America to Sarah Palin: "STFU!"

that's right, how do you like having stfu throwed back in your faces?

as we see, it a hit a raw nerve...dang it all to hell

you all (the left here) are such a jokes...
[ame=]Brutally honest interview with Steve Schmidt - Palin "is filled with anger, has a divisive message" - YouTube[/ame]

Face it, she's just a vicious, vindictive idiot.

Palin: Her ambition far outreaches her intellect.

America to Sarah Palin: Enough! ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) - A majority of voters say they've heard enough from Sarah Palin, according to a new national poll.

The NBC/Wall Street Journal/Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania survey indicates that 54% of voters say they've heard enough from Palin and would prefer that the former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate be less outspoken in political discourse. That includes nearly two-thirds of Democrats, a majority of independents, and nearly four in 10 Republicans.

Crack me up. It's amazing the hate from the left. hahahahahaahahahahaaha.... she has every right to talk as you do, why do you care? Why does she bother you so? LOL!

So you and NBC are afraid of her eh? ONe last thing, this is the US, you don't nor NBC speak for the citizens of the US. America is a big continent, it's ashame you don't know that it expands further than the US. So how many Americans, Canadian, Mexican Brazilian were queried? Try and at least get where you live correct.
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maybe you people shouldn't post threads like this ABOUT RESPECT and then tell a woman Governor candidate for VICE President of the country

She's neither of those things anymore. She failed at both.

She quit to cash in on Fox News and books. Books she didn't have to actually write.

Selfish, lazy, greedy, vindictive.... loser.
Brutally honest interview with Steve Schmidt - Palin "is filled with anger, has a divisive message" - YouTube

Face it, she's just a vicious, vindictive idiot.

Palin: Her ambition far outreaches her intellect.
No. It's Steve Schmidt who is the vindictive idiot.

like good little democrat sheep, they'll take the word of some man who had a hand in McCain LOSING President

this is what I mean...they just run in to prove my point of how hateful they are

I have first hand knowledge on Mrs. Palin as she my Governor ..but yet they swallow anything said about her
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maybe you people shouldn't post threads like this ABOUT RESPECT and then tell a woman Governor candidate for VICE President of the country

She's neither of those things anymore. She failed at both.

She quit to cash in on Fox News and books. Books she didn't have to actually write.

Selfish, lazy, greedy, vindictive.... loser.

So? Why do you care so much about her? watch out for the boogyman!!!
Brutally honest interview with Steve Schmidt - Palin "is filled with anger, has a divisive message" - YouTube

Face it, she's just a vicious, vindictive idiot.

Palin: Her ambition far outreaches her intellect.

haahahahaahahahahaa......Boo! Scare ya?

It scares me that any American takes her seriously. It's the continued dumbing down in the Red States and Districts -- all impotent rage, no education or critical thinking abilities.

I am scared for my country that a person like her actually became Governor of a State, never mind a contender for national office. She wasn't even qualified to be Mayor. They had to hire a professional executive to come in and run the day to day.
Brutally honest interview with Steve Schmidt - Palin "is filled with anger, has a divisive message" - YouTube

Face it, she's just a vicious, vindictive idiot.

Palin: Her ambition far outreaches her intellect.

haahahahaahahahahaa......Boo! Scare ya?

It scares me that any American takes her seriously. It's the continued dumbing down in the Red States and Districts -- all impotent rage, no education or critical thinking abilities.

I am scared for my country that a person like her actually became Governor of a State, never mind a contender for national office. She wasn't even qualified to be Mayor. They had to hire a professional executive to come in and run the day to day.

So is it you want everyone to think like you? So you wish to take freedom's away? Ahh one of those cats eh? Booo..............................

BTW, good business people have staffs who work for them to do work. Unlike the POTUS.. who feels the need to do things he has no idea of what he's doing. LOL...See I think I'm more scared of you who knows nothing about life in the US.
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Like pretty much every comedian, I think Palin should speak more. ;)

You should be more concerned with those lefties with their fingers on buttons that can take your freedoms from you. LOL, you don't care though, you wish we all think the same right? Screw the US constitution right?
maybe you people shouldn't post threads like this ABOUT RESPECT and then tell a woman Governor candidate for VICE President of the country

to shut the fuck up

two faced hypocrites

They're afraid of her!


We're afraid of what she represents -- the least and lowest, a vindictive voice stoking the rage and prejudice....

Notice how the RWs ignore that the OP very clearly stated that almost half of Repubs want her to away too?

Nope. according to RWs, its only (educated, elitist, intelligent) Dems who know she's a loser and dumb as a frikken rock.

Educated and intelligent... right;)
More examples of the liberal war on women.

A woman doesn't have the right to her own opinion or standing up to a MAN like Barack Obama.

No, if she does that the liberals will come after you in force.
maybe you people shouldn't post threads like this ABOUT RESPECT and then tell a woman Governor candidate for VICE President of the country

to shut the fuck up

two faced hypocrites

They're afraid of her!


We're afraid of what she represents -- the least and lowest, a vindictive voice stoking the rage and prejudice....


Since when does she represent your pet causes?

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