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American Fascism Is Born

And Trump's message is what again?

He wants to make America great again. Clean up the disaster of the last seven years. Haven't you heard?
The latest edition of Hope and Change.

Difference is, hope and change guy had no experience or resume whatsoever. Just a radical leftist bullshit artist that can give great speeches.
Donald Trump's resume is nothing to brag about. I don't know why anyone would be impressed with his record of achievement. It's all perception based upon self promotion, and not much else.

I think he's achieved quite a bit. Built an empire and hired tens of thousands. He knows how to deal with people, and get things done. Definitely more qualified than the joker we have in office now and Hillary.
If we are going to use that as the standard for picking a President shouldn't we get someone better? Someone more successful. There are at least 120 Americans who are wealthier than Donald Trump. Why not see if we can get someone more qualified......if that's the standard. Forbes puts Trumps net worth at $4.5 billion, about half what Trump claims.
Forbes 400
He wants to make America great again. Clean up the disaster of the last seven years. Haven't you heard?
The latest edition of Hope and Change.

Difference is, hope and change guy had no experience or resume whatsoever. Just a radical leftist bullshit artist that can give great speeches.
Donald Trump's resume is nothing to brag about. I don't know why anyone would be impressed with his record of achievement. It's all perception based upon self promotion, and not much else.

I think he's achieved quite a bit. Built an empire and hired tens of thousands. He knows how to deal with people, and get things done. Definitely more qualified than the joker we have in office now and Hillary.
If we are going to use that as the standard for picking a President shouldn't we get someone better? Someone more successful. There are at least 120 Americans who are wealthier than Donald Trump. Why not see if we can get someone more qualified......if that's the standard. Forbes puts Trumps net worth at $4.5 billion, about half what Trump claims.
Forbes 400

Trump knows how to deal with people, and most importantly, deal with a biased media and get his message across, which is a crucial factor. If you ask me, he's a genius, he's basically gotten the left wing media to finance his ascent to the nomination, by cleverly getting them to focus on him. While other candidates and their PAC's have spent hundreds of millions of dollars bashing him, only to drop out eventually, Trump has the left wing media spinning on his little finger, convering him from rally to rally, FOR FREE. Ross Perot was also smart guy, a billionaire, and a wheeler and dealer, but the media turned him into a clown by the end of his campaign. We need a SOB like Trump to fix all the domestic and international incompetence, waste, ideological hacks, and fraud in our political system.
"American Fascism Is Born"

It's more American fascism exposed – this is nothing new, it's been around for decades, this is just a variation on that theme: the slimy underbelly of the extreme right.
The latest edition of Hope and Change.

Difference is, hope and change guy had no experience or resume whatsoever. Just a radical leftist bullshit artist that can give great speeches.
Donald Trump's resume is nothing to brag about. I don't know why anyone would be impressed with his record of achievement. It's all perception based upon self promotion, and not much else.

I think he's achieved quite a bit. Built an empire and hired tens of thousands. He knows how to deal with people, and get things done. Definitely more qualified than the joker we have in office now and Hillary.
If we are going to use that as the standard for picking a President shouldn't we get someone better? Someone more successful. There are at least 120 Americans who are wealthier than Donald Trump. Why not see if we can get someone more qualified......if that's the standard. Forbes puts Trumps net worth at $4.5 billion, about half what Trump claims.
Forbes 400

Trump knows how to deal with people, and most importantly, deal with a biased media and get his message across, which is a crucial factor. If you ask me, he's a genius, he's basically gotten the left wing media to finance his ascent to the nomination, by cleverly getting them to focus on him. While other candidates and their PAC's have spent hundreds of millions of dollars bashing him, only to drop out eventually, Trump has the left wing media spinning on his little finger, convering him from rally to rally, FOR FREE. Ross Perot was also smart guy, a billionaire, and a wheeler and dealer, but the media turned him into a clown by the end of his campaign. We need a SOB like Trump to fix all the domestic and international incompetence, waste, ideological hacks, and fraud in our political system.
And let's see if we can guess what the primary source is for your impressions of Donald Trump. Could it be the words of Donald Trump himself? Or have you done some kind of independent research to verify his self made reputation?
"American Fascism Is Born"

