America to Sarah Palin: "STFU!"

she does have the punch, that's what has you people worried

tsk tsk tsk

Go's so fun watching them crap all over themselves over someone WHO HAS no bearing on their pathetic your Dear leader and his hateful party does
No, no, I think we should let Palin continue to give her opinions....

Sen. John McCain, who tapped Palin as his running mate in the 2008 presidential election, said while he "respect(s) always Sarah Palin's views," her comments might hurt Republican chances of taking control of the Senate in 2014.
from the OP's link.

Without Palin McCain loses all 57 states

Truth up, and also the other two.
this is the MAN (progressive/commie) who is FUNDING all this left wing hate , paid and bought Obama AND who you people bow down to...good little tools/subjects march right on cue

Soros Network Ready to Boost Radical Groups

July 11, 2014 by Matthew Vadum 2 Comments

Matthew Vadum is an award-winning investigative reporter and the author of the book, "Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts Are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers."

sorosAmidst internal dissent, George Soros’s shadowy political funding powerhouse is planning to execute a $200 million fundraising campaign this election cycle in order to benefit key groups pushing for a permanent radical left-wing Democrat majority.

The billionaire members of the elite fundraising empire known as the Democracy Alliance have reportedly funneled $500 million or more into leftist and pro-Democrat organizations. The goal of the Alliance is to foster a permanent political infrastructure of left-wing nonprofits, think tanks, media outlets, leadership schools, and activist groups.

Among the groups benefiting from the Alliance’s largesse are the John Podesta-founded Center for American Progress, Media Matters for America, America Votes, and Organizing for Action (an outfit that grew out of the Obama campaign and used to be known as Organizing for America).

Much of the money being spent by groups that enjoy support from the Democracy Alliance is being devoted to class warfare and the vilification of right-leaning billionaires Charles and David Koch in order to distract from President Obama’s failed policies. Members of the Alliance are “obsessed with” the Kochs’ funding network, according to Politico‘s Ken Vogel.

ALLL of it here
Soros Network Ready to Boost Radical Groups | FrontPage Magazine

America to Sarah Palin: Enough! ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) - A majority of voters say they've heard enough from Sarah Palin, according to a new national poll.

The NBC/Wall Street Journal/Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania survey indicates that 54% of voters say they've heard enough from Palin and would prefer that the former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate be less outspoken in political discourse. That includes nearly two-thirds of Democrats, a majority of independents, and nearly four in 10 Republicans.

Why is a civilian being attacked by the left for voicing their opinion?

Why in the hell am I never asked my opinion, who are these Republicans who would even care? Oh right Jakethefake types.
CNN needs to be shunned as an unbiased news source

they have become a DNC lapdog
Why is a civilian being attacked by the left for voicing their opinion?

Why in the hell am I never asked my opinion, who are these Republicans who would even care? Oh right Jakethefake types.

Because the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Progressives.

Without a Second Amendment, Progs would have rounded her up a long time ago
I like the idea of a Cruz/Palin ticket

well with your Dear leaders approvals in the crapper with a 60% of the disapproving
and Hillary ratings are a yawn
that ticket probably scares the hell of you loyal Democrat subjects

America to Sarah Palin: Enough! ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) - A majority of voters say they've heard enough from Sarah Palin, according to a new national poll.

The NBC/Wall Street Journal/Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania survey indicates that 54% of voters say they've heard enough from Palin and would prefer that the former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate be less outspoken in political discourse. That includes nearly two-thirds of Democrats, a majority of independents, and nearly four in 10 Republicans.

Sarah thinks the LIBTARDS would support impeachment if Obabble was caught giving military secrets to Iran...silly woman.
I like the idea of a Cruz/Palin ticket

Not yet, Palin needs to run for Senate, serve at least a full term, especially if she promises she will. Then she will have the experience to run for higher office. Our last experiment with an inexperience ideologue who made promises he didn't keep didn't work out so well.
I like the idea of a Cruz/Palin ticket

Not yet, Palin needs to run for Senate, serve at least a full term, especially if she promises she will. Then she will have the experience to run for higher office. Our last experiment with an inexperience ideologue who made promises he didn't keep didn't work out so well.

Palin was A GOVERNOR of a state...I think they have an Idea OF what's going on and how to RUN THINGS...she doesn't need to do any of that
Bush wasn't in the Senate, BILLY boy Clinton wasn't in the Senate, Obama was a junior nobody in the Senate who didn't even finish a full term before he graced the country with him running for President
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well, this is becoming the typical circle jerk of hate on a Palin thread

and this is who is voting people
You see the civility and RESPECT that comes from the left?

it's not just shut up, it's shut the fuck up to a woman Governor/candidate for Vice President of our country

just classless people in the Democrat party

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