American Fascism


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Fascism is a system of government advocating the centralization of authority under a dictator. It is also the centralization of authority subject to governmental controls. This is what America is heading toward. Our economy is virtually dictated to by government departments, government officials, and a media that marches is lock step. Violent suppression of the opposition (as in the DOJ falsely accusing the opposition in an election and trying to get him removed from the ballot). Let's not forget dictatorial control which the Democrats tried during Covid. Belligerent Nationalism is also part of Fascism, like the fact America is at war to push its nationalism on other countries. A case could be also made for Biden being a dictator however, he has not the sentience for that, he's being propped up by the true dictators running the country which are the radical, Marxist, Democrats in the shadow government.
Fascism is a system of government advocating the centralization of authority under a dictator. It is also the centralization of authority subject to governmental controls. This is what America is heading toward. Our economy is virtually dictated to by government departments, government officials, and a media that marches is lock step. Violent suppression of the opposition (as in the DOJ falsely accusing the opposition in an election and trying to get him removed from the ballot). Let's not forget dictatorial control which the Democrats tried during Covid. Belligerent Nationalism is also part of Fascism, like the fact America is at war to push its nationalism on other countries. A case could be also made for Biden being a dictator however, he has not the sentience for that, he's being propped up by the true dictators running the country which are the radical, Marxist, Democrats in the shadow government.
Like the Biden administration?
Fascism is a system of government advocating the centralization of authority under a dictator. It is also the centralization of authority subject to governmental controls. This is what America is heading toward. Our economy is virtually dictated to by government departments, government officials, and a media that marches is lock step. Violent suppression of the opposition (as in the DOJ falsely accusing the opposition in an election and trying to get him removed from the ballot). Let's not forget dictatorial control which the Democrats tried during Covid. Belligerent Nationalism is also part of Fascism, like the fact America is at war to push its nationalism on other countries. A case could be also made for Biden being a dictator however, he has not the sentience for that, he's being propped up by the true dictators running the country which are the radical, Marxist, Democrats in the shadow government.
What will eventually happen is a global New World Order type of Fascism that will be imposed on the rest of the free world. The inhabitants of the Earth, will be given a choice.?
Accept a Global New World Order Facist Democratic system of government, or allow the global Communist system to enslave you and your entire country, and confiscate all of your private property. ?!!??!!
Democrats want to remove any and all opposition. To them or their hegemony. Because, what says "Democracy" better than a party that wants to destroy the opposition and pushes a one party system and persecutes political opponents? Hitler, Mussolini Stalin approve of the ONE party system. And now, it's the Democrats turn.
Fascism is a system of government advocating the centralization of authority under a dictator. It is also the centralization of authority subject to governmental controls. This is what America is heading toward. Our economy is virtually dictated to by government departments, government officials, and a media that marches is lock step. Violent suppression of the opposition (as in the DOJ falsely accusing the opposition in an election and trying to get him removed from the ballot). Let's not forget dictatorial control which the Democrats tried during Covid. Belligerent Nationalism is also part of Fascism, like the fact America is at war to push its nationalism on other countries. A case could be also made for Biden being a dictator however, he has not the sentience for that, he's being propped up by the true dictators running the country which are the radical, Marxist, Democrats in the shadow government.
Both parties prefer a Big Government directng a social market democracy.

That is only growing, and will not decrease.
Both parties prefer a Big Government directng a social market democracy.

That is only growing, and will not decrease.
Now it's Horsey the fatalist , determined not to give intelligence , determination etc a chance .

Let's all go home then Horsey , lay down passively and wait to die .
Fascism is a system of government advocating the centralization of authority under a dictator. It is also the centralization of authority subject to governmental controls. This is what America is heading toward. Our economy is virtually dictated to by government departments, government officials, and a media that marches is lock step. Violent suppression of the opposition (as in the DOJ falsely accusing the opposition in an election and trying to get him removed from the ballot). Let's not forget dictatorial control which the Democrats tried during Covid. Belligerent Nationalism is also part of Fascism, like the fact America is at war to push its nationalism on other countries. A case could be also made for Biden being a dictator however, he has not the sentience for that, he's being propped up by the true dictators running the country which are the radical, Marxist, Democrats in the shadow government.
Next thing you know there will be a US president who attempts to overthrow an election and be supported by millions. He will even attack an election that hasn't even happened yet, and millions will support that. Millions will take the word of One Man of the courts, law enforcement and even his own staff. They are even starting to cheer candidates BECAUSE they have been arrested.

Yep, there is definitely a tilt toward American fascism these days. Good call.
Next thing you know there will be a US president who attempts to overthrow an election and be supported by millions. He will even attack an election that hasn't even happened yet, and millions will support that. Millions will take the word of One Man of the courts, law enforcement and even his own staff. They are even starting to cheer candidates BECAUSE they have been arrested.

Yep, there is definitely a tilt toward American fascism these days. Good call.

And the next thing you know, the dumbed down masses will believe any narrative they are fed by the MSM.
Thank you. I forgot about the millions who have been groomed for 30 years by Limbaugh, et al. to believe only what they want to hear.
Yep. The Father of the Alternate Universe. He taught them not only WHAT to think, but HOW to think, and how to intellectually isolate themselves to protect their worldview.

This disaster is the manifestation of that.
Thank you. I forgot about the millions who have been groomed for 30 years by Limbaugh, et al. to believe only what they want to hear.

Limbaugh was the antithesis of the MSM. The reason he had such a large following was because many people started to realize they were being lied to by the MSM. Some still don’t get it. Think for yourself and you will realize just how much you are being duped on a daily basis.
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Yep. The Father of the Alternate Universe. He taught them not only WHAT to think, but HOW to think.

This disaster is the manifestation of that.

Ironic much?

Our educational system and the MSM does exactly that on a daily basis, but indoctrinated folks don’t know they are indoctrinated.

Read your own stated major policy opinions again, and again and again and then cross reference those opinions with Trump’s policies. If you could get orange man bad out of your head long enough, you would realize that it is YOU that has been fully indoctrinated.
Outcast infamous racist-Luiza type nazism

download (22).jpeg
Yep. The Father of the Alternate Universe. He taught them not only WHAT to think, but HOW to think, and how to intellectually isolate themselves to protect their worldview.

This disaster is the manifestation of that.
It's the key to the blind support of a psychopath to be POTUS. Now that they have been trained to only believe only what they want to hear, they will buy anything, like when a mad man claims an election is stolen.
Next thing you know there will be a US president who attempts to overthrow an election and be supported by millions. He will even attack an election that hasn't even happened yet, and millions will support that. Millions will take the word of One Man of the courts, law enforcement and even his own staff. They are even starting to cheer candidates BECAUSE they have been arrested.

Yep, there is definitely a tilt toward American fascism these days. Good call.
None of that happened, idiot.

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