America, The Way It Was: A Shift Back?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Shocking though the election was, there are indications that the people are sensing the huge mistake in investing their faith in the community organizer. Possibly the weight of scandals is having the effect.

2. When words like 'Constitution' and 'abuse of power' find their way into the NYTimes ( the Left starts to worry.

Too much centralized government, too much command and control.....
....time to return to checks and balances, and federalism?

3. Our Founders envisioned the states as laboratories of democracy and enshrined into our Constitution the principle of federalism. Under federalist principles, the American people endowed the national government with a defined set of limited, enumerated powers in the Constitution. Any powers beyond those specifically given to the federal government fall entirely within the province of the states. Federalism protects liberty by protecting against the overreaching of any one branch of our federal government, and is part of the uniquely American system of checks and balances.
Paloma Zepeda, "Reinventing the Right."

4. The wisdom of the people is reemerging....
Need proof? "Americans continue to trust local government more than federal and state governments, but there’s a big difference of opinion based on party affiliation.

a. Thirty-four percent (34%) of American Adults have more faith in local government, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Twenty percent (20%) trust the federal government more than the others, while 14% have more confidence in state government."

b. Minimum Wage
Food Safety Laws
Gambling Rules & Regulations
Regulations about Drilling for Oil/Shale Oil
Health Insurance
Drinking Age

Food safety and environment were selected for federal purview.
Voters Still Have More Faith in Local Government Than in Feds, States - Rasmussen Reports?

5. "The United States was founded on a belief that governments are created to protect certain unalienable rights. Today, however, more voters than ever view the federal government as a threat to those rights..... 56% of Likely U.S. Voters now consider the federal government a threat to individual right...."
56% View Feds As Threat to Individual Rights - Rasmussen Reports?

6. "Voters now give the edge to state governments over the federal government when asked who should be responsible for gun ownership laws."
36% Think States Should Set Gun Laws, 34% Say Feds - Rasmussen Reports?

7. "Voters remain convinced that Congress doesn’t care what they think, and that includes the representative from their home district."
64% Say Most Members of Congress Don?t Care What They Think - Rasmussen Reports?

Could be that item 7 reflects on the 17th amendment.
1. Shocking though the election was, there are indications that the people are sensing the huge mistake in investing their faith in the community organizer. Possibly the weight of scandals is having the effect.

2. When words like 'Constitution' and 'abuse of power' find their way into the NYTimes ( the Left starts to worry.

Too much centralized government, too much command and control.....
....time to return to checks and balances, and federalism?

3. Our Founders envisioned the states as laboratories of democracy and enshrined into our Constitution the principle of federalism. Under federalist principles, the American people endowed the national government with a defined set of limited, enumerated powers in the Constitution. Any powers beyond those specifically given to the federal government fall entirely within the province of the states. Federalism protects liberty by protecting against the overreaching of any one branch of our federal government, and is part of the uniquely American system of checks and balances.
Paloma Zepeda, "Reinventing the Right."

4. The wisdom of the people is reemerging....
Need proof? "Americans continue to trust local government more than federal and state governments, but there’s a big difference of opinion based on party affiliation.

a. Thirty-four percent (34%) of American Adults have more faith in local government, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Twenty percent (20%) trust the federal government more than the others, while 14% have more confidence in state government."

b. Minimum Wage
Food Safety Laws
Gambling Rules & Regulations
Regulations about Drilling for Oil/Shale Oil
Health Insurance
Drinking Age

Food safety and environment were selected for federal purview.
Voters Still Have More Faith in Local Government Than in Feds, States - Rasmussen Reports?

5. "The United States was founded on a belief that governments are created to protect certain unalienable rights. Today, however, more voters than ever view the federal government as a threat to those rights..... 56% of Likely U.S. Voters now consider the federal government a threat to individual right...."
56% View Feds As Threat to Individual Rights - Rasmussen Reports?

6. "Voters now give the edge to state governments over the federal government when asked who should be responsible for gun ownership laws."
36% Think States Should Set Gun Laws, 34% Say Feds - Rasmussen Reports?

7. "Voters remain convinced that Congress doesn’t care what they think, and that includes the representative from their home district."
64% Say Most Members of Congress Don?t Care What They Think - Rasmussen Reports?

Could be that item 7 reflects on the 17th amendment.

There is yet another indictor -- making your case even stronger. And that is I witnessed a HUGE increase in the number of leftist journalists, Non-Profits, lefty interests group openly declaring that they are becoming "MORE FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE" in their views about the debt and deficit.. They see the train coming. Are NOT idiots or party animals, and they KNOW that an economy sucking for air and a govt buying its own debt is not a good thing for charitable and noble causes relying on solicitation..
It is interesting how "federalism" has changed its meaning. Just as the people granted limited powers to the general government, so did the states grant limited powers to the federal government (10th Amend.).
Now federalism means complete authority is vested in the federal government, which grants limited authority to the states and limited liberty to the people.
Looks like it's time to destroy Obama in the press just like they did to Bush.

Let me guess: Americans will be so overjoyed to dump Obama that they won't care who replaces him? Just goes to show that you can't manipulate the American People!
After the election in 2012 70 percent of smart Americans do not link to Rassmussen because of their obviously flawed poll taking data and lack of credibility.
It is interesting how "federalism" has changed its meaning. Just as the people granted limited powers to the general government, so did the states grant limited powers to the federal government (10th Amend.).
Now federalism means complete authority is vested in the federal government, which grants limited authority to the states and limited liberty to the people.