It's more American fascism exposed – this is nothing new, it's been around for decades, this is just a variation on that theme: the slimy underbelly of the extreme right.
It has now blossomed into a full flowered movement, fascism is no longer in the shadows.
The leader of a right wing populist movement needs a uniform too. It should distinguish him from his subordinates while reflecting nationalistic traditions. I like this one, elaborate, but not too over the top. Nice tapered lines, makes a real fashion statement.
They may even want to consider creating a Trump inspired youth organization......the Trump Scouts. Or something.
Recognition through awards and medals will be an important factor in building the morale of any new Trump para military organization.
From history, 1971:

"No thoughtful person can question that the American economic system is under broad attack. This varies in scope, intensity, in the techniques employed, and in the level of visibility. There have always been some who opposed the American system, and preferred socialism or some form of statism (communism or fascism). Also, there always have been critics of the system, whose criticism has been whole-some and constructive so long as the objective was to improve rather than subvert or destroy. But what now concerns us is quite new in the history of America. We are not dealing with sporadic or isolated attacks from relatively few extremists or even from the minority socialist cadre. Rather, the assault on the enterprise system is broadly based and consistently pursued. It is gaining momentum and converts."


"As these "bright young men," from campuses across the country, seek opportunities to change a system which they have been taught to distrust - if not, indeed "despise" - they seek employment in centers of the real power and influence in our country, namely (I) with the news media, especially television; (ii) in government; as "staffers" and consultants at various levels; (iii) in elective politics; (iv) as lecturers and writers, and (v) on the faculties at various levels of education. Many do enter the enterprise system - in business and the professions - and for the most part they quickly discover the fallacies of what they have been taught. But those who eschew the mainstream of the system, often remain in key positions of influence where they mold public opinion and often shape governmental action. In many instances, these "intellectuals" end up in regulatory agencies or governmental departments with large authority over the business system they do not believe in."


"There seems to be little awareness that the only alternatives to free enterprise are varying degrees of bureaucratic regulation of individual freedom - ranging from that under moderate socialism to the iron heel of the leftist or rightist dictatorship. We in American have already moved very far indeed toward some aspects of state socialism, as the needs and complexities of a vast urban society requires types of regulation and control that were quite unnecessary in earlier times. In some areas, such regulation and control already have seriously impaired the freedom of both business and labor, and indeed of the public generally. But most of the essential freedoms remain: private ownership, private profit, labor unions, collective bargaining, consumer choice, and a market economy in which competition largely determines price, quality and variety of the goods and services provided the consumer.

In addition to the ideological attack on the system itself, its essentials are also threatened by inequitable taxation, and - more recently - by an inflation which has seemed uncontrollable. But whatever the causes of diminishing economic freedom may be, the truth is that freedom as a concept is indivisible. As the experience of the socialist and totalitarian states demonstrates; the contraction and denial of economic freedom is followed inevitably by governmental restrictions on other cherished rights. It is this message, above all others, that must be carried home to the American people."


Round n round...
Difference is, hope and change guy had no experience or resume whatsoever. Just a radical leftist bullshit artist that can give great speeches.
Donald Trump's resume is nothing to brag about. I don't know why anyone would be impressed with his record of achievement. It's all perception based upon self promotion, and not much else.

I think he's achieved quite a bit. Built an empire and hired tens of thousands. He knows how to deal with people, and get things done. Definitely more qualified than the joker we have in office now and Hillary.
If we are going to use that as the standard for picking a President shouldn't we get someone better? Someone more successful. There are at least 120 Americans who are wealthier than Donald Trump. Why not see if we can get someone more qualified......if that's the standard. Forbes puts Trumps net worth at $4.5 billion, about half what Trump claims.
Forbes 400

Trump knows how to deal with people, and most importantly, deal with a biased media and get his message across, which is a crucial factor. If you ask me, he's a genius, he's basically gotten the left wing media to finance his ascent to the nomination, by cleverly getting them to focus on him. While other candidates and their PAC's have spent hundreds of millions of dollars bashing him, only to drop out eventually, Trump has the left wing media spinning on his little finger, convering him from rally to rally, FOR FREE. Ross Perot was also smart guy, a billionaire, and a wheeler and dealer, but the media turned him into a clown by the end of his campaign. We need a SOB like Trump to fix all the domestic and international incompetence, waste, ideological hacks, and fraud in our political system.
And let's see if we can guess what the primary source is for your impressions of Donald Trump. Could it be the words of Donald Trump himself? Or have you done some kind of independent research to verify his self made reputation?

Everything I said is true, admit it.

