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American journalism has become a freight train for the state.

...We don't have a free press. The media is tightly managed by the deep state and the radical internationist left.
The Left manages Fox News, the Christian Network, Breitbart, Blaze and other such rags? Well waddya know... ya learns sumfin new every day!

Fox is pretty far left.

Breitbart is about the only legitimate source of journalism in America. But notice how scumbag pigs like you attack.

So, one news organization did an investigation on the detention of migrant children in cages in 2014. Another psuedo news organization spiked the story because they wanted to protect the administration they served. 4 years later they took the same story, lied that it was current so they could attack the current administration.

Yet America is supposed view the psuedo news of the antisemitic NY Times as legitimate and call Breitbart a "rag?"

Are you fucking kidding?
Calm down, Sparky... I think that MSNBC, the NYT, WashPo, HuffPo, and even CNN are 24x7 TrumpTrolling platforms.

I also think that the goddamned Left wing of the Lamestream media is as-bad or even worse than the goddamned Right wing.

There... does that make me a little bit less of a 'scumbag pig'?

In your highly partisan Right-wing Kool-Aid -drinking universe, anyway?
...Biden, Kerry, and Obama are dirty...
Quite possibly; however, they don't hold a candle to your Robber Baron.

...But the real story is how the filthy fascist press has ACTIVELY HIDDEN the corruption for over a decade.
This, my fellow Americans, is the kind of true fascist mindset that we, as free Americans, should guard against.


"The price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance."

"...against all enemies, foreign
and domestic..."
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Journalism in the US is at a dangerous crossroads. The contemporary Fourth Estate began going south in earnest as far back as 2004 when CBS news anchor Dan Rather was so consumed with a rabid hatred of then president GW Bush that he failed to authenticate falsified documents about Bush’s National Guard service.

Rather presented the phony documents on the CBS news program 60 Minutes aimed to smear Bush just before the presidential election. The disgraced news anchor was sent packing for insulting the intelligence of his viewers and embarrassing CBS with his delusions.

Unfortunately for Rather, the internet was well established by then and the fraud was quickly exposed. But “Derangement syndrome” has entered the national lexicon and in the ensuing fifteen years the intelligence of millions of Americans has been lowered to unprecedented levels while corrupted national media is bent, folded and mutilated to encourage people to ignore what they see and listen to what they’re told to feel.

As journalism in the US makes a dark shift from actual democratic, unbiased news gathering to Soviet-style, Deep-State propaganda dispensation, it’s obvious that the mission is to sink the observational intellect of the American people in much the same way it was in the former Soviet Union and remains in the Russian state.

While millions of Americans were still swooning over sycophantic journalistic praise of Barack Obama’s Cracker-Jacks-box birth certificate, his Deep-State operatives along with crooked national security agencies went all out in an underhanded coup attempt of an incoming president using bogus information from a foreign source (Christopher Steele) with falsified and unverified FISA Warrants. In the decades following Rather, journalism got worse.

The collective intelligence of the US population has dropped to such pathetic levels that today many cannot comprehend the basic precepts of the Electoral College. Cement dwelling urban populations could soon dictate centrally planned leadership to all the corners of the country.

The Orwellian practice of manipulating language to steer thought is well underway and journalism in the US has supplanted its purpose from a voice for the people to a propaganda freight train for the state. Trump’s election exposed this is all its glory; he threatens the state.

American journalism no longer functions to inform; it operates to control. The people are getting dumber and we are headed for a real mess because many can barely read the lines not between them.
I don't think the majority of people are getting dumber. I dare say most in China don't believe gov media except their own idiots. But in a free press sometimes the only choice is to let it run its course.

We don't have a free press.

The media is tightly managed by the deep state and the radical internationist left.

I've been saying similar for years here at USMB.
Thank God people are finally noticing that real journalism is dead in the U.S..
And has been for many years.
...We don't have a free press. The media is tightly managed by the deep state and the radical internationist left.
The Left manages Fox News, the Christian Network, Breitbart, Blaze and other such rags? Well waddya know... ya learns sumfin new every day!

Fox is pretty far left.

