American Keg Company Announces Layoffs Due to Trump Tariffs

Dumbass Harley doesn’t learn from history.
Look up Hoover/ tariffs.
The WSJ is and always has been a conservative publication but as with most conservative web sites even they are running as fast as they can away from this lunatic president. Supporting him makes them lose all credibility.
They oppose Trump because they are old-fashioned conservatives (Globalists), which now in 2018, is in alliance with globalist liberals (Obama, Hillary, etc). As such, they have morphed into a left-wing newspaper, just like their fake news polls that they do in conjunction with NBC News.
Dumbass Harley doesn’t learn from history.
Look up Hoover/ tariffs.
Good grief man. Try too look smart at least a little. Hoover didn't have thousands of US companies having moved to China, Mexico, Bengladesh, etc, because of unfair trade, and huge corporate tax imbalances. No, no need to look up Hoover/tariffs.

Actually, if you wish to look up past presidents and tariffs, you can look them up for 150 years of US presidents and their tariffs, when America was great, and not being pissed on by hell-hole nations all over the world.
CEO is actually calling for more tariffs LOL
Bedwetters narrative crumbles like a dry cookie :lol:
“I worry about the people here,” American Keg owner Scott Bentley told CBC News following Trump’s announcement.
A CNN Report estimates that overall American job losses from the tariffs could range from 90,000 to 150,000.
CNN reports? Got a REAL better source?
The fiercely anti-protectionist Wall Street Journal will look for any negative result of tariffs to publicize. As has been explained, yes, when you raise tariffs, some sectors will be adversely impacted, but other sectors will benefit and the country will be better off overall.

American Keg's CEO actually says that Trump was right to raise the tariff on steel:

I think when the tariffs came out, it was probably a good idea. I'm sure the steel industry needs some protection but there are some unintended consequences for companies such as us that have competition that make imports. And on the U.S. side, our costs for domestic steel is going to increase because of these tariffs. As the import steel goes up in cost so does the domestic steel. (The last American keg company says tariffs come with unintended consequences)​
The WSJ is and always has been a conservative publication but as with most conservative web sites even they are running as fast as they can away from this lunatic president. Supporting him makes them lose all credibility.
The Globalist WSJ hates Pro American Trump.
About 30 workers? Wow. How many people in the mining industry did Hillary vow to put on welfare? Maybe if we could convince rich drunken college frat boys to use only American kegs.
Dumbass Harley doesn’t learn from history.
Look up Hoover/ tariffs.

More globalist propaganda. The Hoover tariff (the Smoot-Hawley Tariff) was minimal and did not contribute to the Great Depression. The Fordney-McCumber Tariff of 1922 raised tariff rates by a much larger amount, and that tariff was followed by six years of robust economic growth. High tariffs do not cause recessions. Recessions happened every now and then when we had high tariffs, but they did not cause them, and those recessions were sandwiched between long periods of economic growth.

Case for High Tariffs

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