America to Media: DROP DEAD. Candidate Raised $100K After Body Slam

We are becoming devoid of ethics and morals.
Actually, we are becoming civilized by crushing unacceptable behavior from the elite ruling class. In a better day tar and feathers would be in use right now.
Americans are seeing through the media manipulation and rejecting it.

LWNJ's tried to steal an election with a fake news story dropped at the 11th hour. It didn't work.

Now they'll play the victim and act righteous and moral.

America to Media: DROP DEAD. Candidate Raised $100K After Body Slam
What a sad commentary on the mindset of the Montanan (?)/American electorate.
The elite ruling class must be removed.
I have news for you: that will never, in our lifetimes, happen. The best that can be hoped for is that one set of individuals comprising the current "elite ruling class" be exchanged for a different set of individuals comprising a "new elite ruling class," and all that'll get you is a different group of people about whom to bitch and moan. The only way to avoid that happening to that is to effect Marx's ideal of communism, and seeing as neither the Soviets nor Chinese have managed to do so, the Soviets discarded the notion, I think we both that pipe dream will no time soon come to fruition.
America to Media: DROP DEAD. Candidate Raised $100K After Body Slam
What a sad commentary on the mindset of the Montanan (?)/American electorate.
The elite ruling class must be removed.
I have news for you: that will never, in our lifetimes, happen. The best that can be hoped for is that one set of individuals comprising the current "elite ruling class" be exchanged for a different set of individuals comprising a "new elite ruling class," and all that'll get you is a different group of people about whom to bitch and moan. The only way to avoid that happening to that is to effect Marx's ideal of communism, and seeing as neither the Soviets nor Chinese have managed to do so, the Soviets discarded the notion, I think we both that pipe dream will no time soon come to fruition.
It went pretty well in 1776.
America to Media: DROP DEAD. Candidate Raised $100K After Body Slam
What a sad commentary on the mindset of the Montanan (?)/American electorate.
The elite ruling class must be removed.
I have news for you: that will never, in our lifetimes, happen. The best that can be hoped for is that one set of individuals comprising the current "elite ruling class" be exchanged for a different set of individuals comprising a "new elite ruling class," and all that'll get you is a different group of people about whom to bitch and moan. The only way to avoid that happening to that is to effect Marx's ideal of communism, and seeing as neither the Soviets nor Chinese have managed to do so, the Soviets discarded the notion, I think we both that pipe dream will no time soon come to fruition.
It went pretty well in 1776.
How well it went depends on whom one was at the time. It's also well worth noting that the contenders in that dispute have largely ended up in exactly the same general situation as societies. Thus, history shows us that whichever way things had gone in the Revolution/Insurrection, we'd likely find ourselves facing much the same circumstances as those which today confound us.

(I don't want to make too much of that. I'm well aware of the thought differences in the early 19th century that catalyzed American leaders to expand to the Pacific as contrasted with that of the English who almost certainly would not have felt impelled to on occasion usurp and on others expand legitimately as far west as American presidents saw fit to do. There'd surely have been no Monroe Doctrine, no Manifest Destiny, no "Alamo," etc. had the English won the war. It's quite likely North America would have become a patchwork much as Europe and Africa is.)

The Founders knew they were creating a dynamic system and nation, and as anyone can see, where that led is here where we are today. And what are people doing? Complaining now with much the same dissatisfaction as did our forefathers about the governing elite of their day. What different? Well, back then it was one elite segment of society griping about the deeds and rationale of another elite segment of society. Today, it seems mostly a matter of the "won't do" complaining about and opposing the "done well."

We've before seen the "won't do" revolt against the "done well." One example of it was the Bolshevik Revolution. What resulted from that endeavor? An absolute monarch was replaced with a dictator. What's the difference between a dictator and an absolute monarch? Spelling and pedigree. Another example comes to us from France. What resulted from that? Napoleon.

