America rip

Oh, stop, I am laughing too hard at your silliness, Murf. You are wrong, in that part of the election was about your hateful language: it will no longer work and it makes you look cheap and petty.

"Socialist Democrats"? You have no idea what is socialism, do you, and you cannot define then apply it to the Democrats and the Republicans in Congress assembled, can you?

We need fiscal conservatism. We need the wealthy to shoulder their fair share. The greatness of our country is our middle class, not the corporations or the rich.

I voted Republican. We lost the presidency again, and because of our extremist stupidity the Senate became more blue. What did you do to stop that?

Quit talking about hypotheticals, Murf, and I can take you seriously. Otherwise, you simply make the thinking American laugh.
You are an extremist hater, which makes every one you don't like a 'pinko'.

Your problem, sis, not mine, and I will keep pointing out your hate every time you do it and make the thinking American laugh at you.

But you are a pinko. It's so obvious. Exposing haters like you is in defense of the truth.............
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Don't have to disprove a lie. You attack, you lie, you snarl, you act in ways that are not decent. I don't have to respond to that garbage, because it is no longer acceptable. Now talk like a decent, civilized American who wants to be part of a great GOP that will take back the nation without the far right soc con nonsense and the extremist hatred.

Hint: the ring is not Islamic. You really don't know what it is?

I know what it is. I know what Ramadan is, I know why crosses have to be covered before Obama will walk in a room. Apparently you lack discernment. It will be provided to you if you pray for it. I suggest you pray harder.

And you do have to prove the accusation if you make it. Otherwise it's just you lying to try to make a point.
I'm calling your bluff Snarkey. Bring my attack right here and MAKE ME APOLOGIZE for calling you the liar.
Come on, you don't want the folks here to think you are a hater with no basis for your hate.
Justify your statement, buddy. :tongue:
Oh, stop, I am laughing too hard at your silliness, Murf. You are wrong, in that part of the election was about your hateful language: it will no longer work and it makes you look cheap and petty.

"Socialist Democrats"? You have no idea what is socialism, do you, and you cannot define then apply it to the Democrats and the Republicans in Congress assembled, can you?

We need fiscal conservatism. We need the wealthy to shoulder their fair share. The greatness of our country is our middle class, not the corporations or the rich.

I voted Republican. We lost the presidency again, and because of our extremist stupidity the Senate became more blue. What did you do to stop that?

Quit talking about hypotheticals, Murf, and I can take you seriously. Otherwise, you simply make the thinking American laugh.

You think I give a rat's hairy ass what a mooch like you thinks of my "language"? I'm not nearly so nice as Irish. I'm not bothering to recommend you pray for your eternal soul because I'm not convinced you have one. You've sat on this site for YEARS, claiming you're a Republican and licking Obama's balls at the same time. You're not in the least bit credible.
You are a soc con doofus, TIR.

We all know what is Ramadan. A lie about no crosses in rooms where Obama is walking as policy: you can't prove it with objective evidence. Discernment is given to the believer who has eyes to see, and ears to here. You apparently like this Christian ability. Work on it. What the ring symbolizes probably would shake you even more than if it were a ring of Islamic importance. Believe me, you have no idea what it is.

I have to no more prove what I said then to invite folks to read your posts in this thread.

What bluff, other than yours. I don't have to make you apologize for anything, because a lady already would have told herself "I am better than this, I won't hate", but you have not done that. And you do have to prove the accusation if you make it. Otherwise it's just you lying to try to make a point.

I will always call out your hatred and bigotry when you do it, TIR. You as a hater are known on the board, and only your fellow haters will think you have said anything significant here. You have not.

Simple advice: begin with James 1:5, and follow the advice humbly if you want real discernment.
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Your type of unbalanced, unreasoning hatred is one of the reasons the Dems won.

You have offered nothing positive, nothing at all.

I will continue to laugh at your lack of credibility.

Oh, stop, I am laughing too hard at your silliness, Murf. You are wrong, in that part of the election was about your hateful language: it will no longer work and it makes you look cheap and petty.

"Socialist Democrats"? You have no idea what is socialism, do you, and you cannot define then apply it to the Democrats and the Republicans in Congress assembled, can you?

We need fiscal conservatism. We need the wealthy to shoulder their fair share. The greatness of our country is our middle class, not the corporations or the rich.

I voted Republican. We lost the presidency again, and because of our extremist stupidity the Senate became more blue. What did you do to stop that?

Quit talking about hypotheticals, Murf, and I can take you seriously. Otherwise, you simply make the thinking American laugh.

You think I give a rat's hairy ass what a mooch like you thinks of my "language"? I'm not nearly so nice as Irish. I'm not bothering to recommend you pray for your eternal soul because I'm not convinced you have one. You've sat on this site for YEARS, claiming you're a Republican and licking Obama's balls at the same time. You're not in the least bit credible.
The latest data show that a big portion of the federal income tax burden is shoul*dered by a small group of the very richest Americans. The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 per*cent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent—those below the median income level—now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes. These are proportions of the income tax alone and don’t include payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare.