He's a billionaire and extremely successful. Nobody cares what he's actually worth or if he ever went bankrupt. That's par for the course.

He's been dealing with the New York left wing media Mafia for decades. The national Mafia is just an extension of that. Hence why he has them twirling on his little finger.
Recognition through awards and medals will be an important factor in building the morale of any new Trump para military organization.

History of fascism
Fascism was born out of socialism (the prized ideology among the left) and was an evolved state-centric version of socialism which became popular around the early to mid 1900s. It was “new” and full of revolutionary change. Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (a name consisting almost entirely of Socialist revolutionaries) was raised a charismatic Italian Socialist (his Socialist father being a huge influence on him) (Goldberg 31).

After Mussolini incorporated socialism and nationalism within Italy, fascism spread quickly (without much pretense to race that would come later with German Nazism). Fascism would eventually compete with International Socialism for the young revolutionary, the working man, the poor, and the masses in places such as Germany, France, and Italy.

State conformity reigns supreme under fascism

To many individuals, fascism state-centric ideology seemed far more of a “working system” rather than that delusional idea of “uniting the workers of the world”, which was the motto of the International Socialist. With fascism, as with all large bloated governments that leftists think can cure all our qualms, the utopian lie is propagated by the state which supposedly aims to build a communal National Socialism state-sponsored family.

Fascism was to transcend class differences exactly like socialism preached. Below are first-hand accounts according to working class Germans and their views on Hitler’s Nationalist Socialist ideas:

…Though I was interested in the betterment of the workingman’s plight, I rejected Marxism unconditionally. I often asked myself why socialism had to be tied up with internationalism- why it could not work as well or better in conjunction with nationalism’. Another German states ‘I shuddered at the thought of Germany in the grip of Bolshevism. The slogan ‘Workers of the World Unite!’ made no sense to me. At the same time, however, National Socialism with its promise of community…barring all class struggle, attracted me profoundly’. Another German stated they embraced Nazism because of the ‘uncompromising will to stamp out the class struggle, snobberies of caste and party hatreds. The movement bore the true message of socialism to the German workingman. (Goldberg 74)

Below are key points from Mussolini and the Fasci di Combattimento (a Fascist organization created by Mussolini) circa 1919 (Goldberg 46):

  • The abolition of the senate and the creation of a national technical council on intellectual and manual labor, industry, commerce and culture
  • The creation of various government bodies run by worker’s representatives
  • The obligation of the state to build “rigidly secular” schools for the raising of “the proletariat’s moral and cultural condition”
All of this seems like the modern American leftist’s wet dream. Modern American leftist rhetoric is far closer to fascism than the American right’s strong stress on individualism, capitalism, and reduced government intervention.

Nazis were huge proponents of animal welfare and a vegetarian lifestyle, did someone say PETA?

Fascism, a party of the left
Fascism stressed huge state governments. This huge fascist government included expanding health services, enforcing anti-elitism, wealth-confiscation, and secularism (Goldberg 46) all in the name of the state and the common good. Fascism offered “anti-bourgeois, anti-capitalistic, and anti-individualist nationalism” (Sternhell 214-220).

The state was always before the individual under fascism; taking from some and redistributing to the many. This is the core of modern American leftist ideology. Many parallels of fascism are closely similar to Obamacare (expanding health services), higher taxes among the elite and wealthy (wealth confiscation), and the most recent; the fascist power grab, by the FCC “Net Neutrality” rules (anti-capitalist).

To illustrate this comparison further, let’s look at just a few of the Nazi Party’s key points (Goldberg 411):

  • We demand the nationalization of all (previous) associated industries (trusts).
  • We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries.
  • The first obligation of every citizen must be to work both spiritually and physically. The activity of individuals is not to counteract the interests of the universality, but must have its result within the framework of the whole for the benefit of all.
I can’t tell the difference when the Nazi points end and the American leftist points begin. Not to mention, affirmative action (prized among the left) is just race privilege enforced by government intervention. Affirmative action is similar to the notorious government enforced Aryan privilege in Nazi Germany regardless of skill.

Historic dangers of the left
In all leftist extremes, be it communism, Nazism, socialism, or Fascism; murder, violence, and censorship are sure to be the eventual outcome of huge government. It is a historic pattern and if history is cyclical, which I believe it is, we are at the beginning of what will be the eventual violence found among extreme Leftist purity tactics dating back to the French Revolution (Jacboins), up through Soviet Russia (Bolsheviks), Ukraine, and Communist China.

