American dictator


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Is he or isn't he? That remains a question.


Regardless, what about you? If you suddenly found yourself politically all-powerful (and physically invulnerable :tongue:) what actions would you take to improve the situation(s) in the United States?

Be honest. Show your true character.
Cut defense, raise taxes on the wealthy and stimulate the economy.

Oh yeah deschedual pot and tax and regulate the shit out of it
Plenipotentiary powers? Outstanding!

I would ban all tax expenditures. Everyone would pay the exact same amount in taxes as everyone else in their income group.

With no tax expenditures, I could then lower everyone's tax rates considerably.

I would raise the Medicare and Social Security eligibility ages to 70 and henceforth index those programs to 9 percent of the population. We are living decades longer than our ancestors, we should not be retiring at the same age they did.

I would cut Defense spending. Even after adjusting for inflation, we are spending far, far above what we were spending when our nation was under a far, far greater existential threat during the Cold War and Vietnam and Korea and the Reagan build-up. Far above. This cannot be sustained any longer.

G5000. Benevolent Dictator, signing off.
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how much has the life expectancy of a worker who preforms heavy physical work increased?
how much has the life expectancy of a worker who preforms heavy physical work increased?

Life expectancy for everyone was 60 when Social Security was enacted. So you tell me.

Stay in school, kids.
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Is he or isn't he? That remains a question.


Regardless, what about you? If you suddenly found yourself politically all-powerful (and physically invulnerable :tongue:) what actions would you take to improve the situation(s) in the United States?

Be honest. Show your true character.

Prayer and a return to G-d is the only answer for America. There is no other there way to fix this.

I wouldn't want to be dictator of the United States.

But if given that power for a week, I'd send everyone in DC home, tear up the ACA, roll back all regulations and gov't agencies, and begin again.

We need a fresh start!

It's like a hard drive that's been operating since 1984... All messed up with bad bits and sectors, dumb jokes and porn, 99% of files corrupted, and fuill of malware and viruses.

Time to just toss it, get a new one, and only load the programs we know work, and ACCORDING TO THE Constitution!
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