So much for you, thinking.............
Good info. Now break that down by %s of income actually paid in relationship to income actually earned. I suspect the wealthy are going to have vastly great sums to of disposable wealth than the poor, lower working class, and so forth.

Whether important or fair is another question, but the above should be kept in mind.

Also what should be kept in mind is that the real wealth of America is our middle class.

The latest data show that a big portion of the federal income tax burden is shoul*dered by a small group of the very richest Americans. The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 per*cent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent—those below the median income level—now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes. These are proportions of the income tax alone and don’t include payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare.

So much for you, thinking.............
Your type of unbalanced, unreasoning hatred is one of the reasons the Dems won.

You have offered nothing positive, nothing at all.

I will continue to laugh at your lack of credibility.

Oh, stop, I am laughing too hard at your silliness, Murf. You are wrong, in that part of the election was about your hateful language: it will no longer work and it makes you look cheap and petty.

"Socialist Democrats"? You have no idea what is socialism, do you, and you cannot define then apply it to the Democrats and the Republicans in Congress assembled, can you?

We need fiscal conservatism. We need the wealthy to shoulder their fair share. The greatness of our country is our middle class, not the corporations or the rich.

I voted Republican. We lost the presidency again, and because of our extremist stupidity the Senate became more blue. What did you do to stop that?

Quit talking about hypotheticals, Murf, and I can take you seriously. Otherwise, you simply make the thinking American laugh.

You think I give a rat's hairy ass what a mooch like you thinks of my "language"? I'm not nearly so nice as Irish. I'm not bothering to recommend you pray for your eternal soul because I'm not convinced you have one. You've sat on this site for YEARS, claiming you're a Republican and licking Obama's balls at the same time. You're not in the least bit credible.

Oh... well, by all means do enlighten us, Jake... What's the appropriate response to realizing that your country and the philosophy it stood for is GONE? Maybe we should all sit down to tea and crumpets while the political ruling class explains to us our new responsibilities as peasants? :eusa_eh:
I'm embarassed for my Country. It seems that the majority of Americans want to be little Euros. Maybe we need to downsize our Military and let other countries bail us out of future conflicts.

No, we actually voted to not be like the Europeans.

The Europeans have gone into a severe double-dip recession (some of their countries are in depression) because 2 years ago they decided that cutting your way out doesn't actually grow the economy.

We voted for targeted spending cuts, but we also voted for revenue increase measures to help reduce the deficit while investing in a meaningful Jobs Bill that includes lots of nation building at home instead of overseas.

On that note, why is unlimited spending on nation building overseas okay with the right-wing, but when we do so at home it's socialism/communism? Doesn't make any sense.

We're on the right track. The wars are almost over, the Bush era and those fatal tax cuts are finally going to expire. We're stabilizing defense spending. As Obamacare kicks in, it'll save the rest of us a lot of money that all those uninsured people aren't depending exclusively on emergency rooms any longer. The healthcare exchanges are set to kick in and so are cost control measures in the next 14 months. These are good things whether you're a Democrat or a Republican.

I think this was a vote for a compromise on a grand deficit reduction package the way the President originally wanted back in 2011. A mix of revenue increases and spending cuts is what Obama has called for, and he wants to sign something in the $4 trillion neighborhood. This time, the Republicans must come to the table and work with the President.

John Boehner has a real opportunity here to be able to say that even when Democrats had a stranglehold on the Senate as well as the White House for 4 more years, he was able to help cut the deal that slowed our spending.

Boehner gets to free himself now, if he so chooses. While the rest of his party has a civil war and goes bananas over Obama winning again, I just don't see Boehner as the type who wants to hold a stake in the direction of that party anymore. He's becoming one of its elders now, he's no longer the future, and he never really was a Tea Party radical anyway, so I think deficit reduction is achievable in the next few months.

If we want to, this country can orchestrate a major comeback for itself with the Middle East in flames, the Europeans in Depression, and China's economy slowing some.

It's going to take a handful of Republicans in the House to do it and filibuster reform in the Senate, as Harry Reid has just called for. But the votes are there to make something happen because the people who aren't Tea Party weirdos don't have to be as beholden to them now as they were the past 2 years.

The work of the country can get started again thanks to this election, after 2 years of Tea Party shenanigans where they talked up jobs but only passed abortion bills.
We voted for 47 million and climbing on Food Stamps, and if any of you fuckers think that the working half of America is going to keep up the pace so the lazy looters can lay around talking on their Obama phones... feel free to think again.
You are a soc con doofus, TIR.

We all know what is Ramadan. A lie about no crosses in rooms where Obama is walking as policy: you can't prove it with objective evidence. Discernment is given to the believer who has eyes to see, and ears to here. You apparently like this Christian ability. Work on it.

