American flag now offensive in America

Jim Hoft again???

My sides are splitting. SPLITTING I tell ya.
I had the impression the US flag was deemed offensive in large parts of the US anyway, the southern states in particular.
Let all of the duped veterans, their wives, and children wave all of the flags they want. What is important is that after they've all gone home, and the removal services have cleaned up the left-over filth ....

.... the flag will be absent from the university premises - all according to a good plan and a fair decision.

Any school that refuses to fly the US flag should have any and all tax funds withheld from them.
Any school that refuses to fly the US flag should have any and all tax funds withheld from them.
Good idea. Then if the American educational system want to educate their population they might try earnest subjects and methods instead of schooled, brain-wash, American political propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation. If the only way for american schools to exist is to wave the flag and teach political lies .... then let them go abroad to get a real and meaningful education instead. Maybe then your future generations can stand up and be counted for truth and Democracy. Then you'll have something to be proud of.
Any school that refuses to fly the US flag should have any and all tax funds withheld from them.
Good idea. Then if the American educational system want to educate their population they might try earnest subjects and methods instead of schooled, brain-wash, American political propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation. If the only way for american schools to exist is to wave the flag and teach political lies .... then let them go abroad to get a real and meaningful education instead. Maybe then your future generations can stand up and be counted for truth and Democracy. Then you'll have something to be proud of.

You act as if schools in other countries don't do the same shit. They all teach their own warped version of history and politics.
Have you ever consider "nicer" immigrant? The one that actually understand that the flag means something for you and will gladly help your economy and even fight on your side when there are wars?

All I see is that white people have problems with truly problematic immigrants. They allow so many people that come in. People that arrogantly disrespect them, got hands out, and want them to bend over backward to appease them.

And they complain about it and rightfully so.

But then, when other foreigners actually build their economy, like the jews winning nobel prizes, or the indians, that actually consist of 3/4th of IT start up. Or chinese that works diligently and now are rich enough to buy many land and invest. They somehow complain either at about the same.

I am not advocating accepting anyone based on race or anything. But hei, any profiling that produces more "profitable" outcome should be fair game. It's to your best interest to use any info about an immigrant and pick somebody that makes your wallet thicker.
Instead of hating all immigrants and want them out, you should ask, what's in it for me. Hell, make them pay. Make someone pay every time they want citizenship or permanent residency. This concept that you have power and you can legitimately use that power to make yourself richer seems "strange". As if it's wrong.

How many jews many countries could have saved, if only they are opportunistic and say, cool, jews can come in if they pay some $ per head.

How many women would suck your cocks if only any rich american male can just pay $30k to your government and import such women to suck cock to american. Everybody wins. Many women live under poverty and they want good future for their children. Something men in richer countries can provide. But no..... Some women want to do some fuck deals to rich countries, boom, it's wrong. It's trafficking.

So many win win deals can be done. But somehow some strange morality code prevents that.
You act as if schools in other countries don't do the same shit. They all teach their own warped version of history and politics.
Let's be clear on this. The US is the only "western country" that teaches political propaganda (both real time and history) to the exclusion of everything else. I suppose you'd like to compare the American education with that of North Korea and then say, "Well! There! You see!" If it pleases you to note that your bulb is brighter than the weakest bulb of all .... that's up to you. But the US cannot compare itself to the educational systems of any other western nation. It is almost ridiculous to realize that most continental Europeans speak English (as a second language) better than the average American. I mean, come on, man! Get your act together. There's no excuse for that. And when it comes to Geography, History, Current events ....... there's perhaps 1 or 2 percent (shall we be generous and say 5 or even 10 percent?) of the American population that knows no more than the American propaganda version - not a balanced idea of what is really going on in the world. That also applies to what is going in the US. What do they do in American schools, hand out a crib sheet of Lies for you to use as reference:

1). Communism = Bad
2). Russia = Bad
3). Socialism = Bad
4). NATO = Good
5). America = Best
6). Democracy = Good, America has more than anybody else.
7). Freedom = Good, America has more than anybody else.
8). Europe = Ungrateful, the'y be speaking German or Russian if not for America.
9). Standard of living = Nobody has a standard of living as good as in America.
10). Hot water freezes faster.
11). Anyone who does not agree with this list is:
a. Stupid.
b. A liar.
c. An anti-American.

This is what I hear from all but a few Americans. Are there Americans who do not believe this crap? Of course. But I don't think there are many. It must be the standard of education, right? Wrong? Tell me, please. I am listening.
What is really stupid is the idiots who wave the rebel battle flag. Talk about un-American, these are the folks. They are so stupid they wave a flag that represents losing around proudly showing they are losers.
What is really stupid is the idiots who wave the rebel battle flag. Talk about un-American, these are the folks.

So for you it's more un-American to wave a rebel flag than it is to NOT wave the American flag.

Talk about stupid.

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