Nothing has been more devastating and dangerous politically in the 20th century than leftist thought. If we look at 20th century communism alone we come to a whopping 85-100 million worldwide that perished under such leftist regimes, not to mention the censorship, labor camps, violation of civil liberties, and imprisonment.

Photo from the Holodomor, a man-made famine in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic

One should think of fascism not as the complete opposite of socialism and communism, but yet another kindred spirit in extreme leftist political ideologies that were competing for the hearts and minds of the populous. Not much has changed with fascist ideology of collectivism (another prized belief of the left) were individual twigs bundle together to make a strong piece of collective wood.

Allow this article to be a possible warning sign of modern day ideology, as their quest will devolve into a loss of civility and violence as we move farther and farther left. As the left ideologies become more and more resembling a preacher preaching piety from the pulpit, “action” will be the next conclusive step. Peel back the leftist Orwellian language with nice sounding words like “Obamacare” and “Net Neutrality” to expose it for what it really is; fascist policies and huge government takeover in a pretty wrapper.

The beginning of the end
Whatever the case, one should keep in mind that socialism, communism, fascism, and Nazism all are of the left; they were just different factions of the left. What is occurring in the U.S. today is not that different from what occurred in Europe some years ago. Though it may be much slower and softer, “American” Fascism echoes European Fascism and is rooted in this very ideology.

Keep this in mind when you are sitting in your cube at the Ministry of Truth, hunched over your keyboard, editing and bowdlerizing Wikipedia pages for “the party”; just remember this article and the quintessential fascist party ideology:

…(the) quest to create an all-caring, all-powerful, all-encompassing state, a state that assumes responsibility for every desirable outcome and takes the blame for every setback on the road to utopia, a state that finally replaces God (Goldberg 20)

“But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”

Do not become the protagonist of 1984. Let’s keep fiction for the books and reality for us here in America. The philosophical and political fate of the country depends on it.
Low information libs don't even know what fascism is. They speak and think in cliches. Fascism is government control of the production and distribution of goods and services. In that respect it seems that Barry Hussein comes closest to being a fascist and Trump is the direct opposite.
I think it's important for a new and exciting proto fascist cadre to present the right image for success. Let's review some possible uniform choices.
First we'll start with this very stylish ensemble from the Hugo Boss Collection.
Those are all socialist uniforms. Dumbass
The Trump Administration could advance their philosophy on issues of race by resegregating the armed forces.
Recognition through awards and medals will be an important factor in building the morale of any new Trump para military organization.

History of fascism
Fascism was born out of socialism (the prized ideology among the left) and was an evolved state-centric version of socialism which became popular around the early to mid 1900s. It was “new” and full of revolutionary change. Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (a name consisting almost entirely of Socialist revolutionaries) was raised a charismatic Italian Socialist (his Socialist father being a huge influence on him) (Goldberg 31).

After Mussolini incorporated socialism and nationalism within Italy, fascism spread quickly (without much pretense to race that would come later with German Nazism). Fascism would eventually compete with International Socialism for the young revolutionary, the working man, the poor, and the masses in places such as Germany, France, and Italy.

State conformity reigns supreme under fascism

To many individuals, fascism state-centric ideology seemed far more of a “working system” rather than that delusional idea of “uniting the workers of the world”, which was the motto of the International Socialist. With fascism, as with all large bloated governments that leftists think can cure all our qualms, the utopian lie is propagated by the state which supposedly aims to build a communal National Socialism state-sponsored family.

Fascism was to transcend class differences exactly like socialism preached. Below are first-hand accounts according to working class Germans and their views on Hitler’s Nationalist Socialist ideas:

…Though I was interested in the betterment of the workingman’s plight, I rejected Marxism unconditionally. I often asked myself why socialism had to be tied up with internationalism- why it could not work as well or better in conjunction with nationalism’. Another German states ‘I shuddered at the thought of Germany in the grip of Bolshevism. The slogan ‘Workers of the World Unite!’ made no sense to me. At the same time, however, National Socialism with its promise of community…barring all class struggle, attracted me profoundly’. Another German stated they embraced Nazism because of the ‘uncompromising will to stamp out the class struggle, snobberies of caste and party hatreds. The movement bore the true message of socialism to the German workingman. (Goldberg 74)

Below are key points from Mussolini and the Fasci di Combattimento (a Fascist organization created by Mussolini) circa 1919 (Goldberg 46):

  • The abolition of the senate and the creation of a national technical council on intellectual and manual labor, industry, commerce and culture
  • The creation of various government bodies run by worker’s representatives
  • The obligation of the state to build “rigidly secular” schools for the raising of “the proletariat’s moral and cultural condition”
All of this seems like the modern American leftist’s wet dream. Modern American leftist rhetoric is far closer to fascism than the American right’s strong stress on individualism, capitalism, and reduced government intervention.