Breitbart is about the only legitimate source of journalism in America. But notice how scumbag pigs like you attack.

So, one news organization did an investigation on the detention of migrant children in cages in 2014. Another psuedo news organization spiked the story because they wanted to protect the administration they served. 4 years later they took the same story, lied that it was current so they could attack the current administration.

Yet America is supposed view the psuedo news of the antisemitic NY Times as legitimate and call Breitbart a "rag?"

Are you fucking kidding?
Calm down, Sparky... I think that MSNBC, the NYT, WashPo, HuffPo, and even CNN are 24x7 TrumpTrolling platforms.

I also think that the goddamned Left wing of the Lamestream media is as-bad or even worse than the goddamned Right wing.

There... does that make me a little bit less of a 'scumbag pig'?

In your highly partisan Right-wing Kool-Aid -drinking universe, anyway?

Bottom line, I know of ONE source of news that I have never caught lying, that is Breitbart.
Cement dwelling urban populations could soon dictate centrally planned leadership to all the corners of the country.
God forbid the majority of people in a country get a say in its future
You can have a say in social programming and terms of services if you pay for it. Not expect other taxpayers to fund it without their consent by excluding their representation and objections. If the Catholic Church is expected to pay for their pro-Christian schools, social charities and right to life programs by voluntary donations and participation by free choice, so should Democrats who believe in Socialism and right to healthcare pay for their own Political religion and beliefs, not force that on others by govt requirement which violates the First Amendment.
...Biden, Kerry, and Obama are dirty...
Quite possibly; however, they don't hold a candle to your Robber Baron.

...But the real story is how the filthy fascist press has ACTIVELY HIDDEN the corruption for over a decade.
This, my fellow Americans, is the kind of true fascist mindset that we, as free Americans, should guard against.


"The price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance."

"...against all enemies, foreign
and domestic..."

Dear Kondor3
Instead of comparing which corruption is worse from which Party,
why not unite ALL taxpayers to go after collecting back on ALL corruption?
Regardless which case is worse than others?

Shall we make a laundry list, then start pitching in money to hire lawyers
to go after collections on a "contigency" basis.

Let's see:
* How much for contested war contracts under Bush?
In the TRILLIONS? that at least half the nation contested and did not consent to pay taxes to support
* An estimated $1.6 billion in corporate bailouts of failed S&L junk bonds
plus interest in a SINGLE case of MAXXAM corporation alone in a hostile
takeover of Pacific Lumber in California
* $535 million under Obama for the bad loan to SOLYNDRA
* More contested corporate payouts under Obama's ACA (later ruled by Courts to be unauthorized) in the Billions or Trillions, including $24 billion min. cost to taxpayers for the federal govt shutdown due to this unconstitutional fiasco

Instead of dividing and competing to deny wrongdoing by one party over another, if Taxpayers UNITED and demanded reimbursement for any and all contested legislation that can be argued as UNCONSTITUTIONAL, the credits we are owed can reverse large portions of the debt being assessed "against us" and be counted for financing the reforms, including jobs and educational internships to FIX these problems.

We could easily pay for the work to set up Health Care Coops more cost-effective and sustainable than the federal exchanges contested under ACA.

And convert the VA and prisons into sustainable teaching hospitals where the cost of medical education to train more doctors and nurses is offset by service residencies and internships in public health.

Sanders proposed making a democratized banking system using the post offices; and we could also renovate public schools and public housing to train citizens in mandatory military or medical service in order to qualify for paid benefits through govt.

Any of that would be more cost-effective, and the reform work needed to convert systems over and set up/democratize access and services per district and state could be financed by re-assessing how much of the national debt is actually credits OWED to taxpayers from corporate and govt corruption, waste, abuse and violations that we can argue weren't authorized Constitutionally and not our damages to pay for.

if the wrongdoers aren't able to pay the cost of their abuses, why not sue and hold the political parties responsible for paying back taxpayers, based on the argument that the abuse of party constitutes "conspiracy to violate civil rights" of the public by fraud and abridging our rights to Constitutional govt protections and policies.

