really be one huge coincidence? I think not. I am not bashing Obama. The whole situation was brought to my attention and i believe this seems to be a very interesting topic of discussion. Has anyone else heard this? Thoughts?
When he's done, we will no longer be one Nation under God. We will be the United Nations under Satan.
The UN has decided to become a nation now. So signing any UN treaties, puts us under the rule of the UN.
And Obama supports UN law, and UN law trumps our constitution. And we support Obama, so.......

And he's just getting warmed up.

I know it sounds trite and superstitious but I wonder if Obama really is the Anti-Christ?



Yep, exactly the attitude such a being would count on.
I have wondered the same thing. So far he qualifies. If Israel wants his help he's going to force them to give up their land.
There is an unnatural love for him world wide. (When have we ever elected a president with 0 qualifications before Obama)?
He forsook? the religion of his father to get elected.
He has fulfilled prophesy by surrounding Israel with her enemies.
Soros and Kissinger have promised him the presidency of the UN if he proves himself worthy by bringing the US into compliance with the global initiative.
and the list goes on..........
I have wondered the same thing. So far he qualifies. If Israel wants his help he's going to force them to give up their land.
There is an unnatural love for him world wide. (When have we ever elected a president with 0 qualifications before Obama)?
He forsook? the religion of his father to get elected.
He has fulfilled prophesy by surrounding Israel with her enemies.
Soros and Kissinger have promised him the presidency of the UN if he proves himself worthy by bringing the US into compliance with the global initiative.
and the list goes on..........

Ram, I'm not really a religious person and as such I don't know enough to be completely persuaded one way or another but I have long believed Obama is a monster.
The prophecy states that the third anti-christ will be a Muslim, black-bearded man with a blue turban (blue is the Democratic color, coincidence?). The first two anti-christs were believed to be Napoleon and then Hitler. The third will possess an evil no man thought possible. The third will rise to power out of no where in a time of despair when the people are looking for him and sway his followers with persuasive language. Once in power the anti-christ will destroy EVERYTHING. His reign will last for 48 months (as long as a presidential term) and he will be the bringer of the apocalypse. Obama will become president in 08 and end his term in 2012, the same year Nostradamus predicts the end of the world. Could this really be one huge coincidence? I think not. I am not bashing Obama. The whole situation was brought to my attention and i believe this seems to be a very interesting topic of discussion. Has anyone else heard this? Thoughts?

So Ram, sound familiar?
I know it sounds trite and superstitious but I wonder if Obama really is the Anti-Christ?



Yep, exactly the attitude such a being would count on.

Hmmm, the supernatural being you are referring to is part of the same world view as the other supreme supernatural being (no not Zeus) God. Put them all in a bubble and then look away from the bubble. President Obama is no supernatural being. When his term ends the country will still be here and the next administration will take power. Count on it. (Well that is if we get past 12-21-2012....MUH_HAHA)

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