America: The Defeated.

I don't like those gun-grabbing Democrat police unions or the cops who shoot at kids.

Because you don't like a political party you think it is a good idea to defame them? It is not - it is a break of one of the 10 commandements.

We're adults, and we know when cops tell us we shouldn't have guns that they are basically framing us for murder, and lusting to put us in prison no matter what on any excuse or opportunity if they can't find a way to kill us first in the "line of duty" or some other excuse to justify the murders they have already committed and continue to commit.

All this gun nonsense started when you made films about a Wild West which never had really existed. Even in a best case scenario today no one is able to stop a shooter before he had killed some people - even if policemen have everyone in their hair-cross pointers who carries a gun. It's much more better and much more easy to arrest people because they carry a gun instead to try to control everyone every second who could be dangerous.
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if they are in this country illegally, they should have no rights. If they are the great grandchildren of those who came to this country illegally, they should have no rights. Other than the right to be deported. I think it was the 14th amendment that gave citizenship to anybody born in this country. But that was something they came up with after the Civil War to help make ex-slaves citizens. With the Civil War having happened long ago, it should be repealed. Not used as a means for illegals to come into this country and legally stay.
If you honestly believe most Hispanics are here illegally, you are seriously deluded. :laughing0301: How much Mexican territory is now part of the US?
Because you don't like a political party you think it is a good idea to defame them? It is not - it is a break of one of the 10 commandements.
So you defame people, and bear false witness against us on the ATF gun control lists of "prohibited persons." Sorry, the Democrat Party has no claim to fame here.
All this gun nonsense started when you made films about a Wild West which never had really existed.
So no farms or ranches, no cattle, people don't eat beef, drink milk, or wear leather boots in the U.S.
Even in a best case scenario today no one is able to stop a shooter before he had killed some people - even if policemen have everyone in their hair-cross pointers who carries a gun.
So a shooter who is a policeman is somehow morally superior to a shooter who is not on a member of the police union? How?
It's much more better and much more easy to arrest people because they carry a gun instead to try to control everyone every second who could be dangerous.
WE THE PEOPLE have the right to keep and bear Arms, that is, to possess and carry Firearms and other weapons under our Constitution; a right that shall not be infringed, at that.
If you honestly believe most Hispanics are here illegally, you are seriously deluded. :laughing0301: How much Mexican territory is now part of the US?
I'm mostly white anyways. Those of my ancestors who were Hispanic would most likely have immigrated from Spain or Portugal to Northern Europe hundreds of years ago, and thus assimilated into white culture long before arriving in America.
... So a shooter who is a policeman is somehow morally superior to a shooter who is not on a member of the police union? How? ...

This question is a brainamputated perverted joke.

On the evening of October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, opened fire upon the crowd attending the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. From his 32nd-floor suites in the Mandalay Bay Hotel he fired more than 1,000 bullets, killing 60 people[a] and wounding 411, with the ensuing panic bringing the number of injured to 867. About an hour later, Paddock was found dead in his room from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His motive is officially undetermined.
Source: 2017 Las Vegas shooting - Wikipedia
WE THE PEOPLE have the right to keep and bear Arms, that is, to possess and carry Firearms and other weapons under our Constitution; a right that shall not be infringed, at that. ...

Take your constitution and throw it into the next waste paper basket. Or buy a good old muzzle-loader and throw your gun into the next scrap press.

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It could be because we stopped teaching creation science in public schools since the influence of evolution. Some of the greatest scientists in history were creationists and those who believed in God like Sir Isaac Newton, Nicolas Copernicus, Georges LeMaitre, Sir Frances Bacon, Galileo Galilei, Blaise Pascal, etc. -- Creation scientists - Many took their guidance from the Bible and then discovered the science. The atheist list isn't as plentiful and not as famous. Atheists here don't even know who came up with the long time evolution needed. Besides Darwin, they don't know who influenced Darwin. These men knew the Bible and deliberately discarded it.

We live in a universe where there's still plenty to be discovered that could help technology. Mine would be based on power based on electromagnetism and the EMS.
This question is a brainamputated perverted joke.