Yea, it is truly amazing! The meaning changed completely in a short 5 years. When the previous administration created the Patriot Act, Fatherland Security, implemented illegal wiretaps, suspended habeas corpus, imprisoned KNOW innocent people at Guantanamo Bay and refused to release them to not look 'weak', and tortured human beings, it was merely protecting the nation, and fighting the war on terrorism.

NOW, it is destroying our freedom and liberty.
If the GOP thinks that re-inventing itself in the image of the Teabaggers will gain anything but some backward localities, they are in for another electorial debacle.
It is interesting how "federalism" has changed its meaning. Just as the people granted limited powers to the general government, so did the states grant limited powers to the federal government (10th Amend.).
Now federalism means complete authority is vested in the federal government, which grants limited authority to the states and limited liberty to the people.

I don't believe that federalism has changed meaning.....

...but the products of government schooling have been instructed in such a way that they don't understand it.

"DC schools may nix high school government class as a requirement
By Andrew Mach, Staff Writer, NBC News
Public high school students in the nation’s capital may soon be able to graduate without taking a single U.S. government course.

The D.C. State Board of Education proposed changes to the graduation requirements in December that would require students to take more physical education, art and music courses instead."
DC schools may nix high school government class as a requirement - U.S. News

The control of the schools may, ultimately, be the greatest factor in the downfall of the nation.
It is interesting how "federalism" has changed its meaning. Just as the people granted limited powers to the general government, so did the states grant limited powers to the federal government (10th Amend.).
Now federalism means complete authority is vested in the federal government, which grants limited authority to the states and limited liberty to the people.

Yea, it is truly amazing! The meaning changed completely in a short 5 years. When the previous administration created the Patriot Act, Fatherland Security, implemented illegal wiretaps, suspended habeas corpus, imprisoned KNOW innocent people at Guantanamo Bay and refused to release them to not look 'weak', and tortured human beings, it was merely protecting the nation, and fighting the war on terrorism.

NOW, it is destroying our freedom and liberty. were unable to find any errors in the OP?

Default position: BUSH.
If the GOP thinks that re-inventing itself in the image of the Teabaggers will gain anything but some backward localities, they are in for another electorial debacle.

Your post appears unrelated to the OP.

Just something you wanted to get off your chest?

The GOP hardly appears heroic.
The OP suggests that the American people may just be.
If the GOP thinks that re-inventing itself in the image of the Teabaggers will gain anything but some backward localities, they are in for another electorial debacle.

Your post appears unrelated to the OP.

Just something you wanted to get off your chest?

The GOP hardly appears heroic.
The OP suggests that the American people may just be.

"Old Rocks" always likes to inject the word "teabaggers" into all debates. The subject matter is unimportant. Politics, sports, movies..........Old Rocks will find a way to use "teabaggers" in the conversation.

It gives him that "tingling" feeling up and down his leg, much like Chris Mathews after an Obama speech. :razz:
Rasmussen Reports?

Might as well just say "Fox polls"

Does all of your education come from bumper-stickers?

Unlike you, both are legitimate sources of information.

Try to remember: you shouldn’t drink on an empty head.
It is interesting how "federalism" has changed its meaning. Just as the people granted limited powers to the general government, so did the states grant limited powers to the federal government (10th Amend.).
Now federalism means complete authority is vested in the federal government, which grants limited authority to the states and limited liberty to the people.

Yea, it is truly amazing! The meaning changed completely in a short 5 years. When the previous administration created the Patriot Act, Fatherland Security, implemented illegal wiretaps, suspended habeas corpus, imprisoned KNOW innocent people at Guantanamo Bay and refused to release them to not look 'weak', and tortured human beings, it was merely protecting the nation, and fighting the war on terrorism.

NOW, it is destroying our freedom and liberty. were unable to find any errors in the OP?

Default position: BUSH.

You're ally is time past, because I vividly recall you defending "Bush" the Patriot Act, Fatherland Security, illegal wiretaps, and suspending habeas corpus as patriotic. And I was unpatriotic and 'weak' on security for opposing them, just as I oppose it today.

But the truth has never been your ally.
The key to personal liberty is dispersal of political power amongst as many entities as rationally possible. The people who wrote and ratified the Constitution, recognized that we had to have a national government, but did their utmost to limit its authority to the functions that the individual states could not do effectively by themselves.

Decades of dumbass supreme court opinions have virtually destroyed this concept, and have allowed the federal government to concentrate political power in Washington DC. Once political power is sufficiently concentrated, it becomes possible to usurpt that power and overthrow the Republic. We are very near, if not already at, that required concentration, and then it is only a matter of time before we fall into the inevitable dictatorship. You can bet your bippy that there is a Hitler, lurking in the shadows, and licking his chops, while waiting for the right opportunity to pounce.

Just one or two more dumbass supreme court decisions is all it will take to set the stage for a coup.
Yea, it is truly amazing! The meaning changed completely in a short 5 years. When the previous administration created the Patriot Act, Fatherland Security, implemented illegal wiretaps, suspended habeas corpus, imprisoned KNOW innocent people at Guantanamo Bay and refused to release them to not look 'weak', and tortured human beings, it was merely protecting the nation, and fighting the war on terrorism.

NOW, it is destroying our freedom and liberty. were unable to find any errors in the OP?

Default position: BUSH.

You're ally is time past, because I vividly recall you defending "Bush" the Patriot Act, Fatherland Security, illegal wiretaps, and suspending habeas corpus as patriotic. And I was unpatriotic and 'weak' on security for opposing them, just as I oppose it today.

But the truth has never been your ally.


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