Wouldn't we be better to go after ALL parties for their combined corruption, instead of fighting where the wrongdoers keep getting away with more and more?
...Biden, Kerry, and Obama are dirty...
Quite possibly; however, they don't hold a candle to your Robber Baron.

...But the real story is how the filthy fascist press has ACTIVELY HIDDEN the corruption for over a decade.
This, my fellow Americans, is the kind of true fascist mindset that we, as free Americans, should guard against.


"The price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance."

"...against all enemies, foreign
and domestic..."

Dear Kondor3
Instead of comparing which corruption is worse from which Party,
why not unite ALL taxpayers to go after collecting back on ALL corruption?
Regardless which case is worse than others?

Shall we make a laundry list, then start pitching in money to hire lawyers
to go after collections on a "contigency" basis.

Let's see:
* How much for contested war contracts under Bush?
In the TRILLIONS? that at least half the nation contested and did not consent to pay taxes to support
* An estimated $1.6 billion in corporate bailouts of failed S&L junk bonds
plus interest in a SINGLE case of MAXXAM corporation alone in a hostile
takeover of Pacific Lumber in California
* $535 million under Obama for the bad loan to SOLYNDRA
* More contested corporate payouts under Obama's ACA (later ruled by Courts to be unauthorized) in the Billions or Trillions, including $24 billion min. cost to taxpayers for the federal govt shutdown due to this unconstitutional fiasco

Instead of dividing and competing to deny wrongdoing by one party over another, if Taxpayers UNITED and demanded reimbursement for any and all contested legislation that can be argued as UNCONSTITUTIONAL, the credits we are owed can reverse large portions of the debt being assessed "against us" and be counted for financing the reforms, including jobs and educational internships to FIX these problems.

We could easily pay for the work to set up Health Care Coops more cost-effective and sustainable than the federal exchanges contested under ACA.

And convert the VA and prisons into sustainable teaching hospitals where the cost of medical education to train more doctors and nurses is offset by service residencies and internships in public health.

Sanders proposed making a democratized banking system using the post offices; and we could also renovate public schools and public housing to train citizens in mandatory military or medical service in order to qualify for paid benefits through govt.

Any of that would be more cost-effective, and the reform work needed to convert systems over and set up/democratize access and services per district and state could be financed by re-assessing how much of the national debt is actually credits OWED to taxpayers from corporate and govt corruption, waste, abuse and violations that we can argue weren't authorized Constitutionally and not our damages to pay for.

if the wrongdoers aren't able to pay the cost of their abuses, why not sue and hold the political parties responsible for paying back taxpayers, based on the argument that the abuse of party constitutes "conspiracy to violate civil rights" of the public by fraud and abridging our rights to Constitutional govt protections and policies.

Wouldn't we be better to go after ALL parties for their combined corruption, instead of fighting where the wrongdoers keep getting away with more and more?
We are on the same page with respect to multi-party accountability.

You just happened to catch me bitch-slapping a Pub-centric load of horse manure... I do it to the Dems all the time around here, too.
...Biden, Kerry, and Obama are dirty...
Quite possibly; however, they don't hold a candle to your Robber Baron.

...But the real story is how the filthy fascist press has ACTIVELY HIDDEN the corruption for over a decade.
This, my fellow Americans, is the kind of true fascist mindset that we, as free Americans, should guard against.


"The price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance."

"...against all enemies, foreign
and domestic..."

Are you off your meds again, sploogy?

Tell me dumbfuck, is lying to the American people for the party the meaning of a "free press?"

I get that you're stupid, it's why you're a Communist. But if you weren't stupid as a stump, this might explain a lot to you.

...Biden, Kerry, and Obama are dirty...
Quite possibly; however, they don't hold a candle to your Robber Baron.

...But the real story is how the filthy fascist press has ACTIVELY HIDDEN the corruption for over a decade.
This, my fellow Americans, is the kind of true fascist mindset that we, as free Americans, should guard against.


"The price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance."

"...against all enemies, foreign
and domestic..."

Are you off your meds again, sploogy?

Tell me dumbfuck, is lying to the American people for the party the meaning of a "free press?"

