American Kids Far Behind Slovenia, Vietnam in Science and Math


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
This has been a steady decline since about the 70s. Declining school budgets, teacher tenure systems makes it impossible to fire bad teachers,

"Teacher fired after giving zeros to students who didn't turn in assignments"

The latest ranking of top countries in math, reading, and science is out — and the US didn't crack the top 10

Yea! But they're American kids ... who needs anything else?

LOL yea American kids who'll be working at Walmart while the sweet jobs go to the H-1B visas.
This has been a steady decline since about the 70s. Declining school budgets, teacher tenure systems makes it impossible to fire bad teachers,

"Teacher fired after giving zeros to students who didn't turn in assignments"

The latest ranking of top countries in math, reading, and science is out — and the US didn't crack the top 10


The US is moving towards becoming some sort of religious country like Iran, where learning real stuff is frowned upon and learning made up shit is considered good.
More teacher bashers. If you don't like th I vs then quit your job and give up decent pay and teach. Show the nation how itsdone. We are sure you can fix it quick. Especially the nasty disruptive kids who have to take the test but simply chose to bomb the test. Make them brain surgeons.
It's the decline of our society as a whole. You know, parents on drugs and alcohol, single parent families, no discipline to kids at home or school, no respect from kids, kids on mind-numbing "attention disorder" drugs, no more "readin', writin', 'rithmatic" - just tablets and iPads, leftist media preaching entitlement and disrespect, and on and on.
This has been a steady decline since about the 70s. Declining school budgets, teacher tenure systems makes it impossible to fire bad teachers,

"Teacher fired after giving zeros to students who didn't turn in assignments"

The latest ranking of top countries in math, reading, and science is out — and the US didn't crack the top 10


The US is moving towards becoming some sort of religious country like Iran, where learning real stuff is frowned upon and learning made up shit is considered good.
That's what did Islamic countries in in the Middle the end of their Golden Age.
This has been a steady decline since about the 70s. Declining school budgets, teacher tenure systems makes it impossible to fire bad teachers,

"Teacher fired after giving zeros to students who didn't turn in assignments"

The latest ranking of top countries in math, reading, and science is out — and the US didn't crack the top 10


The US is moving towards becoming some sort of religious country like Iran, where learning real stuff is frowned upon and learning made up shit is considered good.

I'm sorry, thats absolutely ridiculous. Churches are pretty much empty today in comparison to 20 years ago and earlier. We are quickly becoming more secular.
This has been a steady decline since about the 70s. Declining school budgets, teacher tenure systems makes it impossible to fire bad teachers,

"Teacher fired after giving zeros to students who didn't turn in assignments"

The latest ranking of top countries in math, reading, and science is out — and the US didn't crack the top 10


The US is moving towards becoming some sort of religious country like Iran, where learning real stuff is frowned upon and learning made up shit is considered good.
Iran is a bad choice. I've heard they have about a 94% higher education rate. N Korea and the religion of KJ Un would be a better model.
It's the decline of our society as a whole. You know, parents on drugs and alcohol, single parent families, no discipline to kids at home or school, no respect from kids, kids on mind-numbing "attention disorder" drugs, no more "readin', writin', 'rithmatic" - just tablets and iPads, leftist media preaching entitlement and disrespect, and on and on.
Anybody ever hear of Dr. Spock? Before the 70's kids learned education at school. Now teachers are little more than baby sitters teaching everything from table manners to deportment to all kinds of things that used to be taught in the home by responsible parents.
Wait a minute..Leftist media preaching disrespect? Who is it that is discrediting American institutions such as the FBI, CIA, NSA, a DOJ that protects the Constitution rather than the CIC? You mean playing those clips of whatshizname himself tweeting and telling cheering crowds the FBI and DOJ leadership is subversive and out to 'get' him is preaching disrespect?
Ha ha Common Core. If you can't write in cursive you can't effectively take notes at a town hall meeting unless you lug your laptop everywhere, if you can afford one. Deliberately designed to remove the tools of citizenship and produce a nation of ignorant slaves.
We stopped teaching our children and Common Cored them instead. A UN inspired, Obama implemented education, complete with Allah is God, and learning Aramaic. It originated in Saudi Arabia. We are actually paying dearly to send our children to indoctrination centers.
Our children are being taught how to protest instead of how to write or add 2+2. They graduate as progressive morons with worthless degrees and in debt for years to come. We need a complete overhaul...
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