American Exceptionalism needs to be revisited


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
The following quote has made me re-think American matters for the last 25 years.

"Come over and help us," says a Native American depicted on the seal of the Puritan Massachusetts Bay colony. "But, with some exceptions, British contact with the Indians did much more to harm than to help the spread of the faith," writes historian Mark Noll. The problem lay "in an inability to realize that 'Indian Christianity' might not turn out to look exactly like 'English Christianity,'" so that missionaries forcibly imposed their culture as well as their religion on potential converts.

Mark A. Noll, A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1992).

The rest of the world has no need to ape American culture or its economic vallues.
If America needs to embrace exceptionalism. Doing so will ensure that liberty around the world will be supported. As has been the case for so many decades, either American values will win the day or other nations will. In this case, the other nation is China and their allies.

The Founding Fathers had a vision of America, this vision is unique and grounded in characteristics that invoke God and natural laws that are provided. Other nations want to do away with this individualism for their own benefit.

Do you think America innovation and unrelenting support for the right of self determination of the individual is supported in any other country? Furthermore, would that country have the power and ability to ensure that other less noble nations didn't impose on these values?

America is exceptional. If you revisit it, it should be to reinforce this understanding.
If America needs to embrace exceptionalism. Doing so will ensure that liberty around the world will be supported. As has been the case for so many decades, either American values will win the day or other nations will. In this case, the other nation is China and their allies.

The Founding Fathers had a vision of America, this vision is unique and grounded in characteristics that invoke God and natural laws that are provided. Other nations want to do away with this individualism for their own benefit.

Do you think America innovation and unrelenting support for the right of self determination of the individual is supported in any other country? Furthermore, would that country have the power and ability to ensure that other less noble nations didn't impose on these values?

America is exceptional. If you revisit it, it should be to reinforce this understanding.

And Manifest Destiny called for the extermination of the people already present in North America. Those are your exceptional values, this "exceptionalism" is just a repackaged slogan for authoritarian domination.
If America needs to embrace exceptionalism. Doing so will ensure that liberty around the world will be supported. As has been the case for so many decades, either American values will win the day or other nations will. In this case, the other nation is China and their allies.

The Founding Fathers had a vision of America, this vision is unique and grounded in characteristics that invoke God and natural laws that are provided. Other nations want to do away with this individualism for their own benefit.

Do you think America innovation and unrelenting support for the right of self determination of the individual is supported in any other country? Furthermore, would that country have the power and ability to ensure that other less noble nations didn't impose on these values?

America is exceptional. If you revisit it, it should be to reinforce this understanding.

And Manifest Destiny called for the extermination of the people already present in North America. Those are your exceptional values, this "exceptionalism" is just a repackaged slogan for authoritarian domination.

Umm no. America is a nation of immigrants. They are part of the exceptionalism .

The authoritarianism you speak of has been applied to varying degrees around the world, they call it communism, or "progressive socialism". When you are reliant on the benevolence of your leaders to determine your success, your health your talents and pursuits, you would understand what it means to have your dignity taken from you, as so many have experienced. There is no moral equivalency between these abusers of human rights and individual pursuits and the individuality and Rights Ordained by God that America supports.

If you want to use identity politics go ahead, it's one of the reasons America had been losing its place in the world. If you can recommend a better system in the world than that which the United States has defended I'm all ears. As it stands, America is unique, which is why even though America has 10x the population of Canada, fully 10x MORE Canadians head to America and stay than vice versa. How is this feasible if the Canadian system is so superior? The simple answer it isn't, and all free citizens know this but they are afraid to speak the truth about the obvious distinctions. I'm not one such person.
If America needs to embrace exceptionalism. Doing so will ensure that liberty around the world will be supported. As has been the case for so many decades, either American values will win the day or other nations will. In this case, the other nation is China and their allies.

The Founding Fathers had a vision of America, this vision is unique and grounded in characteristics that invoke God and natural laws that are provided. Other nations want to do away with this individualism for their own benefit.

Do you think America innovation and unrelenting support for the right of self determination of the individual is supported in any other country? Furthermore, would that country have the power and ability to ensure that other less noble nations didn't impose on these values?

America is exceptional. If you revisit it, it should be to reinforce this understanding.

And Manifest Destiny called for the extermination of the people already present in North America. Those are your exceptional values, this "exceptionalism" is just a repackaged slogan for authoritarian domination.

Umm no. America is a nation of immigrants. They are part of the exceptionalism .

The authoritarianism you speak of has been applied to varying degrees around the world, they call it communism, or "progressive socialism". When you are reliant on the benevolence of your leaders to determine your success, your health your talents and pursuits, you would understand what it means to have your dignity taken from you, as so many have experienced. There is no moral equivalency between these abusers of human rights and individual pursuits and the individuality and Rights Ordained by God that America supports.

If you want to use identity politics go ahead, it's one of the reasons America had been losing its place in the world. If you can recommend a better system in the world than that which the United States has defended I'm all ears. As it stands, America is unique, which is why even though America has 10x the population of Canada, fully 10x MORE Canadians head to America and stay than vice versa. How is this feasible if the Canadian system is so superior? The simple answer it isn't, and all free citizens know this but they are afraid to speak the truth about the obvious distinctions. I'm not one such person.

The historical record is what it is.
We are talking about today. He is bringing up something from long ago to justify some sort of fear of American Exceptionalism. The fact is that America is exceptional and must remain so if the West is to remain relatively free.

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