I get that you're stupid, it's why you're a Communist. But if you weren't stupid as a stump, this might explain a lot to you.

Your Honor... the Prosecution rests. :21:
...Biden, Kerry, and Obama are dirty...
Quite possibly; however, they don't hold a candle to your Robber Baron.

...But the real story is how the filthy fascist press has ACTIVELY HIDDEN the corruption for over a decade.
This, my fellow Americans, is the kind of true fascist mindset that we, as free Americans, should guard against.


"The price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance."

"...against all enemies, foreign
and domestic..."

Dear Kondor3
Instead of comparing which corruption is worse from which Party,
why not unite ALL taxpayers to go after collecting back on ALL corruption?
Regardless which case is worse than others?

Shall we make a laundry list, then start pitching in money to hire lawyers
to go after collections on a "contigency" basis.

Let's see:
* How much for contested war contracts under Bush?
In the TRILLIONS? that at least half the nation contested and did not consent to pay taxes to support
* An estimated $1.6 billion in corporate bailouts of failed S&L junk bonds
plus interest in a SINGLE case of MAXXAM corporation alone in a hostile
takeover of Pacific Lumber in California
* $535 million under Obama for the bad loan to SOLYNDRA
* More contested corporate payouts under Obama's ACA (later ruled by Courts to be unauthorized) in the Billions or Trillions, including $24 billion min. cost to taxpayers for the federal govt shutdown due to this unconstitutional fiasco

Instead of dividing and competing to deny wrongdoing by one party over another, if Taxpayers UNITED and demanded reimbursement for any and all contested legislation that can be argued as UNCONSTITUTIONAL, the credits we are owed can reverse large portions of the debt being assessed "against us" and be counted for financing the reforms, including jobs and educational internships to FIX these problems.

We could easily pay for the work to set up Health Care Coops more cost-effective and sustainable than the federal exchanges contested under ACA.

And convert the VA and prisons into sustainable teaching hospitals where the cost of medical education to train more doctors and nurses is offset by service residencies and internships in public health.

Sanders proposed making a democratized banking system using the post offices; and we could also renovate public schools and public housing to train citizens in mandatory military or medical service in order to qualify for paid benefits through govt.

Any of that would be more cost-effective, and the reform work needed to convert systems over and set up/democratize access and services per district and state could be financed by re-assessing how much of the national debt is actually credits OWED to taxpayers from corporate and govt corruption, waste, abuse and violations that we can argue weren't authorized Constitutionally and not our damages to pay for.

if the wrongdoers aren't able to pay the cost of their abuses, why not sue and hold the political parties responsible for paying back taxpayers, based on the argument that the abuse of party constitutes "conspiracy to violate civil rights" of the public by fraud and abridging our rights to Constitutional govt protections and policies.

Wouldn't we be better to go after ALL parties for their combined corruption, instead of fighting where the wrongdoers keep getting away with more and more?
We are on the same page with respect to multi-party accountability.

You just happened to catch me bitch-slapping a Pub-centric load of horse manure... I do it to the Dems all the time around here, too.

So, you're idea of "bitch slapping" is to call me a fascist rather than refute my factual statement that our corrupt press is in fact fascist. Of course you CAN'T refute me, what I say is irrefutable. But you LACK the intellect to even challenge what I stated. You are a mouth breathing Marxist with the intellectual depth of a kleenex.
...Biden, Kerry, and Obama are dirty...
Quite possibly; however, they don't hold a candle to your Robber Baron.

...But the real story is how the filthy fascist press has ACTIVELY HIDDEN the corruption for over a decade.
This, my fellow Americans, is the kind of true fascist mindset that we, as free Americans, should guard against.


"The price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance."

"...against all enemies, foreign
and domestic..."

Are you off your meds again, sploogy?

Tell me dumbfuck, is lying to the American people for the party the meaning of a "free press?"

I get that you're stupid, it's why you're a Communist. But if you weren't stupid as a stump, this might explain a lot to you.

Your Honor... the Prosecution rests. :21:


What a dumbfuck.

I get it, you have the intellect of a cat turd, but you're less pleasant to be around.

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