american jews and the 2014 election

Sep 12, 2008
One of the things I like about the election just past was the right wing character of the winners. It is good to see.

Which brings one of the features of it in stark relief. Jews, who used to vote democratic in the 91-93% percent range have seen the percentage go down to 64%. This is the result of Obama and Israeli security. Jews by and large have the traditions of religion, of Tikkhan Olam which prevent them from even considering voting for republicans, as well as republican reputations for racism (which I think is a crock, but people have this fixation...)preventing jews even considering the republican. But this time, substantial numbers of Jews held their noses and voted republican. I am grateful for their support, but I have to admit this is short term, when we have such an anti semitic slime as POTUS and leader of the democrats.

We had republican candidates who were anathema to Jewish voters, but Obama chased them to the Republican party. And for that, 0bama, I thank you
It's possible to dislike Jews, yet remain diplomatic while fostering relations.
Obama is simply a first class piece of junk.

Besides, he's much more Arab than he is "black".
like nixon? His tapes are a weird combo of dislike of Jews, and aggressive hiring of them and respect of them
It's possible to dislike Jews, yet remain diplomatic while fostering relations.
Obama is simply a first class piece of junk.

Besides, he's much more Arab than he is "black".
Well look at the pieces of shit he had to work with.
It wasn't just some Jews that crossed over on Tuesday. Some good Democrats as well as independents and others also broke for Republicans for a variety of reasons. Also, there are various ways to interpret Democrats who stayed home this go-round. Their non-votes certainly helped the Republican wave too, whether intended or not.

The bottom line though is millions of people weren't buying the bullshit issues - war on women, anyone? - the Dems attempted to hide behind in lieu of the economy and jobs, the real staggering unemployment numbers, porous borders, the international mess Barry's gotten us into, and on and on.

So let the jerk in our White House be as defiant as he pleases his last two years and legislate by fiat all he wants. It'll just serve to alienate more people and further splinter his own party.

Hope and change. Gotta love it!
No matter how rich Jews get, most have a collective memory of being poor. This inclines them to vote Democrat. Nevertheless, Democrats should not take their votes for granted.
One of the things I like about the election just past was the right wing character of the winners. It is good to see.

Which brings one of the features of it in stark relief. Jews, who used to vote democratic in the 91-93% percent range have seen the percentage go down to 64%. This is the result of Obama and Israeli security. Jews by and large have the traditions of religion, of Tikkhan Olam which prevent them from even considering voting for republicans, as well as republican reputations for racism (which I think is a crock, but people have this fixation...)preventing jews even considering the republican. But this time, substantial numbers of Jews held their noses and voted republican. I am grateful for their support, but I have to admit this is short term, when we have such an anti semitic slime as POTUS and leader of the democrats.

We had republican candidates who were anathema to Jewish voters, but Obama chased them to the Republican party. And for that, 0bama, I thank you

Religious Jews vote conservative. Secular and reform, vote for the libs. Religious Jews have more babies, they will eventually out numbers the leftist. Tikkun Olam isn't voting in a leftist whom you think is going to heal the world for you. Leftist Jews aren't going to heal anything...they are an impediment.
One of the things I like about the election just past was the right wing character of the winners. It is good to see.

Which brings one of the features of it in stark relief. Jews, who used to vote democratic in the 91-93% percent range have seen the percentage go down to 64%. This is the result of Obama and Israeli security. Jews by and large have the traditions of religion, of Tikkhan Olam which prevent them from even considering voting for republicans, as well as republican reputations for racism (which I think is a crock, but people have this fixation...)preventing jews even considering the republican. But this time, substantial numbers of Jews held their noses and voted republican. I am grateful for their support, but I have to admit this is short term, when we have such an anti semitic slime as POTUS and leader of the democrats.

We had republican candidates who were anathema to Jewish voters, but Obama chased them to the Republican party. And for that, 0bama, I thank you

69% of Jews voted Democratic in the 2014 midterm elections
by: Rebecc
Despite strong Republican victories across the country, 69 percent of American Jews polled in the J Street survey said that they voted for Democratic congressional candidates over 28 percent for Republican candidates.

The Republican Jewish Coalition, however, cited exit polls that itsaid show that Republicans are getting increasing support among Jewish voters, while the Jewish community’s support for Democrats continues to erode. The difference between the two sets of data was not large – the Republican Jewish Coalition reported that 33% of Jewish voters gave their support to Republicans, with 65% going to Democrats – but if the RJC polling data was more accurate, it would mark a low for Jewish support for Democrats unseen since the Reagan era.
a Shimoni Stoil
on November 7th, 2014 | 1 Comment »

Editor’s Note:

In this week’s elections, the majority of Jews once again voted for candidates advocating more progressive economic policies (higher taxes and more government support for the poor) – 69 percent according to one poll, 65 percent according to another.

Your entire premise is stupid.
Thanks for playing.
One of the things I like about the election just past was the right wing character of the winners. It is good to see.

Which brings one of the features of it in stark relief. Jews, who used to vote democratic in the 91-93% percent range have seen the percentage go down to 64%. This is the result of Obama and Israeli security. Jews by and large have the traditions of religion, of Tikkhan Olam which prevent them from even considering voting for republicans, as well as republican reputations for racism (which I think is a crock, but people have this fixation...)preventing jews even considering the republican. But this time, substantial numbers of Jews held their noses and voted republican. I am grateful for their support, but I have to admit this is short term, when we have such an anti semitic slime as POTUS and leader of the democrats.

We had republican candidates who were anathema to Jewish voters, but Obama chased them to the Republican party. And for that, 0bama, I thank you

69% of Jews voted Democratic in the 2014 midterm elections
by: Rebecc
Despite strong Republican victories across the country, 69 percent of American Jews polled in the J Street survey said that they voted for Democratic congressional candidates over 28 percent for Republican candidates.

The Republican Jewish Coalition, however, cited exit polls that itsaid show that Republicans are getting increasing support among Jewish voters, while the Jewish community’s support for Democrats continues to erode. The difference between the two sets of data was not large – the Republican Jewish Coalition reported that 33% of Jewish voters gave their support to Republicans, with 65% going to Democrats – but if the RJC polling data was more accurate, it would mark a low for Jewish support for Democrats unseen since the Reagan era.
a Shimoni Stoil on November 7th, 2014 | 1 Comment »

Editor’s Note:

In this week’s elections, the majority of Jews once again voted for candidates advocating more progressive economic policies (higher taxes and more government support for the poor) – 69 percent according to one poll, 65 percent according to another.

Your entire premise is stupid.
Thanks for playing.

Jstreet is a leftist organization their poll is probably a little skewed..Doesnt change my point at all though "Einstein"

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