On the evening of October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, opened fire upon the crowd attending the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. From his 32nd-floor suites in the Mandalay Bay Hotel he fired more than 1,000 bullets, killing 60 people[a] and wounding 411, with the ensuing panic bringing the number of injured to 867. About an hour later, Paddock was found dead in his room from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His motive is officially undetermined.
Source: 2017 Las Vegas shooting - Wikipedia
The cops' motive is unquestionable. To exercise and absolute tyranny over the people and to murder or imprison any of us at will for any cause.
Take your constitution and throw it into the next waste paper basket. Or buy a good old muzzle-loader and throw your gun into the next scrap press.
Another traitor.

And the constitution of the USA is your holy book? The process to overflow the USA with senseless weapons started by the way in the 1960ies/1970ies.

That not even a single shooter who kills 60 people and hurts 867 people (411 of them directly) is able to cause the USA to start to think and to change something is the sign of a pretty senile nation. But you are young - only 200-300 years. That's nothing.
It could be because we stopped teaching creation science in public schools since the influence of evolution. Some of the greatest scientists in history were creationists and those who believed in God like Sir Isaac Newton, Nicolas Copernicus, Georges LeMaitre, Sir Frances Bacon, Galileo Galilei, Blaise Pascal, etc. -- Creation scientists - Many took their guidance from the Bible and then discovered the science. The atheist list isn't as plentiful and not as famous. Atheists here don't even know who came up with the long time evolution needed. Besides Darwin, they don't know who influenced Darwin. These men knew the Bible and deliberately discarded it.

We live in a universe where there's still plenty to be discovered that could help technology. Mine would be based on power based on electromagnetism and the EMS.

I don't think Isaac Newton, Nicolaus Copernicus, Georges LeMaitre, Francis Bacon, Galileo Galilei and Blaise Pascal would today agree with you only because they believed god is the creator, what most Christains still believe today although they have not any real problem with the scientific theory of evolution.
And the constitution of the USA is your holy book? The process to overflow the USA with senseless weapons started by the way in the 1960ies/1970ies.

That not even a single shooter who kills 60 people and hurts 867 people (411 of them directly) is able to cause the USA to start to think and to change something is the sign of a pretty senile nation. But you are young - only 200-300 years. That's nothing.
The Constitution is our founding document and made the USA the greatest country in the world. We and the free world need guns, guns and more guns to protect our freedoms. Guns, guns. guns. The more rapid fire the better. The more accurate the better. The more power the better.


The modern USA has John Wick as a symbol now.

We just had remembrance of 9/11. Bin Laden and the terrorists didn't need weapons of mass destruction. They improvised. However, the US had to send its young men and guns, guns, guns and more in order to combat the Taliban and prevent it from happening again. It took twenty years to settle and we still do not know what the terrorists would do next. The Taliban and other terrorist organizations are still active around the world. You need to make your enemy think twice again and again and again or else you are naive and will be a target.

Also, you gotta spend money to make money.
The Constitution is our founding document and made the USA the greatest country in the world.

Good grief - always this overestimations. You are a child of the European enlightenment. This made the USA great.

We and the free world need guns,

Guns are nearly the same antiquated scrap like swords. No one within the USA needs war weapons for private use. That's an extremely dangerous nonsense.

guns and more guns to protect our freedoms.

More and more guns to make rich the criminal terror organisation NRA - which had only be a sports club once.

Guns, guns. guns.

Sings the gun-addict.

The more rapid fire the better. The more accurate the better. The more power the better.


The modern USA has John Wick as a symbol now.

U-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e. Did you ever say in your life anything what made any sense?

We just had remembrance of 9/11. Bin Laden and the terrorists didn't need weapons of mass destruction. They improvised. However, the US had to send its young men and guns, guns, guns and more in order to combat the Taliban and prevent it from happening again. It took twenty years to settle and we still do not know what the terrorists would do next. The Taliban and other terrorist organizations are still active around the world. You need to make your enemy think twice again and again and again or else you are naive and will be a target.

Also, you gotta spend money to make money.