Nazis were huge proponents of animal welfare and a vegetarian lifestyle, did someone say PETA?

Fascism, a party of the left
Fascism stressed huge state governments. This huge fascist government included expanding health services, enforcing anti-elitism, wealth-confiscation, and secularism (Goldberg 46) all in the name of the state and the common good. Fascism offered “anti-bourgeois, anti-capitalistic, and anti-individualist nationalism” (Sternhell 214-220).

The state was always before the individual under fascism; taking from some and redistributing to the many. This is the core of modern American leftist ideology. Many parallels of fascism are closely similar to Obamacare (expanding health services), higher taxes among the elite and wealthy (wealth confiscation), and the most recent; the fascist power grab, by the FCC “Net Neutrality” rules (anti-capitalist).

To illustrate this comparison further, let’s look at just a few of the Nazi Party’s key points (Goldberg 411):

  • We demand the nationalization of all (previous) associated industries (trusts).
  • We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries.
  • The first obligation of every citizen must be to work both spiritually and physically. The activity of individuals is not to counteract the interests of the universality, but must have its result within the framework of the whole for the benefit of all.
I can’t tell the difference when the Nazi points end and the American leftist points begin. Not to mention, affirmative action (prized among the left) is just race privilege enforced by government intervention. Affirmative action is similar to the notorious government enforced Aryan privilege in Nazi Germany regardless of skill.

Historic dangers of the left
In all leftist extremes, be it communism, Nazism, socialism, or Fascism; murder, violence, and censorship are sure to be the eventual outcome of huge government. It is a historic pattern and if history is cyclical, which I believe it is, we are at the beginning of what will be the eventual violence found among extreme Leftist purity tactics dating back to the French Revolution (Jacboins), up through Soviet Russia (Bolsheviks), Ukraine, and Communist China.

Nothing has been more devastating and dangerous politically in the 20th century than leftist thought. If we look at 20th century communism alone we come to a whopping 85-100 million worldwide that perished under such leftist regimes, not to mention the censorship, labor camps, violation of civil liberties, and imprisonment.

Photo from the Holodomor, a man-made famine in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic

One should think of fascism not as the complete opposite of socialism and communism, but yet another kindred spirit in extreme leftist political ideologies that were competing for the hearts and minds of the populous. Not much has changed with fascist ideology of collectivism (another prized belief of the left) were individual twigs bundle together to make a strong piece of collective wood.

Allow this article to be a possible warning sign of modern day ideology, as their quest will devolve into a loss of civility and violence as we move farther and farther left. As the left ideologies become more and more resembling a preacher preaching piety from the pulpit, “action” will be the next conclusive step. Peel back the leftist Orwellian language with nice sounding words like “Obamacare” and “Net Neutrality” to expose it for what it really is; fascist policies and huge government takeover in a pretty wrapper.

The beginning of the end
Whatever the case, one should keep in mind that socialism, communism, fascism, and Nazism all are of the left; they were just different factions of the left. What is occurring in the U.S. today is not that different from what occurred in Europe some years ago. Though it may be much slower and softer, “American” Fascism echoes European Fascism and is rooted in this very ideology.

Keep this in mind when you are sitting in your cube at the Ministry of Truth, hunched over your keyboard, editing and bowdlerizing Wikipedia pages for “the party”; just remember this article and the quintessential fascist party ideology:

…(the) quest to create an all-caring, all-powerful, all-encompassing state, a state that assumes responsibility for every desirable outcome and takes the blame for every setback on the road to utopia, a state that finally replaces God (Goldberg 20)

“But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”

Do not become the protagonist of 1984. Let’s keep fiction for the books and reality for us here in America. The philosophical and political fate of the country depends on it.

All revisionist horseshit. Fascism and Nazism were right wing grass roots populist movements.......just like Trump followers.

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