I have to no more prove what I said then to invite folks to read your posts in this thread.

What bluff, other than yours. I don't have to make you apologize for anything, because a lady already would have told herself "I am better than this, I won't hate", but you have not done that. And you do have to prove the accusation if you make it. Otherwise it's just you lying to try to make a point.

I will always call out your hatred and bigotry when you do it, TIR. You as a hater are known on the board, and only your fellow haters will think you have said anything significant here. You have not.

Simple advice: begin with James 1:5, and follow the advice humbly if you want real discernment.

A lie about no crosses in rooms where Obama is

Sure I can prove it:

Georgetown Says It Covered Over Name Of Jesus To Comply With White House Request
May 7, 2012
( - Georgetown University says it covered over the monogram “IHS”--symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ—because it was inscribed on a pediment on the stage where President Obama spoke at the university on Tuesday and the White House had asked Georgetown to cover up all signs and symbols there.

As of Wednesday afternoon, the “IHS” monogram that had previously adorned the stage at Georgetown’s Gaston Hall was still covered up--when the pediment where it had appeared was photographed by

President Obama is greeted by Georgetown University President John J. DeGioia as he arrives to deliver remarks on the economy, April 14, 2009, at Georgetown University. Georgetown had covered the symbol.
“In coordinating the logistical arrangements for yesterday’s event, Georgetown honored the White House staff’s request to cover all of the Georgetown University signage and symbols behind Gaston Hall stage,” Julie Green Bataille, associate vice president for communications at Georgetown.....

Same thing at Notre Dame.

Of course they too are just lying haters huh Jake.
Apparently thinking isn't your forte.
Don't have to disprove a lie. You attack, you lie, you snarl, you act in ways that are not decent. I don't have to respond to that garbage, because it is no longer acceptable. Now talk like a decent, civilized American who wants to be part of a great GOP that will take back the nation without the far right soc con nonsense and the extremist hatred.

Hint: the ring is not Islamic. You really don't know what it is?

I know what it is. I know what Ramadan is, I know why crosses have to be covered before Obama will walk in a room. Apparently you lack discernment. It will be provided to you if you pray for it. I suggest you pray harder.

And you do have to prove the accusation if you make it. Otherwise it's just you lying to try to make a point.
I'm calling your bluff Snarkey. Bring my attack right here and MAKE ME APOLOGIZE for calling you the liar.
Come on, you don't want the folks here to think you are a hater with no basis for your hate.
Justify your statement, buddy. :tongue:

Fakey never backs up anything he posts, he's a pussy like that.

I don't think he was held enough as a child... or spanked enough, for that matter...
Then act like an American and believe in democracy

Democracy I GET. Slavish, blind adherrance to failure is what astonishes me.

and yet you continue to trot out asshats like romney and expect intelligent people to be taken in by his carny act.

get a grip, stooge.

It's you fuckers who need to "get a grip". Romney was the right guy at the right time for the right job. Now... it's up to the idiots on the left to prove they can fix it. Problem is, of course... they're idiots.
Good info. Now break that down by %s of income actually paid in relationship to income actually earned. I suspect the wealthy are going to have vastly great sums to of disposable wealth than the poor, lower working class, and so forth.

Whether important or fair is another question, but the above should be kept in mind.

Also what should be kept in mind is that the real wealth of America is our middle class.

The latest data show that a big portion of the federal income tax burden is shoul*dered by a small group of the very richest Americans. The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 per*cent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent—those below the median income level—now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes. These are proportions of the income tax alone and don’t include payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare.

So much for you, thinking.............

What makes you think you are entitled to someone else's hard work and success?

Leech - 1. One who constantly takes from others without giving anything in return.
With the millions of jobs created by Obama :)lol:), go get some of your own, and quit sucking off the teet of the productive.
Jeebus the brainwashed hater dupes are off the wall....

Bush started the free phones ($6 and 8 minutes/day, shytteheads)...and a Pub style health reform is not socialism. Change the channel, dupes. You scare real people...thanks again, chumps of the greedy rich.
Payroll taxes now bring in more than income taxes, the middle class pays more in all taxes and fees %wisethan the rich, and the poor pay as much %wise as corporations. You are duped.
Considering that I am in Obama's target sites for increased taxes like other successful Americans, I am totally entitled to say what I think. You truly do not understand the two Great Commandments, nor do you the love American spirit and hope for all of us.

Good info. Now break that down by %s of income actually paid in relationship to income actually earned. I suspect the wealthy are going to have vastly great sums to of disposable wealth than the poor, lower working class, and so forth.

Whether important or fair is another question, but the above should be kept in mind.

Also what should be kept in mind is that the real wealth of America is our middle class.

So much for you, thinking.............

What makes you think you are entitled to someone else's hard work and success?

Leech - 1. One who constantly takes from others without giving anything in return.
With the millions of jobs created by Obama :)lol:), go get some of your own, and quit sucking off the teet of the productive.

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