America`s greatest game is a mess

American sports are like America itself .
Barely enjoyed elsewhere
Mentally undemanding .
Above all ,
So simple to understand that fans can leave their mouths wide open throughout to shovel food in non -stop .

Baseball and Basketball are barely enjoyed elsewhere?

How is Soccer more "mentally demanding" than Football or Basketball? Baseball might be the most situational game in existence.
American sports are like America itself .
Barely enjoyed elsewhere
Mentally undemanding .
Above all ,
So simple to understand that fans can leave their mouths wide open throughout to shovel food in non -stop .

And yet the rest of the world (especially Europe and much of Asia) would be crying like bitches if the US actually withdrew from the world.
Home school is where kids are taught that there`s no such thing as Evolution. Government schools will only make you stupid if you want to be stupid.
Wow, you must have decided to be stupid in government school to be that ignorant. Educate yourself and get back to us.
I am fully competent to discuss home schooling. The major issues are (1) They are used to teach religion in place of science, and (2) They don't teach critical thinking skills.
Then you're not competent to discuss homeschooling. I could just as easily point at one or two government schools and say they are used just to force kids to sit down and shut up 6 hours a day so they can become compliant drones. Then we can talk about the bullying and racial attacks. I mean, when are you going to acknowledge that, even if a few may abuse homeschooling, by and large homeschooled kids outperform their government school counterparts?
Actually, the Dodgers are betting on socialist policies.

They are only paying him 20 million over the ten years of the contract and deferring the other 680 million to the ten years after that.

With proper socialist mismanagement of the economy, and continued high rate of inflation, the amount he will actually be getting is considerably less.
That's actually based on a normal inflation rate.
Then you're not competent to discuss homeschooling. I could just as easily point at one or two government schools and say they are used just to force kids to sit down and shut up 6 hours a day so they can become compliant drones. Then we can talk about the bullying and racial attacks. I mean, when are you going to acknowledge that, even if a few may abuse homeschooling, by and large homeschooled kids outperform their government school counterparts?
That's a result of selection, not superiority of home schooling.
How did the low market teams do in getting into the playoffs.

Plenty of parity, bub.
Drafting and developing players in the minors on a consistent basis. Playoff teams in bold.

MLB team playrolls in 2023​

  1. N.Y. Mets, $353,546,854
  2. N.Y. Yankees, $276,999,872
  3. San Diego, $248,995,932
  4. Philadelphia, $243,009,439
  5. L.A. Dodgers, $222,717,834
  6. L.A. Angels, $212,228,096
  7. Toronto, $ 209,938,983
  8. Atlanta, $203,077,500
  9. Texas, $195,869,490
  10. Houston, $192,667,233
  11. San Francisco, $187,932,500
  12. Chicago Cubs, $184,219,250
  13. Boston, $181,207,484
  14. Chicago White Sox, $181,158,666
  15. St. Louis, $175,637,308
  16. Colorado, $171,108,778
  17. Minnesota, $153,588,740
  18. Seattle, $137,119,947
  19. Detroit, $122,235,500
  20. Milwaukee, $118,761,987
  21. Arizona, $116,471,292
  22. Washington, $ 101,190,153
  23. Kansas City, $92,468,100
  24. Miami, $91,700,000
  25. Cleveland, 89,424,629
  26. Cincinnati, $83,610,000
  27. Pittsburgh, $73,277,500
  28. Tampa Bay, $73,184,811
  29. Baltimore, $60,722,300
  30. Oakland, $56,895,000
Capitalism: Building your house the way you want it to be.

Socialism: Getting together with others to help build houses for everyone that all look the same.
Option 2 is cheaper. Not a lot of people can afford a new $400,000 home.
That's a result of selection, not superiority of home schooling.
The superiority of home schooling is that the teacher only has a handful of students, if not just one, and can focus complete attention on them. There are no class clowns disrupting learning for the other students, no fights in the hallways or rapes in the bathrooms, no one knocking some kid's work and books all over the floor, no detentions. A typical homeschooled student can gain the same amount of education in 2-3 hours that a government schooled student does in 6. Add in an online curriculum and there's no wonder so many homeschooled students excel.
Then you're not competent to discuss homeschooling. I could just as easily point at one or two government schools and say they are used just to force kids to sit down and shut up 6 hours a day so they can become compliant drones. Then we can talk about the bullying and racial attacks. I mean, when are you going to acknowledge that, even if a few may abuse homeschooling, by and large homeschooled kids outperform their government school counterparts?
What government schools do has nothing to do with what home schools don't do.

Most home schools abuse education.
What government schools do has nothing to do with what home schools don't do.

Most home schools abuse education.
Source? Specifically to back up your assertion of "most", especially given that so many homeschooled kids outperform their government schooled counterparts.

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