You need terror - otherwise you are not able to sell guns and all the other scrap which no one needs but costs a lot of money, isn't it? Guns fear guns - guns near guns. And the criminal terror organisation NRA eliminates every young politician in the USA since decades, who likes to fight against this stupid and deadly game. No - guns make you not great - guns show that you are a nation of fearful dwarfs.
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Guns are nearly the same antiquated scrap like swords. No one within the USA needs war weapons for private use. That's an extremely dangerous nonsense.
I even showed you the top tier type of modern guns via John Wick. You're the one who posted the antique rifle. I would strongly recommend people should buy guns suited to their ability and there are plenty of guns for those starting out. They have the wide choice of type of guns, make and model, ammo and more. There are plenty of manufacturers to choose from.

Instead of commenting out of fear or ignorance, you should do some study and maybe shoot one at a range. It could be a sport or hobby.
You need terror - otherwise you are not able to sell guns and all the other scrap which no one needs but costs a lot of money, isn't it? Guns fear guns - guns near guns. And the criminal terror organisation NRA eliminates every young politician in the USA since decades, who likes to fight against this stupid and deadly game. No - guns make you not great - guns show that you are a nation of fearful dwarfs.
Terror is high up on peoples' minds as we just had 9/11 remembrance and stories, but that should not be motivation. I mean fear should not be your main driver. It could be, but I recommend let it be a starting point in learning about guns. Why not let it be curiosity, interest, defense of your family, home, valuables or something more positive.

The NRA offers plenty to get people unafraid of guns from classes, vids, books, media and more. I would recommend the NRA approved class for shooting if a young boy or girl are interested in your gun. They emphasize SAFETY FIRST!!! This is usually in the 6 to 10 range and starts with a BB gun and they quickly progress to a .22 rifle. They could also fire a light recoil shotgun, a modern gun.
What's most obvious to the rest of the world is how America has lost the belief in itself.

Instead of believing in the values of freedom and democracy, and proudly spreading them by supporting allies who share these values, America elected a populist wannabe tyrant pandering to the worst instincts of a constantly whining and complaining share of the populace, basing his entire government on lies, fake news fairy tales with no basis in reality, resentment and hate. Then this populist President turned against America's allies who share the dream of freedom and democracy, but teamed up with disgusting authoritarian tyrants such as Russia's Putin and attempted a putsch to illegally stay in power after being diselected, constantly inciting a large share of the people with ignorance, lies and more lies.

There was a time when America was a lighthouse of freedom and democracy. Lately, it looked like just one of these half-baked corrupt banana republics in South and Central America, where corruption rules and every once in a while, some tyrant putsches his way to power.
If you honestly believe most Hispanics are here illegally, you are seriously deluded. :laughing0301: How much Mexican territory is now part of the US?

It should be illegal to even be hispanic in the U.S. Because if you try to separate the "good" ones from the bad ones, you've already lost the battle. Also, long ago the Spanish claimed much U.S. territory. I wonder what the indian tribes who lived on the land thought about that. Though with the U.S. being what it is today, I would be in favor of giving the latinos a good chunk of the South West U.S. to be latino land. And ship them all there.
It could be because we stopped teaching creation science in public schools since the influence of evolution. Some of the greatest scientists in history were creationists and those who believed in God like Sir Isaac Newton, Nicolas Copernicus, Georges LeMaitre, Sir Frances Bacon, Galileo Galilei, Blaise Pascal, etc. -- Creation scientists - Many took their guidance from the Bible and then discovered the science. The atheist list isn't as plentiful and not as famous. Atheists here don't even know who came up with the long time evolution needed. Besides Darwin, they don't know who influenced Darwin. These men knew the Bible and deliberately discarded it.

We live in a universe where there's still plenty to be discovered that could help technology. Mine would be based on power based on electromagnetism and the EMS.

Many of the people you mention only claimed to be christian was because they would be killed if they said differently. And Galileo was put into a world of shit when he published something that went against what the church taught. I'm not exactly sure, but I think it was saying that the sun was at the center of the solar system. The only "science" in the bible is basically cave man science.

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