American exceptionalism

America is a symbol of Anglo-Saxon supremacy?

And we continue to be THE best country in almost every way imaginable.
Including number of citizens incarcerated, both by per capita and raw number. MAGA!

Oh. And COVID-19 deaths.
USA number 1!!!

Mass shootings. Numbah One!
Let freedumb ring!

Number of fat Kkluxers.
Hands down winner!
And we continue to be THE best country in almost every way imaginable.
Including number of citizens incarcerated, both by per capita and raw number. MAGA!

Oh. And COVID-19 deaths.
USA number 1!!!

Mass shootings. Numbah One!
Let freedumb ring!

Number of fat Kkluxers.
Hands down winner!
You REALLY hate our country, don't you? PLEASE move to another one if you find it so undesirable here. I hear they're looking for new people to come to Venezuela and several countries in the Middle East. They'll welcome you with open arms AND most likely open gunfire, as well. A raging anti-American like yourself DESERVES to do this, if only to be happy somewhere else.
And we continue to be THE best country in almost every way imaginable.
Including number of citizens incarcerated, both by per capita and raw number. MAGA!

Oh. And COVID-19 deaths.
USA number 1!!!

Mass shootings. Numbah One!
Let freedumb ring!

Number of fat Kkluxers.
Hands down winner!
You REALLY hate our country, don't you? PLEASE move to another one if you find it so undesirable here. I hear they're looking for new people to come to Venezuela and several countries in the Middle East. They'll welcome you with open arms AND most likely open gunfire, as well. A raging anti-American like yourself DESERVES to do this, if only to be happy somewhere else.
I just noticed you MAY be an INSUFFERABLE dumbsh*t Kiwi. So, disregard my plea for you to LEAVE my wonderful country, if you DON'T actually live here. If you DO reside in the country where men are men, and the sheep are afraid, PLEASE stay there and don't even THINK about moving to THE best country in the world. We DON'T want your sorry Kiwi ass here. Thank you.
You REALLY hate our country, don't you? PLEASE move to another one if you find it so undesirable here.
Hilarity. I point out some of the ways the USA is numbah one! and deplorable fat Kkluxers get butt hurt even though they've just asserted America's superiority in all matters.

American exceptioonalism campaigns late nineteenth century Anglo-Saxonism for supremacy.

Many people think America is exceptional for different reasons. DOnt be like Mr Mgoo who bumps into the knee of an elephant and then in your short sightedness says Oh what an ugly looking animal. take the moment to step back and look at the whole thing.

You know one of the things that makes America great is that the people who emigrated here back in the day one way or another all faced exceptional hardships to get here. Many of them were the more adventureous or more driven type of people who were willing to get onto a small boat and cross an ocean. ( in the case of slaves unwilling of course)
So the nation at one time was probably filled with more type A individuals. later on more people came here who also were willing to face hardships and take risks. So the U.S. was at one time ago filled with a brave people, and probably in many cases smarter than the ones they left behind to get here. We became a melting pot of KNOWLEDGE and ways to do things... brought from all over the world.
I'm sorry, I really cant go into the whole history of the U.S. for you, though I'm sure your probably well versed on all the bad things you can find. It really must be puzzling to you why so many immigrants still find this a place of opportunity and a good place to come.
It's because no one else will do it for them.

C'mon, give them a break.

Tell them how they're the best at everything.
I just noticed you MAY be an INSUFFERABLE dumbsh*t Kiwi. So, disregard my plea for you to LEAVE my wonderful country, if you DON'T actually live here. If you DO reside in the country where men are men, and the sheep are afraid, PLEASE stay there and don't even THINK about moving to THE best country in the world. We DON'T want your sorry Kiwi ass here. Thank you.
I read a report from New Zealand that since banning most modern sporting rifles that violent crime is at an all time high. I should start a thread on that, I guess. Anyway, it seems cnm has enough wrong with his own country to deal with.
I read a report from New Zealand that since banning most modern sporting rifles that violent crime is at an all time high. I should start a thread on that, I guess. Anyway, it seems cnm has enough wrong with his own country to deal with.

Post the link to the report.
NZ was never armed in the first place.
I read a report from New Zealand that since banning most modern sporting rifles that violent crime is at an all time high. I should start a thread on that, I guess. Anyway, it seems cnm has enough wrong with his own country to deal with.

Post the link to the report.
NZ was never armed in the first place.

NZ was never armed in the first place.

You like to make shit up off the top of your head, don't you? They're #16 in the world in gun ownership. They're higher in murder rates than all these countries:

Hong Kong
I read a report from New Zealand that since banning most modern sporting rifles that violent crime is at an all time high. I should start a thread on that, I guess. Anyway, it seems cnm has enough wrong with his own country to deal with.

Post the link to the report.
NZ was never armed in the first place.

And THERE you have it, Doc Grump. Do you think they'll even acknowledge this, Levant? I would have to say unfortunately NOT.
I read a report from New Zealand that since banning most modern sporting rifles that violent crime is at an all time high.
No. About the only things that weren't banned were sporting firearms. Everyone still has all their sporting rifles. But that's deplorable gun nut propaganda for you, couldn't abandon idiology for fact if they tried.
On a global scale, gun crime remains incredibly low in New Zealand.
For instance, in the United States there are about 106 deaths per 1 million population each year.
In each of the last two years, New Zealand recorded 2.4 gun-related deaths per million people.

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