The problem isn't republican (small "R") oppositional governance model we have. The root problem, as the Founders noted (Federalist Paper 10) is factions, more specifically, (1) the polity's willingness to treat the political process as though it were cricket and (2) placing candidates' party over their probity. Sadly, they didn't then have a good solution for overcoming the downsides of factions. Like them, I don't think it's possible to engineer one for the need for the first amendment's protections outweigh whatever ills parties inject into the political process. (I suppose strict constructionists might argue against that notion, but such appeals would land bereft of more than mere embers of support; thus proponent's doing so would be purely an academic exercise.)
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We are becoming devoid of ethics and morals.
Thank the Left for that. I am glad Americans to the Right are figuring out we can't play nice and fair when our enemies do not. Time to taste your own medicine, lefties.

You see journalists as the enemy. Gianforte's behavior was not acceptable. I don't remember a liberal slamming a conservative journalist like that.
America to Media: DROP DEAD. Candidate Raised $100K After Body Slam
The elite ruling class must be removed.
I have news for you: that will never, in our lifetimes, happen. The best that can be hoped for is that one set of individuals comprising the current "elite ruling class" be exchanged for a different set of individuals comprising a "new elite ruling class," and all that'll get you is a different group of people about whom to bitch and moan. The only way to avoid that happening to that is to effect Marx's ideal of communism, and seeing as neither the Soviets nor Chinese have managed to do so, the Soviets discarded the notion, I think we both that pipe dream will no time soon come to fruition.
It went pretty well in 1776.
How well it went depends on whom one was at the time. It's also well worth noting that the contenders in that dispute have largely ended up in exactly the same general situation as societies. Thus, history shows us that whichever way things had gone in the Revolution/Insurrection, we'd likely find ourselves facing much the same circumstances as those which today confound us.

(I don't want to make too much of that. I'm well aware of the thought differences in the early 19th century that catalyzed American leaders to expand to the Pacific as contrasted with that of the English who almost certainly would not have felt impelled to on occasion usurp and on others expand legitimately as far west as American presidents saw fit to do. There'd surely have been no Monroe Doctrine, no Manifest Destiny, no "Alamo," etc. had the English won the war. It's quite likely North America would have become a patchwork much as Europe and Africa is.)

The Founders knew they were creating a dynamic system and nation, and as anyone can see, where that led is here where we are today. And what are people doing? Complaining now with much the same dissatisfaction as did our forefathers about the governing elite of their day. What different? Well, back then it was one elite segment of society griping about the deeds and rationale of another elite segment of society. Today, it seems mostly a matter of the "won't do" complaining about and opposing the "done well."

We've before seen the "won't do" revolt against the "done well." One example of it was the Bolshevik Revolution. What resulted from that endeavor? An absolute monarch was replaced with a dictator. What's the difference between a dictator and an absolute monarch? Spelling and pedigree. Another example comes to us from France. What resulted from that? Napoleon.

The problem isn't republican (small "R") oppositional governance model we have. The root problem, as the Founders noted (Federalist Paper 10) is factions, more specifically, (1) the polity's willingness to treat the political process as though it were cricket and (2) placing candidates' party over their probity. Sadly, they didn't then have a good solution for overcoming the downsides of factions. Like them, I don't think it's possible to engineer one for the need for the first amendment's protections outweigh whatever ills parties inject into the political process. (I suppose strict constructionists might argue against that notion, but such appeals would land bereft of more than mere embers of support; thus proponent's doing so would be purely an academic exercise.)
Well said.
We are becoming devoid of ethics and morals.
Thank the Left for that. I am glad Americans to the Right are figuring out we can't play nice and fair when our enemies do not. Time to taste your own medicine, lefties.

You see journalists as the enemy. Gianforte's behavior was not acceptable. I don't remember a liberal slamming a conservative journalist like that.
Because youre all pussies that need 20 on 1 odds to get physical. Y'all jump old people, riot and loot. Dont act like your side is innocent, you sniveling wretch.

You never heard of a leftist being tough enough to go one on one with a conservative because you are all pussies that need a mob.
We are becoming devoid of ethics and morals.
We are getting tired of elitist fuckheads who ignore our laws and corrupt our government.

If things continue in that direction, most of us will be ready to start lynching the rich with a mere presumption of their guilt.

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