American History does not tell the tale of the Jewish Bolshevic butcher, Leon Trotsky.

Watch this before posting. Thanks

The New York Times was responsible for this atrocity, because of the fact they covered for the Communists.

Yet, to date, no apologies.

Thanks for pointing out Trotsky's role. Trotsky definitely deserved the Ice Pick to the head he ended up receiving.
Here is the last pic of this dreadful man. 2 years of strokes and sensory problems. Poor baby.

This man and his successors were the biggest butchers ever.

Watch this before posting. Thanks

1) Trotsky and most of his followers, on the other hand, refused to surrender and stayed the course. Trotsky was exiled to Alma Ata, Kazakhstan on 31 January 1928. He was expelled from the Soviet Union to Turkey in February 1929, accompanied by his wife Natalia Sedova and their eldest son, Lev.[109]

Holodomor - Wikipedia › wiki › Holodomor

The Holodomor (Ukrainian: "to kill by starvation") was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians.
with other words Trotsky had 0 connection to The Holodomor
Watch this before posting. Thanks

The New York Times was responsible for this atrocity, because of the fact they covered for the Communists.

Yet, to date, no apologies.

Thanks for pointing out Trotsky's role. Trotsky definitely deserved the Ice Pick to the head he ended up receiving.

from 1945 all western university camps were in the hands of commie- stalinists
Trotsky was a piece of shit, no doubt. But why would he be studied in American History?
Trotsky was a piece of shit, no doubt. But why would he be studied in American History?
Man. There is a hundred reasons why we don't..............Perhaps it is not Kosher to mention the JEWISH FAR LEFTIST systematically starved 3-5 million Ukrainian children for about a total of 10-20 million. A few million here, a few million there...who knows??? Trotsky and Company killed more Jews than Hitler could imagine.
Trotsky was a piece of shit, no doubt. But why would he be studied in American History?
Man. There is a hundred reasons why we don't..............Perhaps it is not Kosher to mention the JEWISH FAR LEFTIST systematically starved 3-5 million Ukrainian children for about a total of 10-20 million. A few million here, a few million there...who knows??? Trotsky and Company killed more Jews than Hitler could imagine.
in which year Trotsky left Ussr?
Trotsky was a piece of shit, no doubt. But why would he be studied in American History?
Man. There is a hundred reasons why we don't..............Perhaps it is not Kosher to mention the JEWISH FAR LEFTIST systematically starved 3-5 million Ukrainian children for about a total of 10-20 million. A few million here, a few million there...who knows??? Trotsky and Company killed more Jews than Hitler could imagine.
in which year Trotsky left Ussr?
I believe by 1930 he was gone. How he didn't get murdered (then) is awonder to his cunning

Bolshevics in 1919. The only proper way to deal with the Cossack is an indiscriminate policy of mass extermination No compromises or halfway measures are permissible............................Then went around 20,000 Cossack men and children. Women were total wholesale in sexual exploitation.
Lenin: The uprising of the 5 Kulak (land owners) districts should be mercilessly suppressed.

1- Hang without fail so people can see. No fewer than 100 a day
2- Publish their names.
3- Take from them all of their grain. Starvatiuon awaits the relatives.
4- Designate hostages.
Trotsky was a piece of shit, no doubt. But why would he be studied in American History?
Man. There is a hundred reasons why we don't..............Perhaps it is not Kosher to mention the JEWISH FAR LEFTIST systematically starved 3-5 million Ukrainian children for about a total of 10-20 million. A few million here, a few million there...who knows??? Trotsky and Company killed more Jews than Hitler could imagine.
in which year Trotsky left Ussr?
I believe by 1930 he was gone. How he didn't get murdered (then) is awonder to his cunning

Bolshevics in 1919. The only proper way to deal with the Cossack is an indiscriminate policy of mass extermination No compromises or halfway measures are permissible............................Then went around 20,000 Cossack men and children. Women were total wholesale in sexual exploitation.
Bolsheviks were a criminal gang , they all were butcher but for the biggest Maskal commie crime holodomor Trotsky could be hold responsible, do yo agree?

"Trotsky was removed as Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs (January 1925), removed from the Politburo (October 1926), removed from the Central Committee (October 1927), expelled from the Communist Party (November 1927), exiled to Alma–Ata (January 1928), and exiled from the Soviet Union (February 1929). As the head of the Fourth International, Trotsky continued to oppose the Stalinist bureaucracy in the Soviet Union while in exile."

Holodomor - Wikipedia › wiki › Holodomor

The Holodomor (Ukrainian: "to kill by starvation") was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians."
Lenin: The uprising of the 5 Kulak (land owners) districts should be mercilessly suppressed.

1- Hang without fail so people can see. No fewer than 100 a day
2- Publish their names.
3- Take from them all of their grain. Starvatiuon awaits the relatives.
4- Designate hostages.
Red Terror - Wikipedia › wiki › Red_Terror

The Red Terror was a period of political repression and mass killings carried out by Bolsheviks after the beginning of the Russian Civil War in 1918.
Trotsky was a piece of shit, no doubt. But why would he be studied in American History?
Man. There is a hundred reasons why we don't..............Perhaps it is not Kosher to mention the JEWISH FAR LEFTIST systematically starved 3-5 million Ukrainian children for about a total of 10-20 million. A few million here, a few million there...who knows??? Trotsky and Company killed more Jews than Hitler could imagine.
in which year Trotsky left Ussr?
I believe by 1930 he was gone. How he didn't get murdered (then) is awonder to his cunning

Bolshevics in 1919. The only proper way to deal with the Cossack is an indiscriminate policy of mass extermination No compromises or halfway measures are permissible............................Then went around 20,000 Cossack men and children. Women were total wholesale in sexual exploitation.
Bolsheviks were a criminal gang , they all were butcher but for the biggest Maskal commie crime holodomor Trotsky could be hold responsible, do yo agree?

"Trotsky was removed as Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs (January 1925), removed from the Politburo (October 1926), removed from the Central Committee (October 1927), expelled from the Communist Party (November 1927), exiled to Alma–Ata (January 1928), and exiled from the Soviet Union (February 1929). As the head of the Fourth International, Trotsky continued to oppose the Stalinist bureaucracy in the Soviet Union while in exile."

Holodomor - Wikipedia › wiki › Holodomor

The Holodomor (Ukrainian: "to kill by starvation") was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians."
You need to look who starved from 1917 to 1929.

I'm on Lenin now. Did you view the vid in the OP? Try it again
American History does not tell the tale of the Jewish Bolshevic butcher, Leon Trotsky.

Are you genuinely unaware that Leon Trotsky wasn't an American?
Was Adolph Hitler? Do we teach about Hitler in schools??...C'mon.

Maybe you don't know this. Maybe you were sick the day they taught this. But, the USA had some minor involvement in World War II. We had no involvement in the Russian Revolution of 1917.

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